College, music
Posted 15 years agoOkay, two reasons to post this:
a) the last journal is huuuge and makes my homepage unwieldy.
b) just filling you in and wanted to ask something
So, college is beating me with the busy stick. And yet, I still have time to do a few things here and there (otherwise, I'd die of boredom). So here's sort of the question:
Anyone here who watches me in to electronic music? Would you like me to post my stuff here? I'm working on an album, so that's why I ask. I wouldn't post full fledged songs most of the time since a lot of them are WIP, but I love feedback if I know that someone is going to listen (it takes extra work... much more so than graphical art... to prep audio for listening on a site. So I don't wanna waste the effort).
Thanks a lot for any and all who have commented and such. I'm pretty humbled in general by all the awesome people out in this wide wide world... even if this site is a small corner... it seems like a huge place.
a) the last journal is huuuge and makes my homepage unwieldy.
b) just filling you in and wanted to ask something
So, college is beating me with the busy stick. And yet, I still have time to do a few things here and there (otherwise, I'd die of boredom). So here's sort of the question:
Anyone here who watches me in to electronic music? Would you like me to post my stuff here? I'm working on an album, so that's why I ask. I wouldn't post full fledged songs most of the time since a lot of them are WIP, but I love feedback if I know that someone is going to listen (it takes extra work... much more so than graphical art... to prep audio for listening on a site. So I don't wanna waste the effort).
Thanks a lot for any and all who have commented and such. I'm pretty humbled in general by all the awesome people out in this wide wide world... even if this site is a small corner... it seems like a huge place.
Posted 15 years agoAHHH! How dare Pascale tag meeee *shakes fist* I won't tag anyone. You will be guaranteed to know waaaaay too much about me after this. No... seriously. You just try making that "uh huh" nod after I'm through with this. Yes you.
THE RULES: Once you have been tagged, answer the questions. Tag a few people, including the person who tagged you. If you were tagged, it's because I want to know more about you.
Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology".
1. What is your salad dressing of choice?
Vinegar! Ever since I was 3, I would drink it. Ohhhh geez... I need my balsamic fix now! *guzzles* I like a little greens with my acetic acid.
2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Chipotle.... I swear, when you see those orcas eating seals in those nature videos, just juxtapose my head on the orca, and turn the seal into a burrito. That's me... at Chipotle >:D
3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Cookie Dough. And try 4 months. Yes. All sugar and fat ever does is give me hot flashes till I juggle or something and bounce off the walls. High metabolism
4. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Hawaiian with GOBS of GARLIC (if you don't gnash your teeth when you eat it, try moar!) and spinaach
5. What do you like to put on your toast?
Poached eggs for the win! But before poaching them, I like to draw screaming faces on the eggs, then crack them while cackling maniacally. Learned that from a comic.
1. How many televisions are in your house?
2. What color cell phone do you have?
Ugly pukey brains grey :c
3. How long would it take you to look up who invented the Rubber Bands?
Ctrl-Space, type D... Dictionary pops open. Tab to wikipedia. Type rubber band. Enter. 15 seconds... but usually I start reading other articles, so I spend about 5 minutes wasting time reading about vulcanization of rubber, CTF with rubber bands, rubber tree cultivation, and the obligatory 'rubber bands as a musical instrument'
4. Have any idea how many Megahertz your computer has?
Purportedly 2.1Ghz . But I already know the intel series of this chip has a lower level pipeline, and the microinstruction set probably makes it an average of more cycles per instruction than 1:1. So we're prolly more or less equivalent to a good ol' pentium 4 with just more cache. A lot more. Maybe it's a ballpark of 1.4Ghz, really. I'd have to look up the instruction set architecture implementation specs and pipeline implementation itself to be sure, but that's what it feels like when I raytrace stuff in blender. Benchmarking never does much good imho with this. Though I have never coded in assembly... there might be a way.
1. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Alternating, really. I can't draw with my left, but I can't button shirts with my right. And other weird things. Like, I prefer to knot my ties lefty style. And I like driving with my left hand. Also, I like to pick my nose with my left hand. Which is why I also want to only shake left hands with a politician.
2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Wisdom teeth, blood from before I found out you could put socks on your arm before belly rubbing a cat, and "the fool" as my dad would call it when my sisters would beat me up.
3. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
4 patio chairs my sister put in the grass, and I had just mowed the lawn and it was about to thunderstorm outside... talk about hectic. Florida thunderstorms are pretty epic.
4. Have you ever been knocked unconscious
I was choked by a chain once (but didn't completely go under), and sometimes my blood pressure gets low enough that I've sorta went under for a few seconds.
1. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Sure. I've already got an incredible morbid disconnect from death as it is.
2. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Astronution Bazooka Killawald. Though I keep thinking of the name Wolfgang... that'd be great to put in there somewhere. And I would say it all the time. I don't like the initials, but people who brag about their initials are like people who talk up their boxers when they don't know how to get rid of a wedgie hands-free (totally referencing zefrank's "The Show"). Personally, my methodology is 'the shake'. But I've been known to have freestyle de-wedgie sessions.
3. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Already know I could chug tabasco. Don't like the taste of that tho. Chalula is awesome, as is anything with garlic in it. Or ginger.
1. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
What is Zilch? *ahem* sorry. I won't have any more Jeopardy moments.. but seriously, pointless question D: Not even I care about that fact about myself, and I'm more in love with myself than most mosquitos... they come close tho... since I don't normally suck my own blood. Being part native american, the smell of blood lingers in my nose quite a while.
2. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Throwing ice water out of a moving van at a mexican friend of mind. He got away with hitting me in the face with milkshake, the jerk.
3. Last person you talked to?
My sister. Well, if you mean stuff like gutteral responses, gesticulations, and the intermittent 'uh huh'. If you mean real in depth conversation... that would be Pascale.
4. Last person you hugged?
Uh. Uuuh. I haven't had physical contact with another person in a while. :-/ Does my blankie count?
1. Season?
Fall: not only does it double as an epic, loaded action verb, it just gets neat. So many of my dreams happen in the season of fall... I love the feeling of cold. Maybe it's my circulation... but when I lay outside in the cold cold... I just pass out.. and I mean hardcore... feels like the ground is swallowing me. And I love fall mornings... there's some neat stuff. But I prefer fall in the north. NO! not because of leaves, gosh darnit. Because the frosty mornings... the smells are stronger with those. But then again, I get nosebleeds from it. Gosh, it's dorkier to watch me go 'snoooort gush' in real person than it is to read it here. Trust me on that.
2. Holiday?
Hate every last one except Fourth of July (BOOOM!) and Thanksgiving. Yes, you heard me. Christmas can shove it. But to be fair, my family is full of cynics, and we all buy the worst things we can find for eachother at big lots. Oh yeah... so it's really about embracing the waste of the season.
3. Day of the week?
I don't think I usually know what day it is. I always have it written somewhere so I can tell someone. Usually, I just like those days where I get to see thunderstorms... lightning rules!
4. Month?
I still to this day only refer to the months by number. I was one of the only kids in my elementary school who could never memorize them. And yet, by the time I was 9, I had memorized all the episodes of Ren and Stimpy... so well that my parents would just name one during road trips to Colorado. I was good for about 4 hours of content. Good times. But probably the worst answer to this question ever. I think this month is August, since I heard someone mention school starts in august, and I think I got another 9 days till that starts. Numbers, sucka. Fo-get names.
WHAT THE! All the favorites are time related? Geez, you guys just hate me. I swear, of all the things.... Time is the thing I just... wow... just wow.... shallow.
1. Miss someone?
I'm the worst sniper TF2 has ever seen. I never hit my mark. But on the serious side.... hm. Spending my days holed up in my room coding from 9am to 3(am)... I would say I'd find even a politician good company. But don't you dare pity me. I did this to myself. I'll get money one day and just pay for people to fly to my house for cookies and awesome Orange smoothies... and maybe to add character, we'll steal the oranges from this nearby grove. Of course, the guys wouldn't care... we like to buy all their lemons. Mmm... lemon maple syrup cayenne peppers.... I'd love to make a gallon of that and sit around with anyone who would wander by. Loosens the tongue. Especially with additional pepper.
2. Mood?
Horrific melancholy in person, with a sort of Robot Chicken/Seth Green sense of humor... or so I'm told. Online, I always rub off as giddy and gleeful. It's amazing. Then again, give me some juggling balls, and I do throw a fit of silly wonton foolery. Every time.
3. What are you listening to?
NSBreaks radio. But I also like to listen to Liquid Morphine, the "Thank Phat it's Friday" show, anything chillout, and gamewave like Anamanaguchi. Oh dude... going to give my first born child that title as a middle name.
4. Watching?
Geez.... TV? I stopped watching TV ages ago. Everything. Boring. But then again, when I was 9, I'm on the record for saying the best thing ever is an instruction manual. Oh dude, I loved car manuals. Disliked novels of every sort (except goosebumps! I read those till the sucked... which didn't take long, sadly), but textbooks... riveting. Can't explain that. Always loved books like "General Chemistry" from Linus Pauling... even if he was a total crackpot and is on record as one of the only people to actually OD on Vitamin C. Which... really... sounds like something that would get you lots of girlfriends. Limey ones, no doubt (you may now laugh. Because that was astonishingly witty... my cheekiness is that of a demigod).... (I'm wondering if I should take that back)
