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Balanced Breakfast
By: Jay "Jizzal" Ednor
For: Jag
Jag is © himself
Guilmon is © Ban-Dai or something
Late night pizza was the ideal ending to a "play-date", even if most of said pizza had been eaten up by a single glutton. Still, Jag was more than happy to cuddle against the pudgy, red dinosaur who was sprawled out on the floor with his belly exposed. The feline lazed against the reptile, lightly prodding at the doughy, scaled tummy adorned with dark symbols. He rolled and kneaded one hand carefully over the warm middle, offering the occasional squeeze with his palm and digits. Gus was a few inches taller than the feline, even though he mostly hunched as his movement was more akin to a raptor thanks to his broad feet and thick tail. The guilmon certainly did take to attention very well, playing with his owner"s friends like this was always such a treat.
"You two really are too cute together."
The ebony jaguar perked at the skunk peering over them from behind the couch, looking all too smug as he spoke.
"Hey! He"s the cute one here, skunkers," Jag retorted while the guilmon he had been tending to merely rumbled in response. "But I think he ate too much pizza, he doesn"t want to get up, hehe."
"Yeah?" Oh that sounded like a challenge, the skunk stroked his chin before turning to face the kitchen once more. "Hey Gus, I made you a peanut butter milkshake."
A pair of ear-fins perked before the reptile practically leapt to his feet with an excited cry of delight. "Yay milkshake!" A somewhat high-pitched voice left the otherwise broad dinosaur while he made his way into the kitchen. The excitement left poor Jag to flop on the floor since his makeshift couch moved so suddenly, but he shot his friend and host a playful glare.
"That"s cheating," Jag grumbled, but in response the mephit looked completely devastated by the statement.
"Your words sting, my dear friend," Jay snickered and shook his head. "Come on though, I got you a drink too."
With a shrug the jaguar got to his feet and meandered over to the kitchen, joining the pair. Gus was already working his tongue into the glass that once held his milkshake; the contents never stood a chance against the eager, ravenous dinosaur. His tail and hips were swaying, but Jag deftly avoided the movement and found himself a seat at the table. Just as he was about to ask what he was having, his host deposited a frosty milkshake before the eager feline. Even if he was stuffed with pizza, he felt it wouldn"t hurt to have a little dessert.
Jag rumbled happily while he drank, feeling the cold, refreshing mixture of ice cream, milk, and what felt like various flavors funnel their way into his mouth. His tail flicked before he pulled away, nearly halfway done already. "Mmm! This is really good skunkers, what"s in it?"
"All sorts of stuff," Jay waved off the comment before his attention went back to the guilmon who was still trying to get every last drop out of his glass. "Gus, put that down. At this rate you"re going to swallow it."
Gus suddenly looked embarrassed and uncurled his tongue, leaving the glass settled on the table, but it oozed and dribbled with copious amounts of slobber. "Hee, guess I got too excited! It was really good though!" He rose his hands in appreciation, looking far too happy with himself in that moment.
The display earned a chuckle from Jag while the skunk busied himself with the clean up. "Does skunky always give you lots of tasty things?" He asked while eyeing over the suddenly energetic dino, perhaps the sugar he just inhaled was to blame for his newfound eagerness.
"Uh huh! All the time, lots of tasty things," Gus nodded proudly. "Sometimes he says I eat too much, but other times I do get a lot of tasty things," those words made him pause and he tapped a claw tip along his chin. "Hrmm, but /I/ don"t think it"s too much so...what do you think, Jagmon?"
"Well, you are pretty pudgy! But it"s cute, so that"s okay," the feline responded while poking the digimon on the stomach, which prompted a bout of laughter.
Gus (carefully) swatted back at the cat before he leaned closer as if to say something. Rather than move his lips, his nostrils twitched as something caught his nose as if for the first time. "Oooh, well if it"s cute then that"s okay. Especially since always Jagmon smells really nice," and without a second thought his broad muzzle was brought to the jaguar"s cheek and his fat, drooling tongue flopped free. Slurp.
"G-Gus!" Jag practically squeaked, but to be fair the side of his face was soaked with thick saliva to the point he felt it dripple off some of his whiskers. He wiped himself with his shirt using one hand and the other lightly nudged the guilmon"s face away. "I"m not tasties, and I"m not guilmon food!"
" taste really," the guilmon smacked his chops momentarily. "Good!"
The feline grumbled playfully and shook his head, "But I"m not food! Don"t get silly ideas like that in your head," he offered a somewhat nervous chuckle with his words to try and lessen the mood.
That concept seemed alien to the simple dinosaur who blinked a few times before tilting his head. "" He was struggling to rationalize the statement, even while he cleaned over his chops after getting that taste of his owner"s friend.
"Yeah, not food!" Jag huffed and reached over to poke the dino on the muzzle, but his entire hand ended up engulf within Gus" jaws. The feline"s pupils shrank as cool, scaled lips closed around his wrist. "Hey! Gus!" All he earned in response was more drool, and a series of slow licks nibbles while he could feel the satisfied rumbles leaving the reptile"s chest run all the way up his shoulder.
Before things escalated too far, Jay sighed and looked over to the pair. "Gus, you"re going to get a tummy ache if you eat too fast. Remember what happened last time?"
Those words strung a chord with the reptile who slowly dislodged the hand from his mouth, but still left the feline"s hand soaked in saliva all the same. "Oooh, tummy aches are no fun," Gus lamented while he gave his stomach a soft pat. Just then his jaws widened and he exhaled a long, heavy sigh, which left Jag in the blast zone of his thick pizza and milkshake scented breath.
Jag tried not to stare into the dinosaur"s glistening maw, but it was on full display before him. Those pointy, conical teeth were connected by thick strands of drool even as the broad, almost red-colored tongue offered a languid squirm as though it were some fat, beached whale. His eyes caught sight of Gus" gullet only for a moment before the dino closed his mouth and smacked his chops, eyeing the feline curiously.
"It"s about time you"re tired. Go ahead and run off to bed, Gus. I"ll be up there in a bit," Jay stepped away from the sink, but his pet looked hesitant to budge from where he was standing. "But first say goodnight to Jag."
The digimon looked elated and he bumped his nose against the black cat with a warm rumbling. "Yay! Goodnight, Jagmon!" Gus was rather fond of the friendly feline, even if he spent the past few minutes drooling on him. Without a second thought the reptile turned about and made his way out of the kitchen, lumbering off with another lazy yawn.
"G"night Gusmon!" Jag snickered and gave a light bat at the tip of the dinosaur"s tail before it was out of reach. That yawn made him realize how late it had gotten, the feline didn"t bother checking the time, he knew it was late enough. "Guess I should head off too though," he nodded slowly. After he said that, he even started to feel tired, and a bit dizzy as well.
"Yeah I haven"t been staying up that late, Gus is a bit of a handful at times, but you always seem to wear him out. Just careful staring into his mouth like that, you might just trip and fall in," Jay commented with complete nonchalance. He even followed it up with a blunt, "Not that I"d mind."
Jag grew flustered and playfully pouted for a moment. "Bad skunk, trying to get me in his dino"s tummy."
"If I was trying, you"d know," the bad skunk responded with a sly grin. "Are you going to spend the night? Looks like you might want to."
The obvious teasing left the jaguar grumbling, he didn"t bother trying to get back at his friend just yet. After a series of slow blinks Jag certainly felt odd, and everything around him seemed to be getting...larger. "Oh...oh!" Just to make sure he wasn"t completely losing his mind, the spotted feline checked his clothing which had gotten considerably loose in only a few moments. He gave Jay an exasperated stare, but the skunk merely smiled in response. The jaguar knew he couldn"t fight the sensations, so he simply stayed in his seat, even as he squirmed meekly and focused on keeping his breath and focus as best he could. By the time everything around him had stopped apparently growing and shifting the once average sized feline was considerably more...compact.
"Urgh...skunkers," Jag rubbed his forehead before shaking himself off. At the very least he didn"t feel too disoriented, but he shot an unhappy glance up to Jay. "Why did you do this?" He asked with a heavy sigh, at least he wasn"t the size of a micro so he wouldn"t have to adjust too drastically.
There was a blank stare from the skunk before he managed to find a decent response. "Because whenever I go to /your/ house this sort of thing happens to me. Or I turn into a rabbit, or a mouse, or an otter, or a whatever it is you get me to drink," Jay loomed close only to give the smaller male a poke on the nose. "Just surprised you made it that easy, but hey I figured it"d be fun if for a chance I got back at you."
Jag blinked while he tried to recall this instances. "Oh yeah," he snickered, his mood steadily improving. It was far from the first time he had a mix up with his various potions, so he looked as though he would cope with ease with the new situation. "Well, at least I"m not too small," the cat tried to find the bright side while he stood on his chair. His clothes were pushed to the floor as the feline stretched his arms out with a grunt, estimating he must have been only around two feet in at the very least he wasn"t going to be stepped on so easily.
