The anthropomorphic animals that inhabit the world of Anakuro have, for the most part, evolved beyond the animalistic behaviors that separate them from their quadrupedal kin. There are certain things, however, that can cause even the most civilized wolf-boy to act on instinct...
This is a little gag strip that I did as filler for Kuro's and my furry webcomic "Anakuro." Check it out if you get the chance...we're still fairly new, but it's been a lot of fun so far and we have a great community on the forum :)
This is a little gag strip that I did as filler for Kuro's and my furry webcomic "Anakuro." Check it out if you get the chance...we're still fairly new, but it's been a lot of fun so far and we have a great community on the forum :)
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Comics
Species Wolf
Gender Multiple characters
Size 650 x 2000px
File Size 258.7 kB
Haha...does she whack you on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper, too?
haha, no, we broke up though, but not over that, she would like it and murr, normall sticking out her tongue
then again I cant parsay see, but we can go with that excuse >.>
Hehe...judging by her response, I don't think they'll be "doin' it" any time soon, though ^^' Thanks for the fav!
It's soooo true. I've had my nose whacked a time or two also--- but it wont stop me doin it again.
Hey! It's just what canines do! They can't help it if they have awkward "getting to know you" rituals. :B
Hehe, I totally do that to my g/f all the time. Some times she appreciates, sometimes I too get whapped, not usually with a rolled up newspaper though. =)
I wouldn't mind it as much if his nose weren't so cold and wet At least I know he's a healthy puppy ^w^'
hhaha ... Many is the time i got hit by a copy of the daily mail.
nice joke by the way.
nice joke by the way.
ah, the animals and their insticts... well, anthros too.
Hilarious, and the funny expresion of Ana make laugh anyone
Hilarious, and the funny expresion of Ana make laugh anyone
Absolutely wonderful expressions, instincts, and reactions. I really love your style!
A fav and a Watch too ;)
A fav and a Watch too ;)
Stupid dogs, always sticking their noses where they shouldn't be! >:(
I really hope that when it is Ana's animal instinct that will kick in. Kuro will be as unforgiving that her.