Views: 28265
Submissions: 96
Favs: 467
Pay attention! There will be a quiz later.
I'm not grumpy. I'm just old!
If you don't like the way I think, maybe you're just Cis-Phobic.
NOTICE: If you choose to watch me, comment on my Submissions or Journals or reply to my comments, consider this. If you have nothing in your Gallery or it is predominately inappropriate or offensive (I decide what is offensive), I reserve the right to BLOCK you.
You are who you are. Do I have the right to change you? No, I do not.
I am who I am. Do you have the right to change me?
Think real hard before you answer in the affirmative. Who gave you that authority?
Computer Scientist (retired).
Registered American.
Ordained Agnostic.
Wannabee Pundit.
Aspiring Author.
Mediocre Photographer.
Unrepentant Curmudgeon.
Certified Paronomasiac.
Like my work? Buy me a Ko-fi!
If we catch all the rats and pigeons and convert them into tasty biscuits, will we have a Soylent Spring?
New Watchers Welcome. Conflict-craving adrenaline junkies, SJWs and trolls will be BLOCKED. Have a nice day!
My User Profile changes frequently.
Notice: Ours had square wheels 'til the baby chewed the varnish off.
I've Been A Government Contractor.
I've Been Lied To By Experts.
The F.B.I. has 22 copies of my fingerprints on file, more than it has for most criminals.
I'm half blind, half deaf, able to see more distinct colors than most humans except for Asians and am a synesthete, but I'm unable to feel wet. All of these traits run in the family.
Persons Attempting to Use Passive/Aggressive Tactics Will be Dealt with Harshly.
Ugly, creepy, boring old fat guy your Mom warned you about.
Not that kind of Bear. Straight, not narrow. Just keep your clothes on, thanks.
Not interested in roleplay, transformation or suggestions for improving my life.
Can't afford to support your charity, sick grandmother, injured pet or your latest car failure.
I have no need for your religion.
So you've discovered this great new philosophy that's transformed your life. How nice for you.
Won't adopt your politics.
I don't want to babysit any adolescents or play pat-a-cake with crack babies.
If you want me to entertain you, read my stories or my Journals.
I can't help you with that Teenage Angst thing. I went through it 50 years ago and I have no desire to relive it vicariously.
Oh, you're a Vegan. Glad that's working out for you. I'm not interested in becoming one so no need to share.
That wonderful new fad diet or supplement? Already tried it. If it worked, I'm still using it.
My income is fixed. It's me that's broke.
No, I'm Not Going to Join a New Social Network Just Because You Have Issues With Fur Affinity:
I think there is already enough Discord in the world.
I don't have/want a Facebook account (I never used AOL, either). I'll sell my own personal info, thanks.
Google ? Why?
Instagram is for the iPhony set.
MySpace? I'm not a musician or Asian.
Not on Pinterest because I'm not a scrap-booking granny.
Reddit: don't they have a cure for that yet?
Can't Skype, my camera won't work, don't have headphones.
Snapchat: see Instagram.
Telegram? Western Union got out of that business for a good reason.
Not interested in taking a Tumblr. Besides, they vindicated my distrust a few months ago.
I don't Twitter because I'm not a twit.
Whipped cream, beer-battered shrimp! When will the food abuse end?
TMI Time! (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: Okay, What's Up with that Screen Name?
A: Well, that's best answered with two long stories:
Q: Why Bear?
A: In the early 1970s, my brother and I were wrapped up in the Citizen's Band (CB) radio craze. My 'handle' was 'Grizzly Bear', because it suited my size and personality.
Q: So, What is a Perfesser?
A: In a previous career, I worked as a Security Officer in some nasty places. A truck driver came in one day and asked for 'The Perfesser'. Excuse me? Apparently I was the only member of the guard force who had completed High School, let alone had two years of college. The nickname stuck, and years later, a friend combined the two. For five years working in a Nuclear Power station, my hardhat read 'Perfesser Bear' instead of my given name. Some people had no idea it wasn't my real name.
Thank you for that, Lux. Rest in peace.
Q: Hey, Aren't You...
A: No, I am not Eric Bear; although I respect him and his Mac work, and I'm jealous of his Taos, NM home. We just have the same screen names. I am also perfesser_bear on eBay, DeviantART and Flickr.
REPEAL the 21st Amendment!
I'm Perfesser Bear, and you've been schooled!
And you can believe me, because I never lie, and I'm always right.
Comments Earned: 28794
Comments Made: 71743
Journals: 75
Comments Made: 71743
Journals: 75
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User Profile
Accepting Trades
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Ursus arctos horribilis
Favorite Music
Madrigal, Classical, Jazz, Big Band, Quiet Rock, Surf Rock, Oldies, Electronica... Stravinsky to Stray Cats, basically.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Chaplin, Keaton, the Marx Brothers (you know, Karl, Louis and Richard)
Favorite Games
Messing with people's minds
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Um, wooden staging 100 meters above the ground?
Favorite Animals
Canids: Vulpines, Canines -- oh wait, did you mean to eat?
Favorite Site
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Nuts & Berries
Favorite Quote
"Fools' names, like fools' faces,/Are often seen in public places." ~Thomas Fuller
Favorite Artists
Hieronymus Bosch