1. First place you went this morning?
Espresso machine. I think I'm going to name it Tom. Yes. I went to see Tom. Now I don't sound lonely! *tries to come up with a market model for this so he can make profit to buy cookie dough crafting materials such as a 2 bowl of mixing*
2. What's the last movie you saw?
Movies. Ugh. There's always space balls, tho. Seriously sad state of affairs with movies. I'd rather get a sugar trip and write down my thoughts... now THERE... is some good messed up junk to turn into a movie in your head. Like, this questionaire? All powered by yellow cake and chocolate buttercream. And a bit of okra stew (OKRA ROCKZORZ UR BOCKZERS)...(or the occassional boxer brief... assuming you like to wear em loose enough that they 'rock'. If you can't get the desired effect, apply Queen or Wolf Mother until 'rockzoring' improves)
3. Do you smile often?
Oddly, yes. Mostly when I make someone else smile. And the coolest thing ever is when someone smiles at me. I can't remember almost anything from Penn State... but this one time this total stranger smiled at me, and that face is imprinted on the back of thoughts. I've always found faces beautiful... even if the best expression is a dumb one, since it takes zero muscles to have a dumb look (oh yes, I just stole that from demotivators. I hate the dumb 'muscles' thing about smiles)
1. Do you always answer your phone?
Yeah. I can't believe I made that promise. But I hold myself to it. Everyone always wonders how I do it. I seriously don't know. The last time I got voicemail was mid last fall... and I had three team projects.
2. It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Verizon telling me my sister just used up all our minutes talking to her going 7-year boyfriend. What an epic relationship. And verizon is always all "Dude, if you upgrade your plan, you'll save so many hundreds of dollars", and we would... until my sister found out and chalked up more talk time. I still love her, tho. Love my sisters *fistpump*.... oh geez, I'm turning into one of those guys who's beat by a significant other and gets a victim mentality, aren't I?
3. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my eye color... so I'd only change the shape of my pupil. Always wanted the pupil of a cuttlefish. Or a stingray. That'd be great. Prolly help me out of a lot of jams... just have to wear sunglasses a lot. Cthulhu pupils would be neat too... but ah... now I'm being half silly since everyone disagrees about that.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
It'd be news to me if I knew. As long as it doesn't hurt me, I'll eat it. Or that's usually what I tell everyone. The exception was the time I got that spinach with sand in it. I call it quits there... so anything that doesn't have silica deposits or ad-hoc sedimentary mineral malarky in it. Yes, that's technical.
5. Do you own a digital camera?
My dad owns one, therefore I own one... because he doesn't know he has one. Last time I leveled up to level 20 epic Uncle, I added skill points to craftiness. (don't get the idea that I play DnD, tho. Last time I tried that, everyone was continually rolling to kill my character. And I enjoyed every second of it).
6. Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yup. But never much luck with keeping them. :-/ I'm only good at plants, really. Which stinks, because they won't fetch my juggling balls when I drop them. I need a sea lion or something. That'd be fun.
7. Favorite Christmas song(s)?
Christmastide, since it had need chords in it. I sang it when I was in a boys choir, which didn't like me after the whole 'crossing my eyes during that photoshoot at the golf club' incident. Yeah. But I was sure the geezers wouldn't notice, and they didn't... some parent did. (QUICK! Forget everything I JUST SAID! It's fun to forget things! Really! Try it. FOR MEEE! Aaaahhhhh *cringes into fetal ball and hides in a jar of peanut butter* )
8. What's on your wish list for your birthday?
That I get hugs from my fam and my niece.... they're all so understanding of my sad sit-in-a-corner-drawing-anthros-and-composing-freaky-chillout-music deadbeat self. And by understanding, I mean they always always knock before entering my room. Sheesh. It was just a dragon eating a pbj I was drawing... *sigh* some people never forget.
9. Can you do push ups?
When I lay on my back, a few. But that's from all the laying on my back while I read 800 page textbooks on obscure programming and engineering topics. *does the Endoplasmic Reticulum*
10. Can you do a chin up?
Oh... hellz.... no. The chin up does me. And I'm not even in a -slovakia thingy place nation country people state. Proper nouns allude my mind, so sue me.
11. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
I wake up every day excited beyond belief... there's so many neat people who don't mind my presence online! I feel like I'm in a world of giants... sure, they laugh or ignore... but I find them all awfully cool. And hey, I always like to think I can chat with God whenever. Not sure what you might believe, but I like to think it's the best outlet ever. Even if our discussions go something like "Okay... that poison oak that just got in my shoe with the ants and all? Not cool. Could you have a bit of that mercy? .... *several mosquito bites later*.... ah, really, it's just that nature loves me. Riiight."
12. Do you have any saved texts?
Uh? Ambiguous question much? Let me assume you're talking about messages that people have sent me. Yes. The cell phone died, but I have never forgotten the day my roomie said he missed me. That was the single neatest thing ever. Because there really was nothing else in college that ever felt real to me. Except those amaretto sours... oh dude, those are the best... but they never text me when they're around.
