Views: 18770
Submissions: 35
Favs: 414
(you may now fap violently)
Hello and welcome! If you're seeing this, thanks for dropping by. Go, ahead, look around, maybe you'll find other people you may know, or meet new people. It will become very obvious what I'm into from my faves and the things I comment on. I'm a sociable guy, I love talking with peeps who share similar interests, so don't be afraid to drop me a comment on my profile, send me a note or just comment/fave my stuff. Yes, I will fave a lot of things because they tickle my fancy, I am a bit of a whore that way.
Yes, I am a writer and I enjoy many works that are either clean or NSFW. I appreciate every watch and fave, guys, stories obviously don't get enough attention. Waaaaaaaay less attention than artwork. So I need to work twice as much to get noticed because I am a small fish in quite a big pond. My specialty in writing is foot fetish, however, I do write more than foot fetish. Stick around and maybe you'll find out what they are ;-). I write both SFW and NSFW, so be warned, it could get steamy >:3
Commissions? Yes, I do story commissions, just look at my info and that's all you need to see
Requests? No. Sorry many people on the internet are pretty damn flaky and I really don't want to do that
Trades? Unless I know are trustworthy of holding up your end of a trade, sure, I am willing to trade. SorryNotSorry, I'm sorta stingy like that
RP? Oh, yes, I love to RP and am pretty diverse when it comes to rping. You have to ask me what you want to RP first, so I can green light it first. My F-List so things are a lot smoother Lizarraga
Member of
AZ-Furs rodentfurs TicklishFurs Oldschoolgamers FurWriters
Hello and welcome! If you're seeing this, thanks for dropping by. Go, ahead, look around, maybe you'll find other people you may know, or meet new people. It will become very obvious what I'm into from my faves and the things I comment on. I'm a sociable guy, I love talking with peeps who share similar interests, so don't be afraid to drop me a comment on my profile, send me a note or just comment/fave my stuff. Yes, I will fave a lot of things because they tickle my fancy, I am a bit of a whore that way.
Yes, I am a writer and I enjoy many works that are either clean or NSFW. I appreciate every watch and fave, guys, stories obviously don't get enough attention. Waaaaaaaay less attention than artwork. So I need to work twice as much to get noticed because I am a small fish in quite a big pond. My specialty in writing is foot fetish, however, I do write more than foot fetish. Stick around and maybe you'll find out what they are ;-). I write both SFW and NSFW, so be warned, it could get steamy >:3
Commissions? Yes, I do story commissions, just look at my info and that's all you need to see
Requests? No. Sorry many people on the internet are pretty damn flaky and I really don't want to do that
Trades? Unless I know are trustworthy of holding up your end of a trade, sure, I am willing to trade. SorryNotSorry, I'm sorta stingy like that
RP? Oh, yes, I love to RP and am pretty diverse when it comes to rping. You have to ask me what you want to RP first, so I can green light it first. My F-List so things are a lot smoother Lizarraga
Member of
AZ-Furs rodentfurs TicklishFurs Oldschoolgamers FurWriters
Featured Submission
Comments Earned: 2868
Comments Made: 7344
Journals: 32
Comments Made: 7344
Journals: 32
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6 years agoUser Profile
Accepting Trades
Yes Accepting Commissions
Yes Character Species
Mexican Mouse
Favorite Music
Classical music, rock, some hip hop
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
Favorite Games
Super Mario World, Super Mario All Stars, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, DK Country 2, Tekken 4, DBZ Budokai 1 & 2
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Favorite Animals
Favorite Site
DA FA youtube, *AHERM* other NSFW sites ;-)
Favorite Foods & Drinks
Italian (cheese galore)
Favorite Quote