"Well, it"s good to see you"re taking this so well," Jay quirked his brow before he shrugged. "But in truth I just found one of your vials hidden away in /my/ room and figured I might as well see what it does, though either way you"re not driving home tonight," the skunk then reached for his smaller friend and casually hoisted him up and over his shoulder.
"Ah! Skunkers!" Jag squirmed for a moment, but it was just a short walk back to the couch where he was sat down.
"Guess we"re having a sleepover," the skunk spoke while he turned to a nearby closet and pulled out a warm-looking blanket and tossed it onto the feline. Flump. "And before you ask, no, I don"t have any clothes that would fit you. It"s not a cold night, you should be fine with just this."
It took a bit of effort, but thankfully Jag managed to get out from underneath the blanket and sat up on the couch with a sigh. "If you say so," the feline slumped as he spoke, the highs and lows of the evening were starting to pull a toll on him. "Well, I am pretty sleepy. Guess being small makes you tired?"
"Hey don"t ask me, I barely remember what happens after I get shrunk," the skunk grumbled and gave the feline a light prod on the top of his head. "But I"m going to bed too, if you need anything...uhh, I guess you"ll have to climb the stairs."
"Hrmph, I should be fines," Jag still grumbled even if he was adjusting well enough to his lack of size. "So long as there"s no more sneaky skunk tricks."
Jay shrugged, "No promises. G"night Jag," and with that he turned off the lights and made his way upstairs.
"Hey I mean it, no sneaky skunk tricks!" The feline sighed, but there wasn"t much that could be done at this point so he merely did his best to get comfortable and try to get some rest. His rounded ears twitched when he heard a door close, signaling that he had been left all by his lonesome. He didn"t have the energy or even the desire to make much of a fuss, so he settled into the comparably large sofa and wrapped as much of the blanket around him that he could gather. His mind was somewhat jumbled, but his body just wanted to rest. He tried to ignore thoughts as to what could happen next, things would be better in the morning when he"d be back to proper size. It only took a few minutes for the warmed feline to doze off.
Though he managed to enjoy hours of slumber, Jag reluctantly started to awaken due to something...wet. His hand pawed forward blindly, brushing against something he didn"t bother to analyze at the moment. The moist sensation dribbled down his face, but he merely rolled over and tried to ignore it, after all he was a tired feline. Despite his efforts, the disturbances continued as a hot gust of muggy, musky air, which was more than enough to coax his eyes open and his nose to twitch. What greeted his sleepy eyes seemed familiar, glistening with hot, slick moisture and lined with...teeth. Oh.
"G-Gus?" Jag felt more awake quite suddenly, his body practically jolted with energy once he realized just who was waking him up. "What are you doing?"
"Hmm?" The guilmon closed his mouth and got a better look at the feline who seemed so much smaller since last night. "Oh, Jagmon! You"re still tasty even when you"re smaller," despite not answering the question, Gus still seemed satisfied with his response. So much so he leaned forward and dragged his tongue against Jag"s chest, soaking it over with the gooey slime with a single swipe. He rumbled in approval, despite the feline"s protest.
The jaguar pushed against the digimon"s snout with both hands, preemptively stopping another lick. "Hey stoppit! I am a friend, stop trying to drool on me!"
"Friend?" Gus tilted his head while his nostrils twitched, he had to ponder for just a moment. "Of course! Jagmon very good friend, but also food," he sounded proud of himself, even while he cleaned over his chops right before the diminutive, black cat. "And it"s breakfast time! So friendly food the best kind," those jaws lunged forward and tried to /playfully/ chomp at Jag.
Thankfully, the adrenaline kicked in and allowed for the cat to practically throw himself over the arm of the couch, gracefully cushioning the fall to the floor with his hands before his face hit the carpet. Ooof. "Hey quit it! Stop calling me food!" Jag rolled up to his feet as he saw the dinosaur looming down to him from atop the couch.
"Mrm! But Jagmon /is/ food," Gus noted that as if he was trying to educate his feline friend. "And now he"s even easier to eat up!" He offered a growl while a wide grin spread his lips, making him look far more predatorial than his usual dopey and friendly visage gave off. Without another moment to waste he lept, but Jag backed up before he turned and made a run for it, just narrowly avoiding another nip from the hungry reptile.
Words alone weren"t going to help him, and due to his size he knew he couldn"t outrun his scaled friend turned predator for very long. He made a mental note not to leave any of his potions in Jay"s house in the future, especially if the effects could last for this long. The only hope he had was the stairs, and potentially the skunk"s bedroom. Already Jag formulated a plan to awaken the lazy/mephit who obviously didn"t keep his pet well fed if he was snapping his jaws at anything remotely edible, but after hopping up one step he already knew it would be quite the ordeal getting to the top.
"Jaaaagmon~! Heheh, this is fun!" There was a soft snicker that followed those words, but it did little to lighten the mood for the feline who continued to clumsily ascend what felt like a mountain of stairs. "My food doesn"t usually get this far, but don"t worry I"ll still getcha," he seemed almost innocent if not for the hungry stare while part of his tongue slipped out from behind his lips. Jag only stopped to peek backwards for a moment, and it was more than enough to give him a second wind to continue his journey to safety.
"N-Not food!" The jaguar whined, soon feeling the familiar heat of the dinosaur"s breath tickling the bottom of his feet. Rather than get caught, he managed to push forward and-flump! Finally! He made it to the top of the staircase with his heart racing and chest heaving, but he tried to keep moving. The surprisingly mobile, yet still pudgy, dino continued in pursuit, ensuring that his edible playmate wouldn"t get very far. Jag barely made his way down the hallway before he realized that in his haste he had no idea if he was going the right way. Rather than turn down the corridor, he ended up bumping into the wall, and with the eager-looking guilmon lumbering close he panicked and pushed himself backwards, right into the corner.
Gus stood a few feet away, hunched forward more than usual so he could keep his focus on the black furred treat, eyes narrowed and tongue soon moistening his scaled lips once more. "Mrah, you"re really fast, Jagmon," though he noted it sincerely it certainly felt like a teasing notion.
Jag squirmed his feet into the carpet while he blindly felt around, half hoping maybe there was an emergency trapdoor or something within his reach. Being cornered with a large, hungry dinosaur looming over him...he was still hoping for an escape from his friend who only saw him as breakfast. Before he could even think to try shouting for help, Gus snapped his jaws forward, engulfing Jag past his thighs in a single swift motion. The hot, gooey touch of the guilmon"s jaws held on the shrunken cat"s legs, tensing and tasting him even as those black furred hands pushed down in a hopeless attempt at escape.
"G-Gus!" The protests didn"t even earn a twitch from those normally alert ear fins. "Stop I"m...I"m not�" the jaguar tried to squirm and tug himself free, but each time he managed to wriggle all that happened was the jaws held that much tighter on his legs and feet. His toes curled at the back of the large, broad tongue feeling it lead to the slippery depths of the guilmon"s gullet that was no doubt tensing in anticipation. A low, satisfied rumbling was practically moaned out from the dinosaur"s maw as he carefully chomped his way up past Jag"s waistline while taking a hard swallow. The feline"s breathing excited considerably as the hot, humid air washed up his front, matting down what bits of fur that hadn"t already been soaked over with ropes of slobber. His best efforts were no match for the clenching esophagus that began to squeeze and knead on the swallowed feet, leading them deeper into the pulsating, organic tunnel.
Even as Jag tried to twist his hips and push his hands at Gus" snout, nothing he could muster up managed to slow the advances. Another quick snap forward and the guilmon had taken liberty of the feline"s arms from the elbow down, applying just enough pressure to keep the wiggly food item from escaping while those large teeth pressed down on the tender morsel. Each lazy swallow offered a rolling clench of muscle and flesh that wrapped around Jag so tightly, leaving him at the mercy of the hungry embrace as drool ran down his upper back and pooled on the floor where he once was. Gus rose his head in triumph, and with the aid of gravity the lump in his throat dropped and his belly rumbled impatiently.
"N-Nrah, not food�" Those words barely escaped the feline"s muzzle as he was greeted by the broad, pebbled flesh of the guilmon"s maw. Each tongue swipe soaked up his flavor while simultaneously soaking that once soft and warm dark colored pelt. Even as the musky maw fumes washed around his face and the light of the outside world had been sealed away by Gus" lips, the feline offered his weak squirms as he felt another hard, resounding gulp force him deeper into the darkness. Jag mewled into the wrinkled flesh surrounding him as he traveled down, his form a mere bulge in the guilmon"s front. A loud burble followed by a series of squishes forced the feline into a tight, curled position in the depths of that chubby dino-belly that now sagged further thanks to the devoured feline"s weight. Given how naturally the chamber stretched yet still contained the jaguar with comfortable ease spoke volumes about Gus" eating habits, and now Jag was learning all about it.
