Completed commission for villdyr!
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Lynx
Gender Female
Size 1169 x 1500px
File Size 7.67 MB
To be honest, she looks really weird in this picture. Also what is that gun, lol
Maybe something a bit more constructive than "weird" would help?
And the rifle is modeled from an actual weapon. I don't know what model because it's been a while since I completed it, but why does it matter?
And the rifle is modeled from an actual weapon. I don't know what model because it's been a while since I completed it, but why does it matter?
Why? Well duh! Without knowing exactly which model you were going for, its impossible to criticize whether or not the front sight post is an inch too close to the muzzlebreak, or the the rail-system has one too many screws in the mounting bracket... (Amazing how the armchair warriors come out of the woodwork to criticize guns huh? why does this only happen with guns? Ssshhhhittt i dont know.. Too much call of duty for the absent minded?
Great work like always scappo, still love your work and find a new reason why every year.. I see you at AC this year im making sure you get enough to drink ^^
Great work like always scappo, still love your work and find a new reason why every year.. I see you at AC this year im making sure you get enough to drink ^^
Probably because the firearm looks like something that someone would draw if they're not learned on firearms. And no, I don't play CoD.
Well said mr. Cence as always, your delicate words express only the deepest emotions.
Well said mr. Cence as always, your delicate words express only the deepest emotions.
Only happens with guns... and cars, donkey-dicks, dog vaginas, vape-pipes, and pretty much anything else that one person has an interest in and the artist might not be particularly familiar with.
It's probably the facial expression and the fact she's looking head-on into the camera. Most furry pics have their head tilted a bit to one side so you can see the muzzle a bit? It's not to say you did it poorly or wrong, but the angle may be what causes the initial "weird" reaction.
Compared to your other works, she just looks strange. I'm not really sure how else to put it. No worries about the gun, it just looks like a gun that you see people draw that don't know anything about firearms.
Well, I don't know much about firearms so I' be expected ?
Wow, that's very good Scappo. If I existed in her world, I would;t know if I should be scared of her or ask her out. Still great job.
The army now-days is getting alot more sexier
Great job on this. Like the details :)
Interesting bullpup rifle design.
Guessing the tank she's on is a T-64 or T-72 or in-between versions.
Interesting bullpup rifle design.
Guessing the tank she's on is a T-64 or T-72 or in-between versions.