A lot of folks will probably already have heard me talk about California Proposition 8, either in my last image, or in the journal entry that's now linking to everyone else's contributions to spreading awareness about this cause.
California Proposition 8 is a ballot initiative in the upcoming November 4th election that will strip the rights of same-sex couples to marry. Same-sex marriage has been legal in California since July -- this proposition, if it passes, will amend the California state constitution to include the phrase, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
Same-sex couples are just a simple majority vote (ie, 50% of votes) away from losing their right to marry the person they love. I urge everyone who is able to get to the voting booths this November and protect gays' and lesbians' equality by voting NO on Proposition 8.
If you are not:
A) 18 years of age or older,
B) an American citizen, or
C) located in California
then you can't join in voting down Proposition 8. That doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you! What happens in California this November will be a powerful precedent one way or the other, and folks all over the country and beyond will feel the decision's results. If you're not able to cast your vote against Prop 8 this November, you can donate time or money to any number of advocacy groups that are helping to fight it.
I know everyone here on FA is broke, but no donation is too small. Barring that, talk to all your friends! Get the buzz going that this is something that's being decided, and that we all need to do our part to ensure equality wins out come November 4th. If you have friends or family in California, pass this message along!
Thanks, guys <3
California Proposition 8 is a ballot initiative in the upcoming November 4th election that will strip the rights of same-sex couples to marry. Same-sex marriage has been legal in California since July -- this proposition, if it passes, will amend the California state constitution to include the phrase, "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."
Same-sex couples are just a simple majority vote (ie, 50% of votes) away from losing their right to marry the person they love. I urge everyone who is able to get to the voting booths this November and protect gays' and lesbians' equality by voting NO on Proposition 8.
If you are not:
A) 18 years of age or older,
B) an American citizen, or
C) located in California
then you can't join in voting down Proposition 8. That doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you! What happens in California this November will be a powerful precedent one way or the other, and folks all over the country and beyond will feel the decision's results. If you're not able to cast your vote against Prop 8 this November, you can donate time or money to any number of advocacy groups that are helping to fight it.
I know everyone here on FA is broke, but no donation is too small. Barring that, talk to all your friends! Get the buzz going that this is something that's being decided, and that we all need to do our part to ensure equality wins out come November 4th. If you have friends or family in California, pass this message along!
Thanks, guys <3
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Vulpine (Other)
Gender Male
Size 778 x 835px
File Size 271.8 kB
I wish I was in Cali, just so my vote WOULD count. NO FOR PROP 8!!!!!!! *Battlecries and kicks the proposition*
Thanks for the moral support, and you can still help spread the word ^_-
While I can't really get involved in the politics side of things, I think the art is lovely and very meaningful. Great use of composition and symbolism!
Thanks. I wanted to push diversity and maybe question a few assumptions ^_^
Haha, thanks ^_^ As it turns out, it's easy to sit down and make art when it's for something you care about.
Aww.... this is ultra-cute :D
We need more ads like this! Imagine what that would do for public image! The opposition has been descrying everything, and trying to use children -- unsuccessfully, it seems -- to try to show their side. Well, what if we showed our side, with happy, smiling couples?
I can hear the tagline now: "Love is Where the Heart Is; Vote NO on Prop 8 and Help Keep Love Alive."
We need more ads like this! Imagine what that would do for public image! The opposition has been descrying everything, and trying to use children -- unsuccessfully, it seems -- to try to show their side. Well, what if we showed our side, with happy, smiling couples?
I can hear the tagline now: "Love is Where the Heart Is; Vote NO on Prop 8 and Help Keep Love Alive."
Unfortunately, for a lot of the opponents to same-sex marriage, just seeing happy gay couples is enough to squick them out. Just being reminded that homosexuality exists in the world is enough to upset some folks, I'm afraid.
All the more reason to make sure they don't get to alter the law of the land come November ^_^
All the more reason to make sure they don't get to alter the law of the land come November ^_^
Aww... and here I was hoping that we would deeply trouble so many of them, they would be too distraught to make it out to vote! XD
Also, this lady just made my day: Senator Feinstein
Also, this lady just made my day: Senator Feinstein
Stupid Maine has made it illegal. :(
Gays/lesbians go to Massachusetts to get married. I wonder when this issue will come up again here for public vote.
Great promo image. This is an important time for everyone to make there voices heard. In this case MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE Cali!!! I know I would if I were there. All the support to you.
PS, major props for the heavy rabbit. ;)
Gays/lesbians go to Massachusetts to get married. I wonder when this issue will come up again here for public vote.
Great promo image. This is an important time for everyone to make there voices heard. In this case MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE Cali!!! I know I would if I were there. All the support to you.
PS, major props for the heavy rabbit. ;)
Thanks kindly for the support! I know this election is seeing same-sex marriage ban ballot measures in at least three states. I'm hopeful that California will vote down Prop 8, but I think Arizona and Florida may have a tougher time of it. These things are cyclical, though, so it's only a matter of time in the banned states until a ballot initiative to un-ban same-sex marriage comes up. Good luck holding out till then <3
And thanks ^_^ I did my muscly angry piece, which helped vent a lot of the frustration I was feeling on the issue. Tonight, I wanted to focus on what actually matters here -- these couples and the love they share. So, having done a muscly guy before, I wanted to do a skinny little thing and a big tubby lunk. At that point, I figured why not also mess with predator-prey lines while I was at it ^_^
And thanks ^_^ I did my muscly angry piece, which helped vent a lot of the frustration I was feeling on the issue. Tonight, I wanted to focus on what actually matters here -- these couples and the love they share. So, having done a muscly guy before, I wanted to do a skinny little thing and a big tubby lunk. At that point, I figured why not also mess with predator-prey lines while I was at it ^_^
Not for long, unless we vote down Prop 8 @_@
The republicans want to straighten every fox, Riko. By hand, if necessary.
