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Origin: [Greek] ágnōst- meaning not known, incapable of being known.
A person who holds that the existence of the "ultimate cause",
as a conscious or unconscious being, and the essential nature of things are unknown
and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience. IE; One can neither
prove nor disprove what created existence.
Be ye man or mouse, large or small, we all exist. That similarity has sparked human intrigue for hundreds of years. Why do we exists? Why does the universe exists? How did this all come to be?
There is no way to prove, definitively, who is right about the big questions like these, and that is because of one, simple fact. We are tiny, ignorant, specks of carbon that will grow old and die as the universe will move on without us. What happens after that is something we will all, as mortals, have to find out some day. Until then, we have only faith, but no proof. This has created an infinite stalemate. Is there a God, or does he not exist at all? There is no solid proof either way, that we as mere humans can establish. All points have counterpoints, all arguments have counter-arguments, simply because neither side has proof of something we're too insignificant to understand.
But why does that have to be a "bad" thing?
We shouldn't have to fear an afterlife at the wrathful hands of an angry deity just to be KIND to one another. Neither should we abandon morals and standards that many religions have to offer simply because they choose to have faith. Both change and tradition are necessary. There are guidelines and standards developed by civilizations around the world that can greatly benefit all people's happiness, and many can be found in religions, and many without. No matter what happens in the end, we are all here, right now, together. When we pass on, what will be will be. But for now, right here, we as people have no excuse not be good to one another.
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If you know of, or have created, any piece of art
devoted to the happiness and benefit of all mankind,
please let us know. This can be anything from a passage
of script from a religion, a proverb, or a just cause. We
greatly enjoy the opportunity to favorite, comment, and
support these wonderful gems of humanity. Thank you.
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Group created by wintermadness
Admin: evelon
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Comments Earned: 151
Comments Made: 16
Journals: 3
Comments Made: 16
Journals: 3
Recent Journal
We Got Scared
13 years ago
An eight minute video depicting the struggle of humanity throughout our known existence. A blunt, honest narration describing our crawl through this world, and how things might not be as bad as they seem.
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“The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic” [Charles Darwin]
Existence is far too complicated for us petty little humans (and foxes) to explain.
Science, religion...
Neither of them have been able to explain the true nature of the existence.
And they never will.