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Welcome to the FurAffinity page for the MaineFur community. We are a resource for Mainers and Maine-friendly furs to find out about meets, share photos from meets and fursuiting events, locate social media groups, and stay in contact.
Have a meet idea? Want to submit a photo or essay? Questions or comments? Feel free to Note this account. This site is for the benefit of all Mainers.
•{Furcationland} furcationland (Portland, Maine)
•{PortConMaine} (South Portland, Maine) A scifi convention with a focus on anime and gaming. Fursuit-friendly.
O U R • N E I G H B O R S
Some of our friends and neighbors around New England:
newenglandfurs {Twitter}
massfurs {Twitter}
newhampshirefurs {Twitter}
rhodeislandfurs {Twitter}
vermontfurs {Twitter}
connecticutfurs {Twitter}
NE OutdoorFurs Twitter
Mass FurBowl Twitter
The Fuzz Twitter
anthronewengland {AnthroNewEngland} (Cambridge, Mass)
furpocalypse {Furpocalypse} (Cromwell, Conn)
{Anthrocon} (Pittsburgh, Penn)
P A G E • D I R E C T O R S
RunningRed calib
Have a meet idea? Want to submit a photo or essay? Questions or comments? Feel free to Note this account. This site is for the benefit of all Mainers.
S O C I A L • M E D I A
MaineFurs Twitter. Administered by calib.
Facebook Administered by calib
FurryNetwork. Administered by runningred.
Website. Includes a calendar of upcoming meets, events and a map of MaineFurs. Administered by WayonOransky.
Discord server Administered by awolfgod
Telegram Administered by the whole admin team ♥∞♥
•{Furcationland} furcationland (Portland, Maine)
•{PortConMaine} (South Portland, Maine) A scifi convention with a focus on anime and gaming. Fursuit-friendly.
M E E T • U P S
•Annual BBQ hosted by nightspiritwings. Tentatively held in May, south of Portland. Specific information will be posted in a Journal and on the Website.
•Bimonthly Furbowls hosted by novarlynx. Generally held at West-Port Bowling in Westbrook with a dinner meet following.
Sometimes held in Augusta/Bangor area to accomodate northern Maine furs.
Specific information for each Furbowl will be posted to Journal, the Website and the official MaineFurbowl Twitter, administered by novarlynx.
•Movie Meets, Autism Walks, MiniGolf, Spontaneous Wings & Bowl Meets are also known to happen.
•Anyone is more than welcome to host their own meetup or gathering, big or small.
If you'd like to spread the word, feel free to Note this account, or reach out to calib, novarlynx or runningred via Telegram or Twitter.
R E S I D E N T • A R T I S T S
airraiser nightspiritwing Ocoree skye
(If you'd like to be added, drop us a Note. Must be an artist who's uploaded something within last year)
R E S I D E N T • F U R S U I T M A K E R S
O U R • N E I G H B O R S
Some of our friends and neighbors around New England:
newenglandfurs {Twitter}
massfurs {Twitter}
newhampshirefurs {Twitter}
rhodeislandfurs {Twitter}
vermontfurs {Twitter}
connecticutfurs {Twitter}
NE OutdoorFurs Twitter
Mass FurBowl Twitter
The Fuzz Twitter
anthronewengland {AnthroNewEngland} (Cambridge, Mass)
furpocalypse {Furpocalypse} (Cromwell, Conn)
{Anthrocon} (Pittsburgh, Penn)
Comments Earned: 1300
Comments Made: 209
Journals: 202
Comments Made: 209
Journals: 202
Recent Journal
Upcoming Meets & Events - Nov 24
a month ago
Tabletop Game Meet #16
Where: Crossroad Games, 15 Fort Hill Rd, Standish
When: Sunday, November 24, 2024 11:00 AM
Organized by: AsaClawbs / Asa Clawbs (Telegram)
It's been awhile, but here's the sixteenth tabletop game meet.
Bring your own games, or play with ours!
No suiting please.
Food deliveries, and bringing of food allowed!
Where: Crossroad Games, 15 Fort Hill Rd, Standish
When: Sunday, November 24, 2024 11:00 AM
Organized by: AsaClawbs / Asa Clawbs (Telegram)
It's been awhile, but here's the sixteenth tabletop game meet.
Bring your own games, or play with ours!
No suiting please.
Food deliveries, and bringing of food allowed!
After doing Norway, Sweden, Canada and Denmark, we are doing UNITED-STATES!