The republicans want to straighten every fox, Riko. By hand, if necessary.
Nov 5th, there will be no gay foxes evar.
and a sorry, sad gay badger D:
and a sorry, sad gay badger D:
WHAT?! NOoooooo!!! well.. if I can't be a gay fox, can I still be your houseboy?
well.. we're in high water now with this prop 8 shenanigans.. does that mean hell's next?
Wonderful ^_^ Now to convince all your friends and family to do the same!
Also, and I realize that I was the one asking to keep presidential politics for another forum, but for your consideration: I was just over at www.noonprop8.com, and I noticed the Senator Obama has publically endorsed the NO on 8 campaign, going on the record saying that Proposition 8 is, "divisive and discriminatory."
It appears he is in full support of Californians maintaining their same-sex marriage rights. I thought you might be curious ^_^
Also, and I realize that I was the one asking to keep presidential politics for another forum, but for your consideration: I was just over at www.noonprop8.com, and I noticed the Senator Obama has publically endorsed the NO on 8 campaign, going on the record saying that Proposition 8 is, "divisive and discriminatory."
It appears he is in full support of Californians maintaining their same-sex marriage rights. I thought you might be curious ^_^
I'd vote NO if I could, but I don't live in Calif. Couldn't see myself living in California either. The government seems far too law-crazed and liberal for me. Then again, a lot of things are too liberal for me. :P
At least they're giving you a fighting chance to stop your rights from being lost.
At least they're giving you a fighting chance to stop your rights from being lost.
The state's population is really quite balanced in terms of the liberal-conservative split, which I think is very much visible in the neck and neck struggle to get Proposition 8 struck down here.
I obviously don't know what your political views are, but I've known the people of my city to be nothing but nice and tolerant towards every visitor -- it's what charmed me so much when I was a tourist here myself ^_^
I obviously don't know what your political views are, but I've known the people of my city to be nothing but nice and tolerant towards every visitor -- it's what charmed me so much when I was a tourist here myself ^_^
I'm off in England, but even here in my University, there are collections for an American advocacy group.
Cool picture, politics aside. Love the size difference :)
Cool picture, politics aside. Love the size difference :)
I'm gonna make a youtube video to raise awareness of this issue, I have a friend in California who recently got married, it'd be a fucking tradgedy if it was annuled before the ink is even dry yet.
Yeah, the whole retroactive annulment thing isn't a fait accompli, even if 8 does pass, and there is substantial legal footing to keep those marriages intact, so hopefully your friends' marriage won't actually be altered in any way because of this decision. That said, this would deny every gay person in the state a fundamental civil right, which would totally be a tragedy >_<
Let me know when you've posted the youtube video!
Let me know when you've posted the youtube video!
Now you get to go convince other people to do the same! You've done your part, but the fight's not over for another week, tiger <3
I'll do what I can, but it seems like everyone around here is already deadset on voting No as it is.
"Oh, where do you live?"
*completely straight-faced* Why, San Francisco of course.
OK, that was a bit out of line, but it's still true. And it is true that everyone I know is voting No (heck, even my parents sent me an email reminding me to vote No). But I shall continue to do my best to spread the word on this
"Oh, where do you live?"
*completely straight-faced* Why, San Francisco of course.
OK, that was a bit out of line, but it's still true. And it is true that everyone I know is voting No (heck, even my parents sent me an email reminding me to vote No). But I shall continue to do my best to spread the word on this
Hey, I live in San Francisco (of course).
Don't know if I have a straight face or not, though.
But good that your posse is all present and accounted for on the no on 8 front! Thanks for spreading the word!
Don't know if I have a straight face or not, though.
But good that your posse is all present and accounted for on the no on 8 front! Thanks for spreading the word!
thats a good part of the series.
and i feel with this picture cause i'm a skunkbunny mated with a artic fox
and i feel with this picture cause i'm a skunkbunny mated with a artic fox
I'm glad you were able to relate. I hope anybody who wants to get married one day can see something in these two that they can relate to ^_^
Yes, this are just random folks. I wanted to show that same-sex marriage is about protecting diversity, so I went with a kind of mis-matched pair, and inverted the predator-prey size ratio ^_^
And, time allowing, I just might! It's probably the most important thing on my mind this week, so if I paint again, I may well do something more about Prop 8.
And, time allowing, I just might! It's probably the most important thing on my mind this week, so if I paint again, I may well do something more about Prop 8.
Get our and hump the vote, dude! Make the polls feel it November 4th!
Virginia Had something like that a couple of Years ago. It upset me that they stripped the rights of Same-Sex marriages and made it unlawful.
If I were there I would Vote no because the law itself is unconstitutional (in my opinion).
If I were there I would Vote no because the law itself is unconstitutional (in my opinion).
VA resident here. Voted against that when I had the chance, not that it made a difference in the end. *Grumble* Northern VA is a different world from the rest of the state, that's for sure.
Haha, good ol' NoVa, or "fake Virginia," according to Pfotenhauer and the McCain campaign ^_^
Coming from someone who lives in "fake California," I salute you.
Coming from someone who lives in "fake California," I salute you.
