Views: 401
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Favs: 26
Couldn't access my old account - so I am back and rebuilding after many years away :3
I am into roleplay and would love to join a pack!! Just shoot me a message if you want to RP with any of my chars!
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 22
Comments Made: 24
Journals: 6
Comments Made: 24
Journals: 6
Featured Journal
Update on my health for commissioners
8 years ago
I contacted all my commissioners a little bit ago, and a few of your graciously told me to just take my time and are waiting patiently. Well some progress has been made on my health and treatment is underway. Lots of testing coming up this month so your commissions will still be on hold until November likely. They have made a connection with my depression to a physical illness and in order to appropriately treat my mental illness now they have to treat this physical condition.
Progress is progress though!!
So here is hoping I am back to a functional enough version of my old self to get those commissions out to you all!!
Progress is progress though!!
So here is hoping I am back to a functional enough version of my old self to get those commissions out to you all!!
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