commission for acetheunclean of his miqo'te babe! I am so happy I'm drawing all these hot catgirls lately, it's the best. ;w;
I love dragoons but oh my gosh, that armor was a real test x_x
I love dragoons but oh my gosh, that armor was a real test x_x
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Female
Size 1000 x 1000px
File Size 1.02 MB
WOOO CAT PEOPLE DRAGOONS! i can't wait till i can get that job for my boy ^u^
I'm thinking of leveling dragoon on my miqo'te soon too, they just look so great! *_*
dragoon is something i've wanted to level for a while, but was too busy leveling my crafts, haha. What server you on?
balmung! I've been sticking largely to WHM and PLD lately, but I'd like to try a dps class sometime. :D
I'm on hyperion D: got my pally up too, working om some more valor/light armor, but im super lazy got the valor head and armor of light, but, too lazy to run CT more XD
yeah I've been running CT only as WHM so far because I really do not wanna put up with tanking it... >_> I already got my piece for the week but I'll probably try to the valor chest next (because the darksteel chest is SO AWFUL, urgh).
indeed, but as a tank, you pretty much do nothing thie whole time, uf you arn't a main tank, it's pretty nifty
yeah I can imagine that'd be pretty nice... trying to heal through king behemoth when your team has both MT and OT is a roller coaster of it's own >__>
Love it! Dragoon is my fave
But :c I haven't seen you since we started playing.
Bug says come find us on ragnarok
But :c I haven't seen you since we started playing.
Bug says come find us on ragnarok
Hehe it surprises me to see so many peeps expressing the joy over Goonies. I had given my excitement earlier so I held off on comments, but yay again! It's pleasing to just sit here and look at this with a goofy smile on my face.
Goonies best job foreva. We also get all the loot for some reason. Oh well!
Goonies best job foreva. We also get all the loot for some reason. Oh well!
you guys really do get ALL the loot! I'm so unlucky, WHM stuff never ever drops for me. ;__;