And isn't it also mixing Church and State in a sense?
And isn't it also mixing Church and State in a sense?
Absolutely. Basically, you've got a clash between the Bible and the Constitution. One says homosexuality is a sin, the other says that discrimination is a crime. The Bible can win out within the Church, but the Constitution is supposed to win out in civil law in the United States. People should not be permitted to legislate religiously-based morality into the law of the land.
The founding Fathers must be turning in their graves, so the Anti-Same sex Marrage laws are in deep Violation of Church and State. If it were a ministern or Reverend of a church, the he/she has say in it, but if two Males or females went to the City courts to get married, the Judge cannot/Should not oppose the fact that they want to get legally married.
And I agree with you, they cannot push Religious morals on others when it comes to being just a State matter.
And I agree with you, they cannot push Religious morals on others when it comes to being just a State matter.
Since I'm not an American citizen, I can at least help out by taking in donations and sending it all before the day they vote No on Proposition 8.
Otherwise, if I were a legal American citizen living in California, I'd definitely say no.
Otherwise, if I were a legal American citizen living in California, I'd definitely say no.
I really, really appreciate that, dude. Even with no direct stake in the matter, I hope that you'll get to enjoy a more tolerant, more reasonable America in the future as a result of your efforts.
Hey, us Canadians gotta do our part, since it legalizes same-sex marriage, and Vancouver is all over that like flies to buttered toast.
Yay! Gather up all your friends and family and make it a collective effort <3
This reminds me of CAPTAIN PLANET (8<
I've still gotta draw a No On 8 picture!
Geez, even your underwear is fashionable.
I've still gotta draw a No On 8 picture!
Geez, even your underwear is fashionable.
Haha, Captain Planet??! You goofball ^_^ Plus, weren't their rings made of like, plastic? Hehe.
And yeah! Draw, draw, draw! It doesn't have to be a masterpiece -- the sooner you can post it, the better! These two pieces have been full of things I'd change, but I've been cutting myself off after one sitting because it doesn't do anybody any good to just sit around on my hard drive.
Plus I'm sure even a slightly hurried piece by you will look fantastic <3
And yeah! Draw, draw, draw! It doesn't have to be a masterpiece -- the sooner you can post it, the better! These two pieces have been full of things I'd change, but I've been cutting myself off after one sitting because it doesn't do anybody any good to just sit around on my hard drive.
Plus I'm sure even a slightly hurried piece by you will look fantastic <3
And now, let's see what 14 minutes before the deadline of the Halloween costume contest brings us!
<3 Should have been a big badger not a bunny :D but it's still awesome and i'm still going to vote NO on it. I want to marry my fox when we want.
And you should be able to! Thanks for supporting this, and I hope you'll pass on the message to everyone you know (if you haven't already <3)
already had a nice long talk with Ma' and Pa' about this and everyone at work knows why they should not, now it's just up to them to make the change not to support hate
You can still take a look at sites like www.noonprop8.com to find out what you can do! Stuff like writing friends and family, making a couple of phone calls, donating a buck or two -- all of it helps!
Thanks for pointing out the donations. While I don't have all too much money, I might chip in a couple bucks and ask my folks to do the same.
That would be huge, dude. Seriously, no donation is too small, and rock on for spreading the word to the folks, too ^_^
It's going to be close, and if it wins, it's going to end up at SCOTUS. Keep fighting.
Ayup. I'd rather nip it in the bud now, but the gay community has shown time and again that even when they're out, they're not down ^_-
Unless "people" are furries who browse FurAffinity. I like to think I've tailored my message appropriately for the audience ^_^
Obviously, this would not be my suggestion for a mainstream ad campaign.
Obviously, this would not be my suggestion for a mainstream ad campaign.
Favorited! Awesome poster! You've created quite a gorgeous couple there XD
Thanks, man. Hopefully it'll grab another couple pairs of eyes and get them to help out ^_^
You can still help! www.noonprop8.com has some great ideas, whether it be a little bit of volunteering or a couple dollars' worth of donation. Failing that, just make a journal post here about it, encouraging folks in California to vote no on this! I posted some sample text you can look at / use in my last journal entry here. Spread the word!
Yeah, I totally understand that work can take over your life. Just do be sure to carve out enough time to vote, and maybe enough time to click on over to www.noonprop8.com and give them a buck or two <3
Wonder twin powers, activate! Form of, Marriage rights!
Shape of, a taxpaying couple!
...Wait, if they're twins, I want to meet their parents. And how'd they get married? ^_^
...Wait, if they're twins, I want to meet their parents. And how'd they get married? ^_^
I wanna vote on this! x3
But I live in Florida D:
I will support the same sex marriage >x3
But I live in Florida D:
I will support the same sex marriage >x3
Florida has its own same-sex marriage ban on the ballot this year, doesn't it? Best of luck with that!
I hate that ban x.x
I wanna marry a big strong furry with tons of affections <3
I wanna marry a big strong furry with tons of affections <3
Yeah >.=.>
But what I don't understand is why is society is against gay marriage? It's a contract with the state showing that the gay couples are happy with one another.
Also, if the government wasn't so stupid, they can make a HUGE profit if the gay marriage was legal.
I would support the gays 100% in the struggle to be united as a couple.
But what I don't understand is why is society is against gay marriage? It's a contract with the state showing that the gay couples are happy with one another.
Also, if the government wasn't so stupid, they can make a HUGE profit if the gay marriage was legal.
I would support the gays 100% in the struggle to be united as a couple.