"Gus!" The feline called up, his body soaked in various slime and mucus as the dark environment merely squished and churned into his helpless body. He tried to twist and squirm, hands clumsily trying to reach up for the passage that brought him into the dinosaur"s sloshing stomach. A few whimpers and whines were all the feline could manage, he was utterly trapped in the musky food pit, being treated like everything else that passed the guilmon"s lips.
A low groan rocked Gus" stomach while he gave it a slow squeeze with his hands. "Ooof, maybe I ran too much�or ate too fast," the digimon muttered that aloud before he cleaned his lips, savoring the lingering bits of flavor there. "Urp, still hungry...Jagmon was too small," the glutton continued before he realized that it was still breakfast time, which meant he could be fed again since it was the most important meal of the day.
Jag was able to loosen the stomach"s grip on him partially thanks to his efforts, and despite the heat and constant movement sapping away his strength he wanted to put it to good use before it was too late. The fact that Gus made his way to Jay"s bedroom was utterly lost on the feline, his surroundings weren"t exactly transparent after all.
"Gus, what is it?" A very tired skunk asked without opening his eyes, the familiar breath washing over his face was more than enough to tell him who wanted his attention this early in the morning.
The digimon"s stomach groaned loudly, the contents inside were getting wetter. "I"m hungry!" Gus whined, nosing at the skunk who obviously wanted to sleep in. "Jagmon was small when I found him and�" he stopped for a moment, the activity in his stomach caused a mild strain. "Grah, and now my tummy feels funny. I think it"s still hungry."
"You have a stomach ache and you think the cure is more food?" Jay chuckled briefly before finally opening his eyes while a yawn forced his muzzle to do the same. "I forgot to tell you that Jag had a little accident last night, but you still ate him?" The news that his friend was devoured by his pet didn"t seem to register as urgent on the skunk"s radar, so instead he gave Gus a gentle pat on the head.
"Mhmm! He was very tasty!" The dinosaur beamed at the praise, but he squinted again as the movement in his stomach forced another groan.
Jay narrowed his eyes, "Did you eat him too fast?"
"M-Maybe," Gus" discomfort grew to the point he slumped onto his backside beside the skunk"s bed.
"Hey hey, what did I tell you about eating like that? It"s not like you eat wiggling food every day, no wonder your belly is upset," Jay sighed and slipped out of bed with a lazy stretch. "Just try to relax, I"ll help you gurgle up the wiggly kitty."
Thanks to the generous amount of thick padding lining the guilmon"s stomach and the copious wet noises, Jag wasn"t able to hear most of the exchange going back and forth. He continued to twist and squirm, desperate to get any kind of leverage in the hot, slick sack that constricted and kneaded on his tender, trapped body, but to no avail. Breathing in the hot, musky air was making the feline light headed, even as he was jostled around by the sudden movement. The walls closed in, tightly squeezing the soaked feline while the stomach ooze squished passed and around him. More fluids poured into the pulsating chamber, nearly enough to fully submerge its newest resident, but Jag kept trying to push forward against the slick walls and at the ceiling dribbling slimy enzymes over his head.
"No! S-Stop!" He mewled out as the sea of digestive goop started to bubble at an alarming rate, but it only further encouraged the feline to push up and try to kick his feet out in the tightening world. Just as he felt his strength began to fade, the jaguar pushed up what he thought would be a final time only to feel the world above him squelch and slowly start to give way. Jag wiggled and blindly felt his arm around along the inside of the new space, which excited a series of loud, gurgling groans to fill his ears. His chin was barely above the burbling digestive muck, head in danger of sinking down...but instead the fluids rushed upwards in a thick, gooey torrent, taking the stomach resident along for the ride.
Feeling the familiar confines of the guilmon"s esophagus only lasted for a brief moment as Jag rode the geyser-like eruption that propelled him up the dinosaur"s throat. Just when he started to forget what the outside world looked like, the feline was greeted by a sudden flash of light before he hit what felt like a bed, face first. He coughed and groaned, blindly reaching while the belly muck still clung to his now considerably soaked body. At the very least he knew he wasn"t being digested again, much to the disappointment of his host.
Jay sighed, "Gus, I knew you should have waited until I had gotten you something else," he shot a disapproving glance to the red and white reptile who was wiping his mouth and looking dejected. "But still you tried, that"s okay," and with that he prodded on the beast"s tummy which rose his spirits again.
"Urrgh, now I"m really hungry though!" Gus whined while he ran over his now empty mid-section, the feline certainly was rather filling, but just like that he ejected his passenger due to his lack of proper experience.
"It"s okay, go ahead and head to the kitchen, grab some cereal while you wait."
"Yay!" Gus" spirits broke through the roof and he ran out of the bedroom, a joyous spring in his step.
Jag slowly managed to sit up, breathing the cool, fresh air after what felt like days of being trapped in the guilmon"s stomach. "Wh...eww, not food," he mumbled even as he sat in a messy pool of belly slime.
"Jag," the skunk sighed and shook his head. "You"re clearly food, don"t be silly. I was hoping you"d make for a nice breakfast, but it seems like I have to prepare so you won"t upset Gus" tummy," he spoke casually about the manner, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary for the skunk. "But don"t worry, I got just what you need."
The jaguar heard a drawer opening while his brain tried to translate the words being said to him. Still, he was dizzy and trying to reorient himself, "What do I need...skunky?" He asked while shaking his head, still unclear as to what his friend meant. Since he was still only two feet tall, it was rather easy for the skunk to nudge the regurgitated feline over again and slide a leather strap around his wrists, keeping the jaguar"s hands behind his back now.
"Hey! What"s, what"s this?" Jag blinked and started to squirm, but he could barely budge his arms! Just when he started to squirm his legs those too were bound by another thick, leather strap thanks to the attentive skunk who apparently just kept bindings in his bedroom on the off chance he"d need to restrain a shrunken feline. "Why do you have these?"
"Oh come on, stop squirming about. Don"t be too surprised, you know how weird things in my house can get," the skunk prodded the ebony cat on the back of his head. "I only have to use this because you"re not being very good food, but I"m sure that Gus" belly will love to have you again," and with that he scooped up the slimy feline and slung him over his shoulder. "Let"s go get you ready for breakfast."
"S-Skunky wait! I"m not foods!"
Jay quirked his brow at that before shrugging. "Well, let"s test that theory. If you"re not food then you won"t end up as guilmon belly fat," the nonchalant skunk left the room, taking his guest turned dinosaur chow with him.
By the time the pair made it downstairs, Gus was licking the inside of a large bowl that was once filled with his favorite, peanut-butter flavored cereal puffs. He rose his nose and sniffed the air, spotting the familiar feline in the grasp of his owner who looked somewhat annoyed with the weakly squirming and bound guest over his shoulder.
"Okay Gus, let"s try this again," Jay set down the jaguar in the middle of the table with a sigh. "I take it your tummy feels better?"
Jag wiggled along the table, weakly sitting up with a strained grunt. "Skunky! Let me go! I"m not foods!" The pair simply ignored him from the look of things, since Gus was prodding at his own stomach curiously.
"I think so...but Jagmon is still all sticky," the digimon pouted for a moment even while his stomach hungrily groaned.
"Fine fine, I"ll just prep him up," the skunk rolled his eyes before he got an idea. "But let"s give you a big breakfast today. I mean, you ate up Jag all by yourself this time and that makes you a good boy. Just need you to be patient, okay?"
Gus" face lit up with a wide smile, "Yay!" Oh he was so easily pleased, but it failed to amuse Jag who was still trying to wiggle himself free from his bindings, but to no avail.
The trapped feline could barely squirm atop the table let alone break free of his bindings. A series of questions bounced around in his head, but he didn"t bother trying to answer those, he was trying to avoid being guilmon-chow. All the same, he was given a front row seat of the skunk"s efforts in the kitchen. Even while the jaguar watched he was unable to obtain any meaningful attention, and his body was still recovering from the trip he took into and out of the guilmon"s stomach. Eggs were cracked, butter heated, milk poured, needless to say the skunk knew his way around making breakfast foods, and already the digimon was starting to drool. Warm scents quickly filled the kitchen while Gus eagerly swayed his hips and settled behind the table, even with his stomach rumbling for more food he was a patient dino, and soon he would be rewarded.
"And here we are," Jay turned to the table and presented a large plate generously made up of french toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, and even a few grapes. He unscrewed the lid on the peanut butter jar before depositing a large glob of the stuff on the hot batter fried bread. As if the digimon wasn"t drooling already, but he managed to accumulate a small puddle on the tabletop beneath his chin.
