Here we have 3 muscle gods:
Muscle God of Germany - DJ
Muscle God of USA - Furvus
Muscle God of Romania - Arkantos
Working as a team in a bodybuilding contest
All of them are a team in a bodybuilding contest (The team is called "The Muscle Trinity")
Art by the God Artist of Italy -
DJ -
Furvus -
Arkantos -
What do you think of this Trinity? Write your opinion in the comments below!
Muscle God of Germany - DJ
Muscle God of USA - Furvus
Muscle God of Romania - Arkantos
Working as a team in a bodybuilding contest
All of them are a team in a bodybuilding contest (The team is called "The Muscle Trinity")
Art by the God Artist of Italy -
DJ -
Furvus -
Arkantos -
What do you think of this Trinity? Write your opinion in the comments below!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Muscle
Species Mammal (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 905px
File Size 268.8 kB
Listed in Folders
Why do you think we are gods of Romania, Germany and USA and also called "The Muscle Trinity" anyway? X3
Uite 3 giganti!!
Eu-s un bat pe langa voi....dar am puterea mea ascunsa
Eu-s un bat pe langa voi....dar am puterea mea ascunsa wonderful
This is great and is an honor indeed to be on stage with two great and smexy muscle foxys who I'm proud to have as dear members of my pack Also nice to be between the hehe....rawrrrrrf ;)
Thank you very much to have Furvus in this :) *Grabs Ark in a big muscle hug*
This is great and is an honor indeed to be on stage with two great and smexy muscle foxys who I'm proud to have as dear members of my pack Also nice to be between the hehe....rawrrrrrf ;)
Thank you very much to have Furvus in this :) *Grabs Ark in a big muscle hug*
You're very welcome dear, bro *nuzzles your chest and kisses your cheek*
I knew you would like it
I knew you would like it
Oh baby, you all look excellent c: But I can only keep my eyes on you
Well i was done building the machine i promised but it exploded so im going back to drawing for now. You like a commission?