Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1024 x 780px
File Size 742.5 kB
Alright Now I do see a bug this time *Looks closer*I also see a face with a long beard, moustach and glowing green eyes xD
i saw it too
you're one of the more imaginative watchers!
i saw it too
you're one of the more imaginative watchers!
*Chuckles* ^.^ You are to for making these things. They're awesomeness on computer aided software program thinger mabobbers
It's been awhile since I seen something I really liked. I like this one, it's cool.
Nothing against you, you're great, I just have an unusual taste lately. I'm still watching you, don't worry about it. Plus I have been having a lot going on in my life.
i think of a bad guy/boss from an RPG those cog looking thingys r like arms that cut u with spinning cog like blades! D8
Now this one is wild and detailed.....looks kinda like a big piece of machinery I should be afraid of
ooo pritty! i see a upside down bear face with a very weared hair doo hehehehe