Jag huffed, rolling over to see the efforts of the skunk"s work. "Well good! You made him actual breakfast now, can you untie me?"
"Huh? Untie you?" Jay finally regarded the feline he had placed on his table, meanwhile the guilmon was staring longingly at the plate of food set before him. "This is just a warm up, by the end of the day I can guarantee you"re going to be digi-pudge."
There was a weak whine as Jag heard that statement, and given how helpless he was it wouldn"t have taken much to turn that into a reality. "But you-"
"Oh come on, Jag. You"re going to let Gus go hungry?" The skunk looked almost hurt until he realized that the dinosaur hadn"t started eating just yet. "That"s right, sorry about that Gus, you can go ahead and eat it," and with that the drooling reptile got to work with an eager, happy whine. "At the very least I can say he"s well trained...but he"s a growing dino, and he needs nothing but the best, and hey you know what they say. Keep your friends close, and the edible ones even closer~"
Jag narrowed his eyes at that statement, it didn"t sound accurate, but the skunk had turned his back and returned to the island to grab a large metallic bowl. The trapped cat started squirming again, but all he managed to do was tire himself out while watching Gus shovel a generous amount of food into his mouth and swallow it down without a second thought. He was hit with the realization that he would be seeing that food again shortly, and it made his heart sink. His ears perked back up when the bowl Jay retrieved had been set down beside him, prompting the curious feline to try and peek in to see the contents.
"I had extra batter left over from the French toast, and I figured that even if you still had some drool lingering in your fur this would help mask the flavors," the skunk noted while he gave the thick, tan colored goop a slow stirring with a plastic spatula. "You just about ready?"
"R-Ready?" Jag grunted, he looked up to his friend with wide eyes. "But I"m not-"
"Food!" Gus interrupted rather eagerly, "Jagmon is food! I wanna eat him, but this time my tummy won"t let him go!"
"You heard the dino," the mephit smirked and gave a soft pat on the soon to be devoured feline"s head. "But come on, don"t look so glum. We both know deep down you"ve enjoyed getting to stare into his jaws every so often...and I trust you"ll keep him satisfied until lunch at the very least. Still surprised you haven"t grown back to your proper size, but this just means I didn"t have to make a lot of extra batter."
Jag was silenced, mostly by the nonchalant manner in regards to how his friend was going to feed him to a hungry dinosaur. He tried to think of a decent response, some way to use logic to escape his precarious situation, but it was far too late. A chilled mess of batter was dumped over his head, which traveled down his shoulders, chest, stomach, and his bound limbs while the leftover sludge pooled beneath him where he sat. It was obvious Jay would need to do a bit of cleanup, but given how the skunk was grinning he didn"t see it as much of an option.
"Alright, Jag"s all set. Try him now, Gus."
Those were the magic words, as soon batter wasn"t the only thing Jag had to worry about. Even with his eyes closed as the gunk ran down his face, he knew the familiar touch of guilmon saliva all too well. He could feel the familiar heat of the dinosaur"s breath tickling along the top of his head, only now the muggy fumes were lined with the scents of meat, bread, and eggs all being squished and churned together by that ravenous stomach. Jag forced a hard swallow as he opened his eyes, seeing just what he expected: tongue, gums, teeth, and of course the black abyss of Gus" esophagus. Thick strands of clear drool made web-like designs in the spacious, reptilian maw that was poised to close around the prepared morsel on display. Before even a whimper could leave Jag"s lips that broad, dark pink tongue snaked forward and messily smeared itself over the feline"s coated neck and face, rubbing the pebbled surface slowly into the mouth-watering main course that would nicely round out the hungry digimon"s breakfast. Jag only managed a groan in response, the touch of Gus" flesh was familiar in the sense it sent a tingle down his spine, but it also darkened his already ebony colored cheeks as he grew flustered and his world became dark and damp once again.
Though Gus had messily claimed his other food, he knew that wiggly foods should be taken slowly if he wanted to properly enjoy them. Last time, he stuffed Jag down his throat without much care or focus and he ended up dislodging his feline friend in a messy display. Now, the guilmon was truly savoring and soaking onto the helpless cat who could barely struggle in his bindings while his head sank into the embrace of the digimon"s throat once again, spreading the slick, squishy folds nice and slowly. A happy groan left Gus" chest while he used one hand to grab at black cat"s backside and guide him forward just before another eager swallow gripped onto his live breakfast and /encouraged/ him further past his moist lips. By the time Jay had turned around with a wet rag to clean the table, he only saw the feline"s lower half sticking out from his pet"s drooling snout.
"There you go. Good boy, Gus. He tastes even better now I figure, your belly is gonna take much better care of him now," the skunk looked very pleased with himself as he started on the clean up.
For Jag, it was a much different experience, but it mirrored the previous encounter all the same. He hardly had any strength with the relentless heat, pulsations, and overwhelming scents that formed a powerful onslaught that sought to drain him of his remaining energy while also tenderizing him for the trip down Gus" esophagus. His gooey coating was gradually dislodged and replaced by thick saliva, making his descent all the easier on the digimon"s powerful gullet. Each clench and squeeze offered unique stimulation, even as Jag tried to resist the inevitable fate that was all too fitting given he had been called food first thing since he woke up. He tried to whine, but a groan escaped instead while his hips and thighs were swallowed into the ravenous passage, soon leaving his feet resting on the backside of Gus" teeth. Like before, the guilmon tilted his head upwards so he could finish off his meekly squirming treat with the assistance of gravity. Gulp.
Jay watched the bulge of his friend descent behind layers of soft, white scales until it gathered in the pit of his doting pet"s pudgy stomach. The weight of his feline guest caused the belly to bounce faintly, settling into the half chewed and fully soaked food that had been eaten only moments earlier. He reached forward and gave Gus" belly a soothing rub while a satisfied groan rolled out of the dopey dino just before a thick, wet belch followed, no doubt tightening Jag"s new home.
"Heh, excuse you," the skunk teased and gave a soft peck on Gus" cheek. "Go on and relax now though, don"t upset your belly by running around and stuff, let Jag settle like a good meal, okay?"
Gus licked his lips, still savoring bits of flavor left on them by the generous contribution his feline friend gave to his appetite. "Urrph...mrmmh, oh, okay," he noted while giving his own tummy a nice squeeze. "C"mon food friend, let"s go relax."
Those words were a mostly jumbled mess for the jaguar locked inside once again of the churning stomach, only now he was joined by a thickly burbling quagmire of digesting food. The leather bindings would no doubt be broken down with ease by the guilmon"s stomach, along with the cat who was trapped by them. Jag whimpered and pushed out with his feet, trying to once again somehow encourage the dinosaur"s stomach to dislodge him, but given all of the muck he was dwelling in that was not possible. More warm fluids soon coated the messy feline, and combined with the steady heat and lack of clean air the jaguar struggled to keep his eyes open in the hungrily churning chamber.
"N-Nyrgh," and with that Jag more or less tried to resign himself to his fate. His destiny was to apparently hug the softly padded middle of the cute dinosaur whose company he had enjoyed in the past. "B-bad digi...not foods," he groaned up lazily and shifted just before another tight constriction of wrinkled flesh coaxed him to simply given in. After all, Gus" stomach seemed happy to have him.
By the time Jay cleaned up the kitchen and joined his pet in the living room, he found Gus passed out on the couch with his belly on full display as it gurgled away noisily. He couldn"t help but grin and give the scaled tummy a nice squeeze and a soothing pat.
"Thanks Jag, you always make such nice guilmon pudge. Enjoy hugging Gus" tummy, because it was obviously excited to have you wiggling inside of it again," the skunk gave another pat to the sloshing middle before he stretched out with a yawn himself. "Let"s just call us even now...maybe," he grinned wryly even as the dozing dinosaur offered another jaguar-scented belch.
Balanced Breakfast
By: Jay "Jizzal" Ednor
For: Jag
Jag is © himself
Guilmon is © Ban-Dai or something
Late night pizza was the ideal ending to a "play-date", even if most of said pizza had been eaten up by a single glutton. Still, Jag was more than happy to cuddle against the pudgy, red dinosaur who was sprawled out on the floor with his belly exposed. The feline lazed against the reptile, lightly prodding at the doughy, scaled tummy adorned with dark symbols. He rolled and kneaded one hand carefully over the warm middle, offering the occasional squeeze with his palm and digits. Gus was a few inches taller than the feline, even though he mostly hunched as his movement was more akin to a raptor thanks to his broad feet and thick tail. The guilmon certainly did take to attention very well, playing with his owner"s friends like this was always such a treat.
"You two really are too cute together."
The ebony jaguar perked at the skunk peering over them from behind the couch, looking all too smug as he spoke.
"Hey! He"s the cute one here, skunkers," Jag retorted while the guilmon he had been tending to merely rumbled in response. "But I think he ate too much pizza, he doesn"t want to get up, hehe."