Well, I guess first off I guess I'd say that hopefully society WON'T be against gay marriage, and we'll see Prop 8 get beaten at the polls <3
Past that, I think that a lot of people were just raised to hate gays, man. Whether it's because of a religious view, or just because they were told it was wrong or gross, that's the view they grew up holding, and it's very tough to break people of their stereotypes and prejudices. As long as we keep teaching our kids that other people (be they gays, Muslims, blacks, women, or whomever) are anything less that our equals, people are going to hang on to these views that dehumanize and discriminate against their neighbors. I think legalizing gay marriage is a great start to showing people that those biases are wrong, unconstitutional, and will not be tolerated.
Past that, I think that a lot of people were just raised to hate gays, man. Whether it's because of a religious view, or just because they were told it was wrong or gross, that's the view they grew up holding, and it's very tough to break people of their stereotypes and prejudices. As long as we keep teaching our kids that other people (be they gays, Muslims, blacks, women, or whomever) are anything less that our equals, people are going to hang on to these views that dehumanize and discriminate against their neighbors. I think legalizing gay marriage is a great start to showing people that those biases are wrong, unconstitutional, and will not be tolerated.
I love Miami, but when I have no right to marry a man, I just don't find Florida a good place to be in.
In just a few decades, gay marriage would be allowed to most states.
I want to enjoy being with a man that would commit to me. If these jerks want things as what the bible says, they might as well no longer have a government since they are not what the bible says to obey.
In just a few decades, gay marriage would be allowed to most states.
I want to enjoy being with a man that would commit to me. If these jerks want things as what the bible says, they might as well no longer have a government since they are not what the bible says to obey.
Florida has already banned gay marriage. The new initiative states that domestic partnerships, civil unions, and common-law marriages will now be invalid, and that the state can not give benefits to *any* couple, gay or straight, unless they have a marriage license.
Ugh, lovely. Thanks for setting me straight on that, though I'm sorry to hear that those are the facts of it.
I'd imagine a whole lot (if not the majority) of domestic partnerships and common-law marriages are heterosexual -- how do people justify eliminating those rights? That's mostly a rhetorical question, but if you have any insights, let me know, hehe <3
I'd imagine a whole lot (if not the majority) of domestic partnerships and common-law marriages are heterosexual -- how do people justify eliminating those rights? That's mostly a rhetorical question, but if you have any insights, let me know, hehe <3
Hey, you should do some art for Vote No on Amendment 2. It's basically the same thing as Prop 8 in Cali. We could use the support if you're willing!
You guys certainly have my support and best wishes! If I get the time to do another piece, I'll definitely expand it to include the Florida and Arizona propositions as well. Good luck ^_^
I passed some "Yes on 8" group on the way home from Etnies skatepark today.
I shouted my lungs out at them and my middle finger got sore from being held up so long.
I shouted my lungs out at them and my middle finger got sore from being held up so long.
Haha, put some ice on it, give it a little massage, and it'll be ready for action again tomorrow ^_-
Keep fighting the good fight, dude!
Keep fighting the good fight, dude!
Jus like 102 in AZ
VOTE NO its so lame and im not even old enuf to vote -A-;; but still
VOTE NO its so lame and im not even old enuf to vote -A-;; but still
Ive convinced my dad, which was easy, cause hes cool.
But i gave my mom a D8< when she said shes voting yes, some stuff about taxes and blah blah blah, and no she was'nt kidding, i am/was pissed >:C.
But hey, theres one more no at least :3.
But i gave my mom a D8< when she said shes voting yes, some stuff about taxes and blah blah blah, and no she was'nt kidding, i am/was pissed >:C.
But hey, theres one more no at least :3.
I assume she was saying that it threatens faith-based organizations' tax-exempt status. That's not factually true at all (the proposition says nothing at all about religious organizations or schools, or any of that, just like the same-sex marriage laws on the books now don't say anything about either of those institutions).
In fact, the state stands to gain quite a lot of money in taxes if same-sex marriage stays legal. The official voter's handbook for California cites that number in the tens of millions.
If it wasn't either of those two points, I wonder what she was talking about? ...Care to ask her again?
In fact, the state stands to gain quite a lot of money in taxes if same-sex marriage stays legal. The official voter's handbook for California cites that number in the tens of millions.
If it wasn't either of those two points, I wonder what she was talking about? ...Care to ask her again?
ya that was it, the taxes, i should show her what u said (some where else heh) and she might change her mid, ill ask her again and see what she says this time
Very powerful image. Of course two people who love each other should have the right to get married!
Marriage is the ultimate symbol of commitment to someone. It seems like nothing more than common sense to let anyone be able to make that choice.
I really like how you emphasize the rings. There are so many straight couples who are getting divorced these days and yet gay couples are fighting to be able to put rings on the fingers of the person they love. I certainly hope very dearly that proposition 8 does not pass. Nor that anything like it ever pops up again.
Marriage is the ultimate symbol of commitment to someone. It seems like nothing more than common sense to let anyone be able to make that choice.
I really like how you emphasize the rings. There are so many straight couples who are getting divorced these days and yet gay couples are fighting to be able to put rings on the fingers of the person they love. I certainly hope very dearly that proposition 8 does not pass. Nor that anything like it ever pops up again.
I'm afraid that even if we manage to beat Prop 8 here, the issue will probably keep coming back up as long as there are gay folk who want to get married and bigots who want to deny them that fundamental right. Hopefully we'll get a majority this time around, though, and the number of tolerant people will only continue to rise as we continue to grow and learn as a culture.
