Holy sweet Bazinga this is so much cute and awesomeness I never dreamt would happen!
Marshmallowtwirl made this for me; I love it so much!
Marshmallowtwirl made this for me; I love it so much!
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 3000 x 1831px
File Size 802.8 kB
One can feel the diabetes spread like wildfire D'X It's 2 koot I think i'mma asplode! 3'X <333
Oh I'll say! ;/3 I should be on you more often! *wink wink nudge nudge~* <333
XD I just realised he was destroying a little block city too x3 Cheeky pups~
See? D/: We're as viscous as dwaggies! But stuck in smaller, fuzzier, squishier bodies q//q
Just as vicious but extra cuddly o: And not as equipped for ferocity x3
At least delicious dwaggies make up for our lack of ferocity ^/3/^ hehe <3
Deliciousness = ferocity? Gotcha :D *rolls around in chocolate to be extra fierce*
Our logic ish best logic!!! *licks you all over to make sure you're super delicious <3*
Awooo D/: *flails a little and ish trapped qwq* .. this is okay~<3 *clings n' snugs l3*