"Yeah?" Oh that sounded like a challenge, the skunk stroked his chin before turning to face the kitchen once more. "Hey Gus, I made you a peanut butter milkshake."
A pair of ear-fins perked before the reptile practically leapt to his feet with an excited cry of delight. "Yay milkshake!" A somewhat high-pitched voice left the otherwise broad dinosaur while he made his way into the kitchen. The excitement left poor Jag to flop on the floor since his makeshift couch moved so suddenly, but he shot his friend and host a playful glare.
"That"s cheating," Jag grumbled, but in response the mephit looked completely devastated by the statement.
"Your words sting, my dear friend," Jay snickered and shook his head. "Come on though, I got you a drink too."
With a shrug the jaguar got to his feet and meandered over to the kitchen, joining the pair. Gus was already working his tongue into the glass that once held his milkshake; the contents never stood a chance against the eager, ravenous dinosaur. His tail and hips were swaying, but Jag deftly avoided the movement and found himself a seat at the table. Just as he was about to ask what he was having, his host deposited a frosty milkshake before the eager feline. Even if he was stuffed with pizza, he felt it wouldn"t hurt to have a little dessert.
Jag rumbled happily while he drank, feeling the cold, refreshing mixture of ice cream, milk, and what felt like various flavors funnel their way into his mouth. His tail flicked before he pulled away, nearly halfway done already. "Mmm! This is really good skunkers, what"s in it?"
"All sorts of stuff," Jay waved off the comment before his attention went back to the guilmon who was still trying to get every last drop out of his glass. "Gus, put that down. At this rate you"re going to swallow it."
Gus suddenly looked embarrassed and uncurled his tongue, leaving the glass settled on the table, but it oozed and dribbled with copious amounts of slobber. "Hee, guess I got too excited! It was really good though!" He rose his hands in appreciation, looking far too happy with himself in that moment.
The display earned a chuckle from Jag while the skunk busied himself with the clean up. "Does skunky always give you lots of tasty things?" He asked while eyeing over the suddenly energetic dino, perhaps the sugar he just inhaled was to blame for his newfound eagerness.
"Uh huh! All the time, lots of tasty things," Gus nodded proudly. "Sometimes he says I eat too much, but other times I do get a lot of tasty things," those words made him pause and he tapped a claw tip along his chin. "Hrmm, but /I/ don"t think it"s too much so...what do you think, Jagmon?"
"Well, you are pretty pudgy! But it"s cute, so that"s okay," the feline responded while poking the digimon on the stomach, which prompted a bout of laughter.
Gus (carefully) swatted back at the cat before he leaned closer as if to say something. Rather than move his lips, his nostrils twitched as something caught his nose as if for the first time. "Oooh, well if it"s cute then that"s okay. Especially since always Jagmon smells really nice," and without a second thought his broad muzzle was brought to the jaguar"s cheek and his fat, drooling tongue flopped free. Slurp.
"G-Gus!" Jag practically squeaked, but to be fair the side of his face was soaked with thick saliva to the point he felt it dripple off some of his whiskers. He wiped himself with his shirt using one hand and the other lightly nudged the guilmon"s face away. "I"m not tasties, and I"m not guilmon food!"
" taste really," the guilmon smacked his chops momentarily. "Good!"
The feline grumbled playfully and shook his head, "But I"m not food! Don"t get silly ideas like that in your head," he offered a somewhat nervous chuckle with his words to try and lessen the mood.
That concept seemed alien to the simple dinosaur who blinked a few times before tilting his head. "" He was struggling to rationalize the statement, even while he cleaned over his chops after getting that taste of his owner"s friend.
"Yeah, not food!" Jag huffed and reached over to poke the dino on the muzzle, but his entire hand ended up engulf within Gus" jaws. The feline"s pupils shrank as cool, scaled lips closed around his wrist. "Hey! Gus!" All he earned in response was more drool, and a series of slow licks nibbles while he could feel the satisfied rumbles leaving the reptile"s chest run all the way up his shoulder.
Before things escalated too far, Jay sighed and looked over to the pair. "Gus, you"re going to get a tummy ache if you eat too fast. Remember what happened last time?"
Those words strung a chord with the reptile who slowly dislodged the hand from his mouth, but still left the feline"s hand soaked in saliva all the same. "Oooh, tummy aches are no fun," Gus lamented while he gave his stomach a soft pat. Just then his jaws widened and he exhaled a long, heavy sigh, which left Jag in the blast zone of his thick pizza and milkshake scented breath.
Jag tried not to stare into the dinosaur"s glistening maw, but it was on full display before him. Those pointy, conical teeth were connected by thick strands of drool even as the broad, almost red-colored tongue offered a languid squirm as though it were some fat, beached whale. His eyes caught sight of Gus" gullet only for a moment before the dino closed his mouth and smacked his chops, eyeing the feline curiously.
"It"s about time you"re tired. Go ahead and run off to bed, Gus. I"ll be up there in a bit," Jay stepped away from the sink, but his pet looked hesitant to budge from where he was standing. "But first say goodnight to Jag."
The digimon looked elated and he bumped his nose against the black cat with a warm rumbling. "Yay! Goodnight, Jagmon!" Gus was rather fond of the friendly feline, even if he spent the past few minutes drooling on him. Without a second thought the reptile turned about and made his way out of the kitchen, lumbering off with another lazy yawn.
"G"night Gusmon!" Jag snickered and gave a light bat at the tip of the dinosaur"s tail before it was out of reach. That yawn made him realize how late it had gotten, the feline didn"t bother checking the time, he knew it was late enough. "Guess I should head off too though," he nodded slowly. After he said that, he even started to feel tired, and a bit dizzy as well.
"Yeah I haven"t been staying up that late, Gus is a bit of a handful at times, but you always seem to wear him out. Just careful staring into his mouth like that, you might just trip and fall in," Jay commented with complete nonchalance. He even followed it up with a blunt, "Not that I"d mind."
Jag grew flustered and playfully pouted for a moment. "Bad skunk, trying to get me in his dino"s tummy."
"If I was trying, you"d know," the bad skunk responded with a sly grin. "Are you going to spend the night? Looks like you might want to."
The obvious teasing left the jaguar grumbling, he didn"t bother trying to get back at his friend just yet. After a series of slow blinks Jag certainly felt odd, and everything around him seemed to be getting...larger. "Oh...oh!" Just to make sure he wasn"t completely losing his mind, the spotted feline checked his clothing which had gotten considerably loose in only a few moments. He gave Jay an exasperated stare, but the skunk merely smiled in response. The jaguar knew he couldn"t fight the sensations, so he simply stayed in his seat, even as he squirmed meekly and focused on keeping his breath and focus as best he could. By the time everything around him had stopped apparently growing and shifting the once average sized feline was considerably more...compact.
"Urgh...skunkers," Jag rubbed his forehead before shaking himself off. At the very least he didn"t feel too disoriented, but he shot an unhappy glance up to Jay. "Why did you do this?" He asked with a heavy sigh, at least he wasn"t the size of a micro so he wouldn"t have to adjust too drastically.
There was a blank stare from the skunk before he managed to find a decent response. "Because whenever I go to /your/ house this sort of thing happens to me. Or I turn into a rabbit, or a mouse, or an otter, or a whatever it is you get me to drink," Jay loomed close only to give the smaller male a poke on the nose. "Just surprised you made it that easy, but hey I figured it"d be fun if for a chance I got back at you."
Jag blinked while he tried to recall this instances. "Oh yeah," he snickered, his mood steadily improving. It was far from the first time he had a mix up with his various potions, so he looked as though he would cope with ease with the new situation. "Well, at least I"m not too small," the cat tried to find the bright side while he stood on his chair. His clothes were pushed to the floor as the feline stretched his arms out with a grunt, estimating he must have been only around two feet in at the very least he wasn"t going to be stepped on so easily.
"Well, it"s good to see you"re taking this so well," Jay quirked his brow before he shrugged. "But in truth I just found one of your vials hidden away in /my/ room and figured I might as well see what it does, though either way you"re not driving home tonight," the skunk then reached for his smaller friend and casually hoisted him up and over his shoulder.
"Ah! Skunkers!" Jag squirmed for a moment, but it was just a short walk back to the couch where he was sat down.
"Guess we"re having a sleepover," the skunk spoke while he turned to a nearby closet and pulled out a warm-looking blanket and tossed it onto the feline. Flump. "And before you ask, no, I don"t have any clothes that would fit you. It"s not a cold night, you should be fine with just this."
It took a bit of effort, but thankfully Jag managed to get out from underneath the blanket and sat up on the couch with a sigh. "If you say so," the feline slumped as he spoke, the highs and lows of the evening were starting to pull a toll on him. "Well, I am pretty sleepy. Guess being small makes you tired?"