I have no real comment to make on divorce, and I think that heterosexual divorce rates are irrelevant to the question of same-sex marriage rights, just as the inevitable instances of same-sex divorce will not be relevant to whether gays should have the right to marry. We owe everyone equal rights here, whether they choose to exercise those rights or not.
I have no real comment to make on divorce, and I think that heterosexual divorce rates are irrelevant to the question of same-sex marriage rights, just as the inevitable instances of same-sex divorce will not be relevant to whether gays should have the right to marry. We owe everyone equal rights here, whether they choose to exercise those rights or not.
I totally agree that divorce rates are irrelevant. People should have the right to marry each other even if it's just for a day. I just phased my point poorly. I was referring to the 'bigots' who keep demanding that same sex marriage is some kind of abomination or attack on family values. How can they say that when many straight couples don't stay happily married forever. It's like they are more concerned with stopping same sex couples from marrying rather than stopping domestic violence or child abuse, as if that's the greater evil. But I agree, same sex couple should be able to get married, even if they choose not to.
I was probably also a little unclear in how I worded that -- I didn't mean to suggest that you were linking divorce rates to marriage rights at all ^_^ It was more just my take on how divorce factors in (or doesn't) to the same-sex marriage debate in general.
I understood your point, and think it's a fair one. You're certainly right to ask how other people who want to enter into same-sex marriage are mounting an assault on anything. It's empty talking point scare tactic blather. It's in the same category of tactics as saying things like, "your children are at risk!" without ever explaining what the risk is, where it's coming from, etc. For a lot of people who either already have similar biases or who are just too lazy to fact-check for themselves, just shouting, "FIRE!" is enough to sway their vote.
I understood your point, and think it's a fair one. You're certainly right to ask how other people who want to enter into same-sex marriage are mounting an assault on anything. It's empty talking point scare tactic blather. It's in the same category of tactics as saying things like, "your children are at risk!" without ever explaining what the risk is, where it's coming from, etc. For a lot of people who either already have similar biases or who are just too lazy to fact-check for themselves, just shouting, "FIRE!" is enough to sway their vote.
I support being against Prop 8. Even though same-sex marriage is legal in Canada. I think...
It is, yes! Thanks to the Civil Marriage Act, approved July 20th, 2005! You guys were the fourth country in the world to approve it <3
Thanks for the support, and help spread the word!
Thanks for the support, and help spread the word!
Thank you for spreading the word and getting people active. I think this one will come down to the wire and we'll need every single vote we can get.
The image is great. My husband and I do the wonder twin thing with our rings, I think it's just ingrained into us geeks.
The image is great. My husband and I do the wonder twin thing with our rings, I think it's just ingrained into us geeks.
Dude, absolutely! It affects us all.
...And should I ask which of you is Zan and which is Jayna, or do I not want to know? ^_^
...And should I ask which of you is Zan and which is Jayna, or do I not want to know? ^_^
We never get beyond the catch phrase and sound effect. We just like clinking our rings together. :)
The pro 8 side are getting worse. There was a denial of service attack last Wednesday night and Thursday on No on 8's website: http://www.towleroad.com/2008/10/no.....prop-8-an.html
Prop 8 spokesman Brad Dacus is comparing gay marriage to Hitler: http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_yo.....gay-is-th.html
And the Apocalyptic battle cry that is The Call: http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_yo.....-voters-5.html http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_yo.....istence-i.html
The call looks like it will fuel more anti-gay violence with its talk of final conflicts.
The pro 8 side are getting worse. There was a denial of service attack last Wednesday night and Thursday on No on 8's website: http://www.towleroad.com/2008/10/no.....prop-8-an.html
Prop 8 spokesman Brad Dacus is comparing gay marriage to Hitler: http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_yo.....gay-is-th.html
And the Apocalyptic battle cry that is The Call: http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_yo.....-voters-5.html http://www.goodasyou.org/good_as_yo.....istence-i.html
The call looks like it will fuel more anti-gay violence with its talk of final conflicts.
Ugh, don't get me started on Engle and the Call 9_9. My hope is that after 40 days of fasting, they'll all be too dizzy to get to the polls on Tuesday.
If I were a more crass man, I might say that I wished for a meteor to hit the Qualcomm Stadium tomorrow night, just for maximum poetic/comic effect, but I don't really wish they would die, so much as just get a life and stop acting like a pack of d-bags.
Honestly, the thought of listening to their smug gloating about how their prayers inspired divine intervention to strike down the homosexuals is almost as bad as losing marriage rights. I hope we cream these people, because they need to stop talking.
If I were a more crass man, I might say that I wished for a meteor to hit the Qualcomm Stadium tomorrow night, just for maximum poetic/comic effect, but I don't really wish they would die, so much as just get a life and stop acting like a pack of d-bags.
Honestly, the thought of listening to their smug gloating about how their prayers inspired divine intervention to strike down the homosexuals is almost as bad as losing marriage rights. I hope we cream these people, because they need to stop talking.
I really hope they will listen to some actual biblical scholars who have found very little in the bible condemning homosexuality.
At least we have the newspapers on our side only 2 CA papers have endorsed 8 while 65 oppose it! http://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/2008/10/09/3474
I've done another image here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1674921/
And a Journal here: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/506094/
miupix has also done a very good image here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1670759/
I really hope they will listen to some actual biblical scholars who have found very little in the bible condemning homosexuality.
