Views: 8577
Submissions: 59
Favs: 631
Well, I'm a writer of stories, mainly on Deviantart. This account used to be only used for my favorites, though I think as things progress, I will have to fill it up a bit. I might have to pull out some of my old furry stories and whip up some new ones that involve my fursona: Holly.
My other account: DeviantArt
My other account: DeviantArt
Comments Earned: 194
Comments Made: 328
Journals: 7
Comments Made: 328
Journals: 7
Recent Journal
What have I been up too?
9 years ago
It has been a while since I last wrote a journal entry huh? Well, I guess I should update everyone on a few things. Basically, life got in the way.
On the one hand, I landed a new job back in late October. It pays well and I can easily cover my bills. Yet, it is a full time job which has sucked up a lot of my free time. However, I've been trying to write and edit stuff when I can find the time.
Then came February. Well, technically it could be said things started in January. First I came down with a urinary infection from hell. It hurt! Those who've had them before know what I mean. Then in the beginning of February a guy was in a hurry to get to work, did not clean the snow off his truck's hood, and drove straight into my car while I was stopped at a stop sign. Thankfully it was a slow speed head on hit and no one was hurt. Plus, his insurance paid for all my car's repairs. Yet, I was without my normal car for the rest of the month and had to drive a rental. (Everyone make sure your car insurance has rental insurance with it. Trust me, it will come in handy when you need it!) Finally, near the end of the month I came down with a bad case of bronchitis again. Enough that I was quite sick and even had to go to the ER.
Because of all that, very little was done during that month. Yet, now I'm trying to get my rear in gear and increase my productivity. I've also got my car back and it looks good as new. Plus, my health is a lot better now.
So I hope to get more stuff out within the next few months. While I won't be able to pump out stories as fast as I could before, I am working on stuff. I know I have a bunch of other stories waiting for me to edit them before I publish.
Thanks for being patient.
On the one hand, I landed a new job back in late October. It pays well and I can easily cover my bills. Yet, it is a full time job which has sucked up a lot of my free time. However, I've been trying to write and edit stuff when I can find the time.
Then came February. Well, technically it could be said things started in January. First I came down with a urinary infection from hell. It hurt! Those who've had them before know what I mean. Then in the beginning of February a guy was in a hurry to get to work, did not clean the snow off his truck's hood, and drove straight into my car while I was stopped at a stop sign. Thankfully it was a slow speed head on hit and no one was hurt. Plus, his insurance paid for all my car's repairs. Yet, I was without my normal car for the rest of the month and had to drive a rental. (Everyone make sure your car insurance has rental insurance with it. Trust me, it will come in handy when you need it!) Finally, near the end of the month I came down with a bad case of bronchitis again. Enough that I was quite sick and even had to go to the ER.
Because of all that, very little was done during that month. Yet, now I'm trying to get my rear in gear and increase my productivity. I've also got my car back and it looks good as new. Plus, my health is a lot better now.
So I hope to get more stuff out within the next few months. While I won't be able to pump out stories as fast as I could before, I am working on stuff. I know I have a bunch of other stories waiting for me to edit them before I publish.
Thanks for being patient.