"Hey don"t ask me, I barely remember what happens after I get shrunk," the skunk grumbled and gave the feline a light prod on the top of his head. "But I"m going to bed too, if you need anything...uhh, I guess you"ll have to climb the stairs."
"Hrmph, I should be fines," Jag still grumbled even if he was adjusting well enough to his lack of size. "So long as there"s no more sneaky skunk tricks."
Jay shrugged, "No promises. G"night Jag," and with that he turned off the lights and made his way upstairs.
"Hey I mean it, no sneaky skunk tricks!" The feline sighed, but there wasn"t much that could be done at this point so he merely did his best to get comfortable and try to get some rest. His rounded ears twitched when he heard a door close, signaling that he had been left all by his lonesome. He didn"t have the energy or even the desire to make much of a fuss, so he settled into the comparably large sofa and wrapped as much of the blanket around him that he could gather. His mind was somewhat jumbled, but his body just wanted to rest. He tried to ignore thoughts as to what could happen next, things would be better in the morning when he"d be back to proper size. It only took a few minutes for the warmed feline to doze off.
Though he managed to enjoy hours of slumber, Jag reluctantly started to awaken due to something...wet. His hand pawed forward blindly, brushing against something he didn"t bother to analyze at the moment. The moist sensation dribbled down his face, but he merely rolled over and tried to ignore it, after all he was a tired feline. Despite his efforts, the disturbances continued as a hot gust of muggy, musky air, which was more than enough to coax his eyes open and his nose to twitch. What greeted his sleepy eyes seemed familiar, glistening with hot, slick moisture and lined with...teeth. Oh.
"G-Gus?" Jag felt more awake quite suddenly, his body practically jolted with energy once he realized just who was waking him up. "What are you doing?"
"Hmm?" The guilmon closed his mouth and got a better look at the feline who seemed so much smaller since last night. "Oh, Jagmon! You"re still tasty even when you"re smaller," despite not answering the question, Gus still seemed satisfied with his response. So much so he leaned forward and dragged his tongue against Jag"s chest, soaking it over with the gooey slime with a single swipe. He rumbled in approval, despite the feline"s protest.
The jaguar pushed against the digimon"s snout with both hands, preemptively stopping another lick. "Hey stoppit! I am a friend, stop trying to drool on me!"
"Friend?" Gus tilted his head while his nostrils twitched, he had to ponder for just a moment. "Of course! Jagmon very good friend, but also food," he sounded proud of himself, even while he cleaned over his chops right before the diminutive, black cat. "And it"s breakfast time! So friendly food the best kind," those jaws lunged forward and tried to /playfully/ chomp at Jag.
Thankfully, the adrenaline kicked in and allowed for the cat to practically throw himself over the arm of the couch, gracefully cushioning the fall to the floor with his hands before his face hit the carpet. Ooof. "Hey quit it! Stop calling me food!" Jag rolled up to his feet as he saw the dinosaur looming down to him from atop the couch.
"Mrm! But Jagmon /is/ food," Gus noted that as if he was trying to educate his feline friend. "And now he"s even easier to eat up!" He offered a growl while a wide grin spread his lips, making him look far more predatorial than his usual dopey and friendly visage gave off. Without another moment to waste he lept, but Jag backed up before he turned and made a run for it, just narrowly avoiding another nip from the hungry reptile.
Words alone weren"t going to help him, and due to his size he knew he couldn"t outrun his scaled friend turned predator for very long. He made a mental note not to leave any of his potions in Jay"s house in the future, especially if the effects could last for this long. The only hope he had was the stairs, and potentially the skunk"s bedroom. Already Jag formulated a plan to awaken the lazy/mephit who obviously didn"t keep his pet well fed if he was snapping his jaws at anything remotely edible, but after hopping up one step he already knew it would be quite the ordeal getting to the top.
"Jaaaagmon~! Heheh, this is fun!" There was a soft snicker that followed those words, but it did little to lighten the mood for the feline who continued to clumsily ascend what felt like a mountain of stairs. "My food doesn"t usually get this far, but don"t worry I"ll still getcha," he seemed almost innocent if not for the hungry stare while part of his tongue slipped out from behind his lips. Jag only stopped to peek backwards for a moment, and it was more than enough to give him a second wind to continue his journey to safety.
"N-Not food!" The jaguar whined, soon feeling the familiar heat of the dinosaur"s breath tickling the bottom of his feet. Rather than get caught, he managed to push forward and-flump! Finally! He made it to the top of the staircase with his heart racing and chest heaving, but he tried to keep moving. The surprisingly mobile, yet still pudgy, dino continued in pursuit, ensuring that his edible playmate wouldn"t get very far. Jag barely made his way down the hallway before he realized that in his haste he had no idea if he was going the right way. Rather than turn down the corridor, he ended up bumping into the wall, and with the eager-looking guilmon lumbering close he panicked and pushed himself backwards, right into the corner.
Gus stood a few feet away, hunched forward more than usual so he could keep his focus on the black furred treat, eyes narrowed and tongue soon moistening his scaled lips once more. "Mrah, you"re really fast, Jagmon," though he noted it sincerely it certainly felt like a teasing notion.
Jag squirmed his feet into the carpet while he blindly felt around, half hoping maybe there was an emergency trapdoor or something within his reach. Being cornered with a large, hungry dinosaur looming over him...he was still hoping for an escape from his friend who only saw him as breakfast. Before he could even think to try shouting for help, Gus snapped his jaws forward, engulfing Jag past his thighs in a single swift motion. The hot, gooey touch of the guilmon"s jaws held on the shrunken cat"s legs, tensing and tasting him even as those black furred hands pushed down in a hopeless attempt at escape.
"G-Gus!" The protests didn"t even earn a twitch from those normally alert ear fins. "Stop I"m...I"m not�" the jaguar tried to squirm and tug himself free, but each time he managed to wriggle all that happened was the jaws held that much tighter on his legs and feet. His toes curled at the back of the large, broad tongue feeling it lead to the slippery depths of the guilmon"s gullet that was no doubt tensing in anticipation. A low, satisfied rumbling was practically moaned out from the dinosaur"s maw as he carefully chomped his way up past Jag"s waistline while taking a hard swallow. The feline"s breathing excited considerably as the hot, humid air washed up his front, matting down what bits of fur that hadn"t already been soaked over with ropes of slobber. His best efforts were no match for the clenching esophagus that began to squeeze and knead on the swallowed feet, leading them deeper into the pulsating, organic tunnel.
Even as Jag tried to twist his hips and push his hands at Gus" snout, nothing he could muster up managed to slow the advances. Another quick snap forward and the guilmon had taken liberty of the feline"s arms from the elbow down, applying just enough pressure to keep the wiggly food item from escaping while those large teeth pressed down on the tender morsel. Each lazy swallow offered a rolling clench of muscle and flesh that wrapped around Jag so tightly, leaving him at the mercy of the hungry embrace as drool ran down his upper back and pooled on the floor where he once was. Gus rose his head in triumph, and with the aid of gravity the lump in his throat dropped and his belly rumbled impatiently.
"N-Nrah, not food�" Those words barely escaped the feline"s muzzle as he was greeted by the broad, pebbled flesh of the guilmon"s maw. Each tongue swipe soaked up his flavor while simultaneously soaking that once soft and warm dark colored pelt. Even as the musky maw fumes washed around his face and the light of the outside world had been sealed away by Gus" lips, the feline offered his weak squirms as he felt another hard, resounding gulp force him deeper into the darkness. Jag mewled into the wrinkled flesh surrounding him as he traveled down, his form a mere bulge in the guilmon"s front. A loud burble followed by a series of squishes forced the feline into a tight, curled position in the depths of that chubby dino-belly that now sagged further thanks to the devoured feline"s weight. Given how naturally the chamber stretched yet still contained the jaguar with comfortable ease spoke volumes about Gus" eating habits, and now Jag was learning all about it.
"Gus!" The feline called up, his body soaked in various slime and mucus as the dark environment merely squished and churned into his helpless body. He tried to twist and squirm, hands clumsily trying to reach up for the passage that brought him into the dinosaur"s sloshing stomach. A few whimpers and whines were all the feline could manage, he was utterly trapped in the musky food pit, being treated like everything else that passed the guilmon"s lips.
A low groan rocked Gus" stomach while he gave it a slow squeeze with his hands. "Ooof, maybe I ran too much�or ate too fast," the digimon muttered that aloud before he cleaned his lips, savoring the lingering bits of flavor there. "Urp, still hungry...Jagmon was too small," the glutton continued before he realized that it was still breakfast time, which meant he could be fed again since it was the most important meal of the day.