At least we have the newspapers on our side only 2 CA papers have endorsed 8 while 65 oppose it! http://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/2008/10/09/3474
I've done another image here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1674921/
And a Journal here: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/506094/
miupix has also done a very good image here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1670759/
Ohhh :3
Wonderful, beautiful coloring.
Wish I could help vote, but I'm no where near California, I'll take a look into the groups though. I hate to see something casted against people due to biased beliefs. Maybe I can help out. <3
Goodluck with it!
Wonderful, beautiful coloring.
Wish I could help vote, but I'm no where near California, I'll take a look into the groups though. I hate to see something casted against people due to biased beliefs. Maybe I can help out. <3
Goodluck with it!
I suppose my beliefs are as biased as theirs, but I think that my Constitution-based beliefs should win out over their Bible-based beliefs in the civil law forum.
Thanks, and any help you can give would be wonderful! No donation of time or money is too small -- help spread the word, and we'll hopefully manage to beat this thing ^_^
Thanks, and any help you can give would be wonderful! No donation of time or money is too small -- help spread the word, and we'll hopefully manage to beat this thing ^_^
Yeah, man. Homo marrieds are adorable. We need to fight for this shit.
Even as a straight christian male you would have my vote. but yah i do not live in Cali
I appreciate the support! And you can always help spread the word ^_^
Bigots who want to live in a world with no gay people, basically.
it is just F***ed up man. i had a fiend get attacked be his own father for being gay. damn this world, i almost hope the crazy conspiracy nuts are right about 2012
Hopefully we can effect change through advocacy like the No on Prop 8 campaign, by humanizing homosexuality to our friends and families, and by being positive role models to our communities. There's a looong way to go, and some people cling to hate and bigotry to a sad and frightening degree, but you've got to believe progress is being made.
I can only hope that the day is not far off when we will see the last time kids like your friend have to fear their own parents, dude.
I can only hope that the day is not far off when we will see the last time kids like your friend have to fear their own parents, dude.
Holy shit I finally found this again! God... old me (I am Darvos) you are gay as fuck! I am such a different person now... who the fuck is this person I was? Well, at least he was not an asshole.
and also found it nice, they have the same underwear despite their body differences XD
Haha, I don't know that the voting location folks would take too kindly to that ^_^
nuh uh the TV told me that if i didn't vote yes on 8 schools were going to RAPE AND MURDER CHILDREN
One recent ad also compared same-sex marriage proponents to Hitler. Good times!
"No for Prop 8" is supported by this gay woof, even if I'm not in California!
We just got the right in Connecticut (by the supreme court's ruling, but it may come up again to a vote if the Constitutional Convention convenes) and I support any movement to preserve our inalienable right anywhere possible!
We just got the right in Connecticut (by the supreme court's ruling, but it may come up again to a vote if the Constitutional Convention convenes) and I support any movement to preserve our inalienable right anywhere possible!
Thanks ^_^ And yeah, congrats to Connecticut! Hopefully you guys won't have any idiotic threats to your rights like 8 here (or 102 in AZ...or 2 in FL...).
While I'm certain the fight isn't over with 8, regardless of which side wins, I'm very much hoping that its failure will send a strong and clear message to everyone in California and to the rest of the country that we, as a people, have advanced past this sort of discrimination and bigotry.
While I'm certain the fight isn't over with 8, regardless of which side wins, I'm very much hoping that its failure will send a strong and clear message to everyone in California and to the rest of the country that we, as a people, have advanced past this sort of discrimination and bigotry.
Agreed! With luck, it'll re-enforce the fact that bigotry and senseless hatred has no place in our society!
So far there have been more verbal threats than anything else, people wanting to turn it into an amendment and all that. (So the state Supreme Court isn't powerful enough to make a decision permanent? Awroo? =P) I'm sure it'll come to a vote in the future. But we'll be ready. ^-^ Especially if Prop 8 doesn't pass and sets a great precedent!
But for now, we'll be celebrating our equality, and I know "Love Makes a Family" (the state's gay-rights group) is planning a counter-movement if our right to marriage is challenged. ^-^ *Dances*
By the way, I forgot to mention this in my first post, very nice picture too! Quite the handsome couple. ^-^
Best of luck to you all, and I'll be thinking good thoughts on Tuesday!
So far there have been more verbal threats than anything else, people wanting to turn it into an amendment and all that. (So the state Supreme Court isn't powerful enough to make a decision permanent? Awroo? =P) I'm sure it'll come to a vote in the future. But we'll be ready. ^-^ Especially if Prop 8 doesn't pass and sets a great precedent!
But for now, we'll be celebrating our equality, and I know "Love Makes a Family" (the state's gay-rights group) is planning a counter-movement if our right to marriage is challenged. ^-^ *Dances*
By the way, I forgot to mention this in my first post, very nice picture too! Quite the handsome couple. ^-^
Best of luck to you all, and I'll be thinking good thoughts on Tuesday!
Thanks, dude, and make sure to help spread the word! Every little bit helps ^_^
I love you for doing this. Makes me feel better seeing support against it for a change.
Aww, are you in Yes on 8 country down in SoCal? That's a downer. Still, keep hope alive, stay active in spreading the word and convincing all the friends, family, neighbors and strangers you can, and hopefully we'll all make the right decision on Tuesday.
Yeah, hopefully. But the weird thing is that most of my neighborhood is ok with it, but the majority of my city (which is in the Bay Area) seems to be against it. I hope that all these religious kooks will stop fear mongering =/ And actually let people decide on their own.
