Views: 3616
Submissions: 28
Favs: 136
I am the Bean around these here parts.
the names Zecane! or I go by Aaron too!
It's a pleasure to meet you!!!
(Kind of, I'm not actually meeting you... But send a note, I'd really like to!!
I draw on the occasion
I usually draw with what my heart and emotion feel, but also doodle!
Nothing much more to say to be quite honest.
If you need someone to talk to I'm here for ya,
If I don't know you, and you send me a message about how a spider scared you.
I'll be on bored with that crap...
Spiders are no laughing matter
Comments Earned: 292
Comments Made: 302
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 302
Journals: 2
Featured Journal
Update! (for whoever reads this I suppose)
4 years agoI've lost so many friends, yet have made some others that I really love. weight is getting to where I want it to be, and my job path is on track were I want it to go! though I have started hardware repair on computers and software trouble shooting on a commission bases, during the free time I've had. I'm also getting hella old now, 27 has come so quick, I often feel I was 21 just last year.
this COVID stuff is annoying, I actually got it last year. Thankfully with very mild symptoms, I didn't even know I was sick, and only got the test because a friend of mine made me get one, so that's funny! though my heart goes out to all the people who have been effected it, both in health, and mind, and any of the people who lost jobs due to this crap. It's sad that some of my friends lost their business to it. I'm so ready for things to return, and people to start to heal.
I still remember and think about the people that are no longer in my life, it's so strange I still can remember so much after all these years. even for some who have treated me like a worthless piece of trash, I still let them take space in my mind. I feel too deeply about things, and I love that, but it has its downsides.
with all my free time, I've learned so may new skills! and I've done a lot I've put off for so long. even been watching my little nieces a ton more, they want me to be a dad so they can have friends and it makes me feel nice to know thy approve of me being a feather. that's somethings I've wanted for so long, and hopefully will have one day. I feel way to old fashioned for this day in age, haha!
we've been through so many different weather situations, like the tornado last year. I remember watching it pass by my house! so much destruction. . . but it felt good to get out and volunteer. and the snow storm we had was awesome! I had so much fun with it, though most I knew did not share in my joy X3 my cat got to experience it for the first time, so that was cool too.
my dad actually passed away last year, and for a while now I didn't really know how to feel. he was abusive to me as a kid, and never really was in out lives much, wanting mostly money when we were older. but I do miss him, and wish I got to do more things with him. being native I wanted to know more about my people and that kind of stuff. but he passed away in peace in his sleep. he seemed like he gave up on life a while ago, so I prey he is happy now.
I'd say life is good, but I'm ready for some good change to happen. I have a feeling something great is in store soon, and I'll continue to keep my head up. :3
User Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
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Favorite Music
Mostly EDM or anything soft, classic rock, jazz, whatever :D
Favorite Games
gotta lot, but Monster hunter and Kingdom Hearts are on top!
Favorite Gaming Platforms
PS5 And da Switch
Favorite Animals
Not a fan of cats ;;>w> but I live all animals!
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Favorite Foods & Drinks
pickles! *w* sushi, Italian, just whatever. I love to cook <3
Favorite Quote
Actions speak louder than words.
the rumors are true
he has a FA account