Jag was able to loosen the stomach"s grip on him partially thanks to his efforts, and despite the heat and constant movement sapping away his strength he wanted to put it to good use before it was too late. The fact that Gus made his way to Jay"s bedroom was utterly lost on the feline, his surroundings weren"t exactly transparent after all.
"Gus, what is it?" A very tired skunk asked without opening his eyes, the familiar breath washing over his face was more than enough to tell him who wanted his attention this early in the morning.
The digimon"s stomach groaned loudly, the contents inside were getting wetter. "I"m hungry!" Gus whined, nosing at the skunk who obviously wanted to sleep in. "Jagmon was small when I found him and�" he stopped for a moment, the activity in his stomach caused a mild strain. "Grah, and now my tummy feels funny. I think it"s still hungry."
"You have a stomach ache and you think the cure is more food?" Jay chuckled briefly before finally opening his eyes while a yawn forced his muzzle to do the same. "I forgot to tell you that Jag had a little accident last night, but you still ate him?" The news that his friend was devoured by his pet didn"t seem to register as urgent on the skunk"s radar, so instead he gave Gus a gentle pat on the head.
"Mhmm! He was very tasty!" The dinosaur beamed at the praise, but he squinted again as the movement in his stomach forced another groan.
Jay narrowed his eyes, "Did you eat him too fast?"
"M-Maybe," Gus" discomfort grew to the point he slumped onto his backside beside the skunk"s bed.
"Hey hey, what did I tell you about eating like that? It"s not like you eat wiggling food every day, no wonder your belly is upset," Jay sighed and slipped out of bed with a lazy stretch. "Just try to relax, I"ll help you gurgle up the wiggly kitty."
Thanks to the generous amount of thick padding lining the guilmon"s stomach and the copious wet noises, Jag wasn"t able to hear most of the exchange going back and forth. He continued to twist and squirm, desperate to get any kind of leverage in the hot, slick sack that constricted and kneaded on his tender, trapped body, but to no avail. Breathing in the hot, musky air was making the feline light headed, even as he was jostled around by the sudden movement. The walls closed in, tightly squeezing the soaked feline while the stomach ooze squished passed and around him. More fluids poured into the pulsating chamber, nearly enough to fully submerge its newest resident, but Jag kept trying to push forward against the slick walls and at the ceiling dribbling slimy enzymes over his head.
"No! S-Stop!" He mewled out as the sea of digestive goop started to bubble at an alarming rate, but it only further encouraged the feline to push up and try to kick his feet out in the tightening world. Just as he felt his strength began to fade, the jaguar pushed up what he thought would be a final time only to feel the world above him squelch and slowly start to give way. Jag wiggled and blindly felt his arm around along the inside of the new space, which excited a series of loud, gurgling groans to fill his ears. His chin was barely above the burbling digestive muck, head in danger of sinking down...but instead the fluids rushed upwards in a thick, gooey torrent, taking the stomach resident along for the ride.
Feeling the familiar confines of the guilmon"s esophagus only lasted for a brief moment as Jag rode the geyser-like eruption that propelled him up the dinosaur"s throat. Just when he started to forget what the outside world looked like, the feline was greeted by a sudden flash of light before he hit what felt like a bed, face first. He coughed and groaned, blindly reaching while the belly muck still clung to his now considerably soaked body. At the very least he knew he wasn"t being digested again, much to the disappointment of his host.
Jay sighed, "Gus, I knew you should have waited until I had gotten you something else," he shot a disapproving glance to the red and white reptile who was wiping his mouth and looking dejected. "But still you tried, that"s okay," and with that he prodded on the beast"s tummy which rose his spirits again.
"Urrgh, now I"m really hungry though!" Gus whined while he ran over his now empty mid-section, the feline certainly was rather filling, but just like that he ejected his passenger due to his lack of proper experience.
"It"s okay, go ahead and head to the kitchen, grab some cereal while you wait."
"Yay!" Gus" spirits broke through the roof and he ran out of the bedroom, a joyous spring in his step.
Jag slowly managed to sit up, breathing the cool, fresh air after what felt like days of being trapped in the guilmon"s stomach. "Wh...eww, not food," he mumbled even as he sat in a messy pool of belly slime.
"Jag," the skunk sighed and shook his head. "You"re clearly food, don"t be silly. I was hoping you"d make for a nice breakfast, but it seems like I have to prepare so you won"t upset Gus" tummy," he spoke casually about the manner, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary for the skunk. "But don"t worry, I got just what you need."
The jaguar heard a drawer opening while his brain tried to translate the words being said to him. Still, he was dizzy and trying to reorient himself, "What do I need...skunky?" He asked while shaking his head, still unclear as to what his friend meant. Since he was still only two feet tall, it was rather easy for the skunk to nudge the regurgitated feline over again and slide a leather strap around his wrists, keeping the jaguar"s hands behind his back now.
"Hey! What"s, what"s this?" Jag blinked and started to squirm, but he could barely budge his arms! Just when he started to squirm his legs those too were bound by another thick, leather strap thanks to the attentive skunk who apparently just kept bindings in his bedroom on the off chance he"d need to restrain a shrunken feline. "Why do you have these?"
"Oh come on, stop squirming about. Don"t be too surprised, you know how weird things in my house can get," the skunk prodded the ebony cat on the back of his head. "I only have to use this because you"re not being very good food, but I"m sure that Gus" belly will love to have you again," and with that he scooped up the slimy feline and slung him over his shoulder. "Let"s go get you ready for breakfast."
"S-Skunky wait! I"m not foods!"
Jay quirked his brow at that before shrugging. "Well, let"s test that theory. If you"re not food then you won"t end up as guilmon belly fat," the nonchalant skunk left the room, taking his guest turned dinosaur chow with him.
By the time the pair made it downstairs, Gus was licking the inside of a large bowl that was once filled with his favorite, peanut-butter flavored cereal puffs. He rose his nose and sniffed the air, spotting the familiar feline in the grasp of his owner who looked somewhat annoyed with the weakly squirming and bound guest over his shoulder.
"Okay Gus, let"s try this again," Jay set down the jaguar in the middle of the table with a sigh. "I take it your tummy feels better?"
Jag wiggled along the table, weakly sitting up with a strained grunt. "Skunky! Let me go! I"m not foods!" The pair simply ignored him from the look of things, since Gus was prodding at his own stomach curiously.
"I think so...but Jagmon is still all sticky," the digimon pouted for a moment even while his stomach hungrily groaned.
"Fine fine, I"ll just prep him up," the skunk rolled his eyes before he got an idea. "But let"s give you a big breakfast today. I mean, you ate up Jag all by yourself this time and that makes you a good boy. Just need you to be patient, okay?"
Gus" face lit up with a wide smile, "Yay!" Oh he was so easily pleased, but it failed to amuse Jag who was still trying to wiggle himself free from his bindings, but to no avail.
The trapped feline could barely squirm atop the table let alone break free of his bindings. A series of questions bounced around in his head, but he didn"t bother trying to answer those, he was trying to avoid being guilmon-chow. All the same, he was given a front row seat of the skunk"s efforts in the kitchen. Even while the jaguar watched he was unable to obtain any meaningful attention, and his body was still recovering from the trip he took into and out of the guilmon"s stomach. Eggs were cracked, butter heated, milk poured, needless to say the skunk knew his way around making breakfast foods, and already the digimon was starting to drool. Warm scents quickly filled the kitchen while Gus eagerly swayed his hips and settled behind the table, even with his stomach rumbling for more food he was a patient dino, and soon he would be rewarded.
"And here we are," Jay turned to the table and presented a large plate generously made up of french toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, and even a few grapes. He unscrewed the lid on the peanut butter jar before depositing a large glob of the stuff on the hot batter fried bread. As if the digimon wasn"t drooling already, but he managed to accumulate a small puddle on the tabletop beneath his chin.
Jag huffed, rolling over to see the efforts of the skunk"s work. "Well good! You made him actual breakfast now, can you untie me?"
"Huh? Untie you?" Jay finally regarded the feline he had placed on his table, meanwhile the guilmon was staring longingly at the plate of food set before him. "This is just a warm up, by the end of the day I can guarantee you"re going to be digi-pudge."
There was a weak whine as Jag heard that statement, and given how helpless he was it wouldn"t have taken much to turn that into a reality. "But you-"
"Oh come on, Jag. You"re going to let Gus go hungry?" The skunk looked almost hurt until he realized that the dinosaur hadn"t started eating just yet. "That"s right, sorry about that Gus, you can go ahead and eat it," and with that the drooling reptile got to work with an eager, happy whine. "At the very least I can say he"s well trained...but he"s a growing dino, and he needs nothing but the best, and hey you know what they say. Keep your friends close, and the edible ones even closer~"
Jag narrowed his eyes at that statement, it didn"t sound accurate, but the skunk had turned his back and returned to the island to grab a large metallic bowl. The trapped cat started squirming again, but all he managed to do was tire himself out while watching Gus shovel a generous amount of food into his mouth and swallow it down without a second thought. He was hit with the realization that he would be seeing that food again shortly, and it made his heart sink. His ears perked back up when the bowl Jay retrieved had been set down beside him, prompting the curious feline to try and peek in to see the contents.