Wow, I'm kind of surprised to hear that, in the Bay. I guess you just live in a conservative little neighborhood >_<
BTW, when I said my neighborhood was for it, I meant gay marriage, and the same goes for my city against thing...heh. More vote yes signs around town, but our area has vote no's.
Ahh, gotcha. Yeah, it gets pretty confusing with the double-negative in there ^_^
Well, all things told, I'd rather live in a supportive neighborhood in a less supportive city than vice versa. That said, it is kind of surprising to see much city-wide "yes on 8" support in the Bay. At least over here in SF, folks are predictably heavy on the "no" side of things <3
Well, all things told, I'd rather live in a supportive neighborhood in a less supportive city than vice versa. That said, it is kind of surprising to see much city-wide "yes on 8" support in the Bay. At least over here in SF, folks are predictably heavy on the "no" side of things <3
If I Could vote, I'd vot against it. It's their choice. Not the entire states'.
Seems like a reasonable enough thing to me, but some folks don't seem to agree >_<
Hopefully they'll come around eventually, but in the meantime we should all vote no on 8 and give them lots of opportunities to learn to get over it <3
Hopefully they'll come around eventually, but in the meantime we should all vote no on 8 and give them lots of opportunities to learn to get over it <3
I'd definitely vote no on 8. But i'm located in the midwest =/ Think my boyfriend is voting though so thats one for no on 8 at least
Yeah one vote helps a bit. Hopefully it doesn't fall through and same sex marriages are no longer recognized. I'd like to get married eventually and this won't let me be a happy wolf.
Every vote counts, man ^_^ It'll be close, but we've got to stay hopeful!
I was very sorry to hear that >_<
At the moment, we're looking at a 6 point lead for Yes on 8 here. Only about 45% of precincts have reported, but it's going to take a whooole lot to beat this thing...
At the moment, we're looking at a 6 point lead for Yes on 8 here. Only about 45% of precincts have reported, but it's going to take a whooole lot to beat this thing...
I voted No! It was busy day here in San Francisco, but I was very happy to see many of my friends and students at CCSF were voting No and supporting for gay rights! While I was walking the 19th ave, I had fun time making double thumbs-up pose to protesters who were also supporting for gay marriage! I was shock to see that there were crowds who were also antagonist, but indeed, this proposition is balanced fairly. Whether or not gay marriage is recognized, you still have the right to be who you are! Non-written regulations are much vital, though I respect the existing rule. But, I'm praying for legal gay marriage, and I wish the best of luck!
There's a 5-point spread, with 99.7% of precincts reporting. The folks at www.noonprop8.com have issued a statement estimating that somewhere between 3 and 4 million provisional and absentee ballots have yet to be reported, and that the race is still too close to call, but the Yes on 8 campaign has declared victory for their side.
It will take another day or so for the final numbers, but at this point, it's probably safe to assume that, barring extraordinary circumstances, the constitutional ban will pass. The American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal are already preparing a lawsuit to call Prop 8's constitutionality into question, but that's a fight for another day ^_^
It will take another day or so for the final numbers, but at this point, it's probably safe to assume that, barring extraordinary circumstances, the constitutional ban will pass. The American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal are already preparing a lawsuit to call Prop 8's constitutionality into question, but that's a fight for another day ^_^
The lessons of 20th Century America consistently point to the fact that Americans can and ultimately will learn to accept their neighbors as equals, given enough time and enough good reason. The efforts of everyone who fought against Prop 8, and the work of the gay rights movement in general has had a real effect in raising awareness, reaching out to people outside of our community, and securing their help in the face of a majority desiring to strip the rights from a minority.
Gays face at least as much discrimination -- and founded in the same cultural and religious baggage -- as women and non-whites once did, and make up a significantly smaller percentage of the population than either. It's only natural that there should be a few lost battles along the way. We need to make sure that the end result of Prop 8 isn't just a hurt gay community, but rather that we reach out within our larger communities and continue to change minds, spread tolerance, and work for progress. This is just the start of the next wave of the culture war, and it falls on all of us to fight it.
Gays face at least as much discrimination -- and founded in the same cultural and religious baggage -- as women and non-whites once did, and make up a significantly smaller percentage of the population than either. It's only natural that there should be a few lost battles along the way. We need to make sure that the end result of Prop 8 isn't just a hurt gay community, but rather that we reach out within our larger communities and continue to change minds, spread tolerance, and work for progress. This is just the start of the next wave of the culture war, and it falls on all of us to fight it.
Which is why people are already mounting the next lawsuit against it ^_^ It's just a matter of time until same-sex marriage is back in California, and just a matter of time until it's everywhere in the States.
Sorry that the proposition was passed. I was hoping you guys could get a chance. I'm not from California. But from where I live, amendment 2 was passed as well. Those YES morons had better give you guys a chance or shit happens to them. I'm adding your art to faves cause it's cute.
Thanks, and yeah, I was sorry to hear about Florida, too. And Arizona. But the other side has to be seriously sweating right about now. Proposition 22, the last same-sex marriage ban in California, passed with a 62% majority in 2000. Just 8 years later, that's down to 52%. They know their time is coming, and coming fast.
One more election cycle, and popular opinion will be progressive enough that no amount of lies and scare tactics will buy them a majority vote. Time is on our side on this <3
One more election cycle, and popular opinion will be progressive enough that no amount of lies and scare tactics will buy them a majority vote. Time is on our side on this <3
Goddamn bigots. :(
Nice pic, by the way. I love their expressions.
