Views: 843
Submissions: 27
Favs: 62
Hi, I am Alaina Chrest, I am a succubunny which is the unholy combination of a bunny and a succubus. I like to spend my time singing or hanging out with friends. Most of the time you can find me hanging out in Second Life at Fox Valley or Chubby Bunnies.
If you are a fan of RP and Angels and Demons then feel free to ask me on Second Life about Eternal Conflict, I would be happy to add you to my horde
Member of SecondlifeFurs EuropeanFurs vore-furs SecondLife bellylovers CuteSub cutedom PetFurries
Owned by: RED (redfox.costello)
If you are a fan of RP and Angels and Demons then feel free to ask me on Second Life about Eternal Conflict, I would be happy to add you to my horde
Member of SecondlifeFurs EuropeanFurs vore-furs SecondLife bellylovers CuteSub cutedom PetFurries
Owned by: RED (redfox.costello)
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Comments Earned: 21
Comments Made: 26
Journals: 2
Comments Made: 26
Journals: 2
Featured Journal
New Services
3 years ago
So as many of you know I am quite well known in the Vore and BDSM communities to the point where I've now been getting offers to be paid for the things i usually do for free so i figured it would be a good time to update my journal with my prices for these things, please be aware that you have to use Second Life to have access to my services as I will not do anything in real life since i am very much in a relationship.
Financial Domination: Starting at $300 a month
Femdom: $50 per session
Vore Escort: $10 an hour
None of these services involve voice so you can really let your mind go wild with how you want your mistress or escort to sound. If you wish to use my interactive arousal and sex features that will cost extra.
Financial Domination: Starting at $300 a month
Femdom: $50 per session
Vore Escort: $10 an hour
None of these services involve voice so you can really let your mind go wild with how you want your mistress or escort to sound. If you wish to use my interactive arousal and sex features that will cost extra.
User Profile
Accepting Trades
No Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Favorite Music
Rock, Country and some Rap
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Horror Movies
Favorite Games
RPG Games
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Wolves, Foxes and Bunnies
Favorite Foods & Drinks