"I had extra batter left over from the French toast, and I figured that even if you still had some drool lingering in your fur this would help mask the flavors," the skunk noted while he gave the thick, tan colored goop a slow stirring with a plastic spatula. "You just about ready?"
"R-Ready?" Jag grunted, he looked up to his friend with wide eyes. "But I"m not-"
"Food!" Gus interrupted rather eagerly, "Jagmon is food! I wanna eat him, but this time my tummy won"t let him go!"
"You heard the dino," the mephit smirked and gave a soft pat on the soon to be devoured feline"s head. "But come on, don"t look so glum. We both know deep down you"ve enjoyed getting to stare into his jaws every so often...and I trust you"ll keep him satisfied until lunch at the very least. Still surprised you haven"t grown back to your proper size, but this just means I didn"t have to make a lot of extra batter."
Jag was silenced, mostly by the nonchalant manner in regards to how his friend was going to feed him to a hungry dinosaur. He tried to think of a decent response, some way to use logic to escape his precarious situation, but it was far too late. A chilled mess of batter was dumped over his head, which traveled down his shoulders, chest, stomach, and his bound limbs while the leftover sludge pooled beneath him where he sat. It was obvious Jay would need to do a bit of cleanup, but given how the skunk was grinning he didn"t see it as much of an option.
"Alright, Jag"s all set. Try him now, Gus."
Those were the magic words, as soon batter wasn"t the only thing Jag had to worry about. Even with his eyes closed as the gunk ran down his face, he knew the familiar touch of guilmon saliva all too well. He could feel the familiar heat of the dinosaur"s breath tickling along the top of his head, only now the muggy fumes were lined with the scents of meat, bread, and eggs all being squished and churned together by that ravenous stomach. Jag forced a hard swallow as he opened his eyes, seeing just what he expected: tongue, gums, teeth, and of course the black abyss of Gus" esophagus. Thick strands of clear drool made web-like designs in the spacious, reptilian maw that was poised to close around the prepared morsel on display. Before even a whimper could leave Jag"s lips that broad, dark pink tongue snaked forward and messily smeared itself over the feline"s coated neck and face, rubbing the pebbled surface slowly into the mouth-watering main course that would nicely round out the hungry digimon"s breakfast. Jag only managed a groan in response, the touch of Gus" flesh was familiar in the sense it sent a tingle down his spine, but it also darkened his already ebony colored cheeks as he grew flustered and his world became dark and damp once again.
Though Gus had messily claimed his other food, he knew that wiggly foods should be taken slowly if he wanted to properly enjoy them. Last time, he stuffed Jag down his throat without much care or focus and he ended up dislodging his feline friend in a messy display. Now, the guilmon was truly savoring and soaking onto the helpless cat who could barely struggle in his bindings while his head sank into the embrace of the digimon"s throat once again, spreading the slick, squishy folds nice and slowly. A happy groan left Gus" chest while he used one hand to grab at black cat"s backside and guide him forward just before another eager swallow gripped onto his live breakfast and /encouraged/ him further past his moist lips. By the time Jay had turned around with a wet rag to clean the table, he only saw the feline"s lower half sticking out from his pet"s drooling snout.
"There you go. Good boy, Gus. He tastes even better now I figure, your belly is gonna take much better care of him now," the skunk looked very pleased with himself as he started on the clean up.
For Jag, it was a much different experience, but it mirrored the previous encounter all the same. He hardly had any strength with the relentless heat, pulsations, and overwhelming scents that formed a powerful onslaught that sought to drain him of his remaining energy while also tenderizing him for the trip down Gus" esophagus. His gooey coating was gradually dislodged and replaced by thick saliva, making his descent all the easier on the digimon"s powerful gullet. Each clench and squeeze offered unique stimulation, even as Jag tried to resist the inevitable fate that was all too fitting given he had been called food first thing since he woke up. He tried to whine, but a groan escaped instead while his hips and thighs were swallowed into the ravenous passage, soon leaving his feet resting on the backside of Gus" teeth. Like before, the guilmon tilted his head upwards so he could finish off his meekly squirming treat with the assistance of gravity. Gulp.
Jay watched the bulge of his friend descent behind layers of soft, white scales until it gathered in the pit of his doting pet"s pudgy stomach. The weight of his feline guest caused the belly to bounce faintly, settling into the half chewed and fully soaked food that had been eaten only moments earlier. He reached forward and gave Gus" belly a soothing rub while a satisfied groan rolled out of the dopey dino just before a thick, wet belch followed, no doubt tightening Jag"s new home.
"Heh, excuse you," the skunk teased and gave a soft peck on Gus" cheek. "Go on and relax now though, don"t upset your belly by running around and stuff, let Jag settle like a good meal, okay?"
Gus licked his lips, still savoring bits of flavor left on them by the generous contribution his feline friend gave to his appetite. "Urrph...mrmmh, oh, okay," he noted while giving his own tummy a nice squeeze. "C"mon food friend, let"s go relax."
Those words were a mostly jumbled mess for the jaguar locked inside once again of the churning stomach, only now he was joined by a thickly burbling quagmire of digesting food. The leather bindings would no doubt be broken down with ease by the guilmon"s stomach, along with the cat who was trapped by them. Jag whimpered and pushed out with his feet, trying to once again somehow encourage the dinosaur"s stomach to dislodge him, but given all of the muck he was dwelling in that was not possible. More warm fluids soon coated the messy feline, and combined with the steady heat and lack of clean air the jaguar struggled to keep his eyes open in the hungrily churning chamber.
"N-Nyrgh," and with that Jag more or less tried to resign himself to his fate. His destiny was to apparently hug the softly padded middle of the cute dinosaur whose company he had enjoyed in the past. "B-bad digi...not foods," he groaned up lazily and shifted just before another tight constriction of wrinkled flesh coaxed him to simply given in. After all, Gus" stomach seemed happy to have him.
By the time Jay cleaned up the kitchen and joined his pet in the living room, he found Gus passed out on the couch with his belly on full display as it gurgled away noisily. He couldn"t help but grin and give the scaled tummy a nice squeeze and a soothing pat.
"Thanks Jag, you always make such nice guilmon pudge. Enjoy hugging Gus" tummy, because it was obviously excited to have you wiggling inside of it again," the skunk gave another pat to the sloshing middle before he stretched out with a yawn himself. "Let"s just call us even now...maybe," he grinned wryly even as the dozing dinosaur offered another jaguar-scented belch.
It"s that time of the year again! March 22nd, Jagkitty"s birthday, and mine as well wow fancy that! And as per our tradition here is my half of our story trade. Hope you like it lots, Happy Birthday again Jag!
Jag has been spending a lot of time with a certain skunk"s pet, which so happens to be a playful guilmon by the name of Gus. Due to some mishaps, Jag finds himself in a series of precarious situations...but hey it"s all in good fun, right?
Jag has been spending a lot of time with a certain skunk"s pet, which so happens to be a playful guilmon by the name of Gus. Due to some mishaps, Jag finds himself in a series of precarious situations...but hey it"s all in good fun, right?
Category Story / Vore
Species Digimon
Gender Male
Size 120 x 120px
File Size 39.2 kB
Listed in Folders
Gah! another simply awesome traditional birthday story! Awesome from start to finish and so great to see the mischievous character by Jay while the weak and helpless mood of Jag! Gus is so spirited I can't help but love him to bits! :D
Great job, Jay!~
Great job, Jay!~
Jags rarely stand a chance in my stories ;D thanks for reading Skippy <3
Seriously, you took my simple outline and made it into a story that I love with 100% of my heart! The details within are such a wonderful set, that I cannot stop myself from re-reading parts over and over just for the smile that they give me! Gus is just a big dope and I love him to death, almost as much as I love ya, skunk! This story is simply the most detailed piece of work I could ever love, so many bits and pieces that connect so well and flesh out Gus' hungry nature! You truly outdid yourself, Jay! <3
I'm glad you like it! Gus was really fun to write, he's such a lovable goof <3 and as always you're the ideal candidate for gurgles in Jayland <3
I think you might have beat Jag's Digimon Food for my favorite Guilmon story. Made even better by a nice Jag kitty being they prey too, hehe. Absolutely great story as usual. You and Jag always write the best stuff, especially for these trades.
It was all Jag's idea! He's an expert at being Guilmon food by now I figure ;D Glad you enjoyed, thanks for reading!
That always comment makes me thing reformation without memory or something like that.