Views: 12572
Submissions: 123
Favs: 1302
goldenwolf2879 my fur dad who i love and admire <3
gradientwolf my bwudew you like weird things like me
EdonDeathpawWolf my bro who i love a lot
zeekhedgehog my weird grandpa/bwudew hedgie
Friends to many to put there icons up
Is going to watch all foxes and otter no matter what :P
brotherhood_of_foxes foxyfurs RadioactiveFurs RadioactiveFurries
Is a MarylandFurs Central_MD_furs
suit by menagerieworkshop
gradientwolf my bwudew you like weird things like me
EdonDeathpawWolf my bro who i love a lot
zeekhedgehog my weird grandpa/bwudew hedgie
Friends to many to put there icons up
Is going to watch all foxes and otter no matter what :P
brotherhood_of_foxes foxyfurs RadioactiveFurs RadioactiveFurries
Is a MarylandFurs Central_MD_furs
suit by menagerieworkshop
Do not ad other sites on my page for what ever reason
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Comments Made: 2029
Journals: 18
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how i will name my pictures
8 years ago
i am going to use skype's caption bot since is seems to do a good job at messing everything up