Views: 502
Submissions: 7
Favs: 24
Hello everyone!
My name is Prism Fox
My wonderful mate is aqwersswiftpaw met at furlandia 2014
I am local to the Pacific Northwest. Specifically washingtonstatefurs
I am a bright Rainbow Fox that enjoys seeing a bright smile.
I frequent the furry convention, furlandia every year and love seeing all of my furry friends.
I decided to make this account because of how much I enjoy fursuiting and parading around for every one, I wanted to have more reasons to suit up for you all more often.
So as on a bi-weekly basis (or sooner) I will be suiting up for pictures for you all. <3
My main full suit (Prism 2.0) Made by the Amazing ognas
Old Partial suit (Prism 1.0) Made by tinkerdarn Maker no longer active
BFFs kitsuneguy24 toxicangelwolfy luckyhusky pepper_husky thejokerfox
Cons attended.
Rainfurrest 2011(First Con), 12, 13, 14, 15 RIP. Furlandia 2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Athrocon 2012, 2013