Writing Update
Posted 3 months agoJust a little update that I'm still writing Edelweiss ninja kitty and chapter 4 is in production. I've just had some hiccups mainly with helping my mom move but she's finally settled in until we move her into a more permanent place in November so I'm back to my schedule. On another note the setting of my story was originally a western around the 1860s but seeing how my story already has furry elements I might make the world less like ours and more its own. For instance one section of the world may be more modern with skyscrapers and such and a character travels far and can be in a place similar to old world England. I've been brainstorming the story and thought some tweaks outside the wild west genre might help it along and bring in new readers. Any thoughts on the story or the comments I've made are very much appreciative. Honestly I'm still looking for furs to help read through my story and give feedback. Anyways until next time!
Continuing the Story Through Research!
Posted 10 months agoI want to continue my story but some elements I haven't revealed yet I feel need some looking up. I'm trying to push myself to get out about a chapter a month so this might delay me a slightly. But if any one of you is reading out there be assured I'll be back with another chapter!