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This is a group for people who are against Rape, Incest and Sexual Abuse for both "cubs" and adults.
The Anti-Rape & Incest Group
We are a group against rape/sexual abuse for both cubs & adults. Rape is a very serious issue in today's society, and should be frowned upon-YES EVEN ON THE INTERNET.
We also believe this to be extremely inappropriate of doing such to other people when they are unwilling.
No matter how you look at it these two things are just plain wrong in the real world to us.
Its obvious people do not know the mental damage rape and sexual abuse can do to someone. So with all respect do not hate or bash upon this profile or anyone who has joined. The reason we have joined and dont like rape and sexual abuse is either 1 or 2 reasons. We were abused this/these way(s) and dont wish for it to happen to us again or anyone else for that matter. That includes our characters as well. So please do not rape or sexually abuse us in art or any other form or way.
We are also against incest of any form or kind. We believe that incest is wrong and we want nothing of it or to do with it. Please once agian do not involve us or our characters in anything of yours that has to do with this subject unless it is being AGIANST these subjects, not for them.
Are you against rape and sexual abuse or any of the following topics of the cub and adult variety? If so make your opinions heard! Whether it is just plain writing, to poems, or even drawings. We'll post these things if you would like us to. Just please keep in mind that we will not put up art that is too harsh or is against certain furrys. Please make the fur you are against in a drawing or writing a random furr.
It is easy to join our group, just Watch us and use our icon on your profile if you agree with our views.
Please if you are were raped or being sexualy abused. Seek help! We know its hard and that your scared but please tell someone and get help ASAP.
If you think we missed anything in our profile that you think should be added please let us now! Thank you!
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rape and incest is bad,
indulging in fictional rape is incest is bad.
what exactly is worrying
Also, those are disgusting, but showing bloody and violent murder in front of a kid is fine... (assumin...
you should be capable of figuring that out yourself.