Nice pic, by the way. I love their expressions.
Thanks! And I'm confident they'll be joined with newly same-sex married couples before too long here ^_^
Well, they passed it, but whether it stands up in a court of law during the eventual hearings of the ongoing lawsuits remains to be seen. If the previous law barring same-sex marriage was already judged unconstitutional, I don't really see how this amendment would be any different, but it will be very interesting to watch how it all plays out.
And i shal tranform into awesomness, lol i love how you make the shadows, very realistic
I applaud you!I hate prop 8 it was a travesty that it passed. It won't last for long. I am faving this not only for the good art but to support my right to love along with others. Be they gay str8 or bi.
I agree that it won't stand for long. It passed only by a close margin, and the trend continues to be towards progressivism and equality. We just need to be patient and do our part to help the cause however we can ^_^
oh hell yes!!
no on h8 c:
we'll win. we wont stop till we got equality for all.
no on h8 c:
we'll win. we wont stop till we got equality for all.
Although I don't agree with saying no to proposition 8 (just my opinion), I don't enjoy the style of the art piece. However, that's all I see it as. Good definition. Keep up the art. I doubt same sex will spread far, so don't get your hopes up.
...well, holy...you did? Hmm, a bit surprised no one has spammed you or called you a traitor. Well, a bit shocked, but I know a good deal of gays that voted Yes for Prop 8, we had a similiar one out here in Arizona, passed with flying colours like Prop 8. Not that there isn't wrong with homosexuality, I find nothing offensive about it...but so long as Christianity is the major religion (I am one), folks will not want to change what marriage means.
If that makes sense...not sure if I am...its late.
If that makes sense...not sure if I am...its late.
absolutely beautiful
i love your green picture too btw but this is wow.. just wow.. oh my i can't explain at the moment it's wonderful.
i love your green picture too btw but this is wow.. just wow.. oh my i can't explain at the moment it's wonderful.
I'm seeing this a little late, since prop 8 has already passed. I'm from california originally, I live in Idaho now, where a similar ban on same sex marriage was passed a little while ago in the form of a constitutional amendment. We were quite focused on Prop 8, but not just the activists unfortunately. Members of LDS churches in Idaho donated $400,000 dollars in support of Prop 8, in support of taking away civil rights to people who don't even live in this state. Anyway, I wanted to rant. I'm glad to see their are people on FA with a message and a spirit of activism. I know how frustrating it can be trying to rally people behind a cause like this, but I have to admit I was impressed with the nation wide protests (I myself participated in a rally here in Boise). Don't lose hope, the battle that the gay community faces is not a legal one, it is a moral one, starting with our friends, neighbors, and co-workers who will grow to find that they know people who are gay, who know their stories, who know that we are individuals and should be judged as nothing else.
You're an amazing artist, keep up the good work!
You're an amazing artist, keep up the good work!
Thanks, dude ^_^ And yeah, I'm not terribly worried. I'm looking forward to hearing the oral arguments March 5th, as I think we stand a pretty solid chance of getting the proposition overturned. Decisions are usually rendered within 90 days of the oral arguments, so it's possible we'll be back in the marryin' business as soon as this June, which would be lovely. I'm sure there would be a lot of happy June brides and grooms out there ^_^
But yeah, Proposition 8 is just one little speed bump along the way, really. Like you say, the real struggle here is to let the other people in our communities know that we're here, that we're not some scary force of people trying to tear down the things they stand for, and that we just want equal protection under the law. The more we reach out to our friends and families, and the more we are honest and open about ourselves and who we are, the more that message will spread. I do what I can here, and I know that other folks out there are doing the same ^_^
But yeah, Proposition 8 is just one little speed bump along the way, really. Like you say, the real struggle here is to let the other people in our communities know that we're here, that we're not some scary force of people trying to tear down the things they stand for, and that we just want equal protection under the law. The more we reach out to our friends and families, and the more we are honest and open about ourselves and who we are, the more that message will spread. I do what I can here, and I know that other folks out there are doing the same ^_^
o.=.o This blew my brain out. I just can't get over how much your style Is like... An old school Furry world propaganda. ~.=.^ No on 8 as well!
Thanks, dude. And yeah, it looks like folks are moving forward with a ballot measure to overturn in 2012, and in the meantime there's another lawsuit in the works to try to get 8 overturned. Stuff is moving forward ^_^
If you're curious for more, just Google for "Prop 8" and you can get all the info ^_^
The Olsen case is still workin' through the CA Supreme Court... We'll see what the judge comes back with in April, I guess ^_^
Eh, it won't be on the books for too much longer now, I wouldn't think.
I like the political/satirical ones I find from time to time.
I'll be having a satire up in a week or so. It will be the 4th I post.
As these things do <3
And really, in the grand scheme of things, this was a pretty quick turnaround! It seems like the pace of civil rights progress for gays and lesbians is picking up with each passing year -- hopefully the same momentum will carry over to transfolk's struggles and those of other sexual minorities, as well as feeding back into the racial and gender equality movements that are still going on decades after getting started. There's always further to go, but we're getting there eventually <3
And really, in the grand scheme of things, this was a pretty quick turnaround! It seems like the pace of civil rights progress for gays and lesbians is picking up with each passing year -- hopefully the same momentum will carry over to transfolk's struggles and those of other sexual minorities, as well as feeding back into the racial and gender equality movements that are still going on decades after getting started. There's always further to go, but we're getting there eventually <3