Views: 8479
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Favs: 1221
I will be moving send me a note if you want the new contact
( Before rping with me please note this: I am a heavy rper and do love to rp. Semi and Paragraph(mulit) preferred. I would rather rp with people who are fairly experienced, sorry I don't care to rp with one liners/god modders / and people who don't know the basic dos and donts of rp .Make rp worth my time and I will make it worth yours.
If you are interested in starting in rp below is a couple good sites with the basic guidlines to improve your skills. If you need tips I will be happy to help, I have been rping since 1998 and do it as fun and a hobby.
RP 101 for the newbies and inexperienced !
Another Good source to look at for good guidelines for rping:
( Before rping with me please note this: I am a heavy rper and do love to rp. Semi and Paragraph(mulit) preferred. I would rather rp with people who are fairly experienced, sorry I don't care to rp with one liners/god modders / and people who don't know the basic dos and donts of rp .Make rp worth my time and I will make it worth yours.
If you are interested in starting in rp below is a couple good sites with the basic guidlines to improve your skills. If you need tips I will be happy to help, I have been rping since 1998 and do it as fun and a hobby.
RP 101 for the newbies and inexperienced !
Another Good source to look at for good guidelines for rping:
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Comments Earned: 2648
Comments Made: 3764
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 3764
Journals: 7
Recent Journal
Ugh finally back
8 years ago
Finally managed to get the password thing to fix my account.. I was about to give up and make a new one... Well folks.. I have come to the point I feel like I have lost motivation or desire to do much of anything nowdays and will be cleaning out my costumes soon. I plan on only keeping a few and considering wiping this account as well and just doing something new I guess. Ill let people know when I am going to move and if you even care to keep in touch or watch me just sent me a note. I gotta do something to try to keep myself going... I will be retiring a lot of my characters and sorry to say that because i know some of you really like some of them. Soon as i get back into my darn DA I plan to do the same to it and really might just give up on DA entirely. Anyways Ill catch you guys later
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