Views: 898
Submissions: 19
Favs: 217
More active on tumblr, poipiku, and discord
I welcome requests for species and characters to draw. I prefer canon characters in fandoms I've drawn before, but I will occasionally take on oc requests. I am not obligated to finish any request.
Ask about commissions. This account is just for adult artwork, and primarily sketches. Of course I will take commissions for those. I also have a portfolio of memorial portraits, equestrian art, dog/horse show photography, and more. Just ask to see those.
I welcome requests for species and characters to draw. I prefer canon characters in fandoms I've drawn before, but I will occasionally take on oc requests. I am not obligated to finish any request.
Ask about commissions. This account is just for adult artwork, and primarily sketches. Of course I will take commissions for those. I also have a portfolio of memorial portraits, equestrian art, dog/horse show photography, and more. Just ask to see those.