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Oh noes, the dreaded Gaspy! Writer of smut an squick and other oddness. Been writing the ickyness since around 2007, and furry since 1997. I'm generally open to chatting, and will try to list ways to contact me. love to chat ideas and explore RP and RPG stuff. Super nerd on RPG and tabletop gaming, if kinda shy and don't get around to playing much. Getting out of a bit of a bad spot RL, so been rather slow as of 2019/2020, but trying to get out and doing more once again.
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Comments Made: 9971
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Game ramblings
a day agoHmmm, ok, got a super basic idea to grind out on. An FFTA based game, based suuuper loosely off spelljammer/D&D
The Grand Order Coalition has fallen, and all those uppity humans have gotten a justice! (Today!) And the Monstrous Axis has broken their chokehold, if partly because a literal war amongst the gods and titans has caused all of them to disappear, goodbye humies!
So now all these monster races are gonna make their own countries. With hookers, and blackjack! In fact, fuck it, blackjack system
System is suuuuper in the weeds right now. Other than
You can draw cards = skill level, minimum 1. [Most characters will probably have 4-6 at a skill, so not a big concern]
Your bust limit is your stat skill * 2
Going bust means you fail, and opponent gets advantage(?)
Weapons and attacks probably have small damage dice, with lowish stat values (1-10)
Of course, all just up in the air ,but basically you'd flip a few cards to see if you succeed or fail. Trying for highest number without going bust.
Lots and lots to work out from here, but a ton of design space.
Modify your character's deck. Suits can be triggers (eg, charm person requires a heart suit or gets a bonus on heart suit)
May steal the fate hand from Malifaux too, a small hand of cards you can swap out, but just, need to start bouncing ideas onto paper, and can build up from smaller basics
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