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Bronze-painting commission for zerothehusky. I used a stock photo from cgtextures.com to make a simple background for this, I think it really adds to the sequence (and I've got a couple more commissions like this in my list, so I think I'll do it for them too :3)
Character © zerothehusky
Bronze-painting commission for zerothehusky. I used a stock photo from cgtextures.com to make a simple background for this, I think it really adds to the sequence (and I've got a couple more commissions like this in my list, so I think I'll do it for them too :3)
Character © zerothehusky
Category Artwork (Digital) / Transformation
Species Husky
Gender Male
Size 1865 x 700px
File Size 283.3 kB
Listed in Folders
Heh, thank you! Shoot me an email and I'll tell you how much this cost (some clients may not want that information shared with the whole internetz, I don't wanna step on anyone's toes!) - [email protected].
That last page I can just hear him saying "Clothes are for squares!"
Never been one for TF art, but I can say, this is precisely what I feel like when a tennis ball bounces by me. Must... chase... and chew to bits...
A TF sequence that isn't painful or sex related! W00t!
Lovely done!
Lovely done!
I found that Ermine's TFs are never painful, something refreshing. (though many are sex related, not all are, the two long comics proof of this)
True true. Anything without the 'oh god! rip, tear, how could this happen, why me' atmosphere really. But it's nice to see it without sex as well. Just fun and silly and happy.
This is why you don't pick up random tennis balls in the dog park. ;)
OH MY GOD!~ I just got home from work to see this?!
I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much Ermine! ;U;
I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much Ermine! ;U;
First panel: "Play Ball!" Last panel: "Ball? PLAY!" :)
I like the clearer sense of time flow here - full transformation in the time it took for that ball to drop to the ground.
I like the clearer sense of time flow here - full transformation in the time it took for that ball to drop to the ground.