13. Ever been in a car wreck?
A few. Every time, I bonk my head. And I flipping wear that seat belt. I mean, hardcore... liek, the popo look in the window and yell "OH SHI! Look at the seatbelt... that's badass!" And usually go change their pants. Wait... not that way. Darn. Next question.
14. Do you have an accent?
When I get my new name, I'll need to remember to add enough accents that people who read it will wonder if they have a glaucoma and there's a lunar eclipse.
15. What is the last song to make you cry?
Stereo 99 by blue states. But usually Spacemen, by Beloved. Ask if you want a copy of that. It's obscure. And geez, it has to do with the one and only person I met in life... who taught me why someone would go through all the horrors of marriage and waiting and emotional/drama trips to get married. And hilariously enough, they're the reason I've never been able to settle for anyone else. Talk about textbook irony.
16. Plans tonight?
Find out if anyone wants me draw something, code something, talk, or anything... anything to give me a little bit more faux purpose that I can gnaw on because Lord knows, college won't throw me even a frickin wishbone this semester.
17. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Every night... then I have an awesome shower, and all I can think about is where my dreams will take me next. And then I wake up in the morning feeling like I got a parasail, good thermal activity, and I'm at the pinnacle of a mountain range. I like to blame God for that too. If you can get over yourself, it helps restart each time you mess up.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday.
Wait... that assumed I have money. Lemme check... nope. But my dad bought some things... and so I guess that means I have some things... because he won't be able to watch everything. Mwahahaha.
19. Have you ever been given roses?
Nope. But someone wrote a poem for me. But they rewrote my name 'Jeremy' to sound like 'Germy'. That's about the closest I've got. Pretty awesome, huh?
20. Current worry?
For anyone who's still reading this... and there might actually NOT really be anyone out there who wants to program with me, or art with me, or compose with me. That's a horror. But good thing I'm happy to forget the chances, and keep trying.
21. Current hate right now?
My sister's puppy is going to graduate from being "Beelzepup" to outright "Itchy Bee". And yes, you know what I mean, and no... my sister never gets things like that... so I'll probably be able to use it a hundred times. But she hates 'Beelzepup' so much, it'll be hard to make the switch.
22. Met someone who changed your life?
Yes. Obligatorily they drift away, and so on and so on... drama drama... moan moan... agony agony.
23. How will you bring in the New Year?
I usually sleep through it. I didn't even know what day it was when the 2000 New Years happened. But then again... back then, I was... *laughs* not watching TV, and pretty much just reading old dusty textbooks. So, not like that's amazing, right?
24. What song represents you?
Probably Island Rd. on the album "Today Is" by A.M. (Andrew Moore). You have to hear this song... i swear, I want to blare it when I graduate. The entire world would probably go Caananite and start killing eachother and generally go "WTH!" It's built up with samples of a guy making raspberries. Oh, the humanity.
25. Name three people who might complete this?
I'm not doing that. And as if I could convince anyone.
26. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I've gotten to where now I'd just say "what's the point?" I might try to change it.
27. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Hah, no.
28. Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
Nah. Body mods never appealed to me just on the grounds that I can't get over just to awesomeness of just what I already am. I like to stare at my hands, recount the veins and arteries, the tendons, the action of kinesin motors dragging mitochondria along the cytoskeleton of my skin cells, the formation and action of sweat glands, the operation of vascular dilation that I can see just by moving my hand into sunlight, and the behavior sodium and potassium creating the membrane potentials across the lipid bilayers of my nervous tissues that give my fingertips the ability to read braille... and I think "Nope. Nothin much to be added here. It's already a mess". Of course, before you ask, it's never a good idea to title your resume "Im teh amazing protein soup of electromagnetic impossibilities". You'll probably just get blank stares.
29. Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
Oh you jerks. Stop giving me hopes. I already want to get A's on my transcript for once. If I can't get my GPA to be happy, what... you think you can bake a cake when you can't turn on an oven?
30. Does anyone love you?
Well, as advertised on the box, yes. XD (no no, I know they love me... so no worries. But it's not like I don't infuriate the hound out of the people who get to know me)
31. Ever had someone sing to you?
You know what? Actually, no. I don't count traditions here... I mean, just someone singing to me in the purest sense... geez, that'd be cool tho.
32. When did you last cry?
Never sure... usually while I'm sleeping. Dates escape me especially on this one. But probably in the past month... assuming a 30 day month.
33. Do you like to cuddle?
Never had a chance to really know.
34. Have you held hands with anyone today?
35. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
Hahahahaha, this is awfully messed up. Tangerine Dream, Debussy, Chopin, and Smetana.
36. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
I got a good handful, and it's mixed like pea soup. Err, assuming they also consider me their friend.
37. Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Geeeeez yes. Oh man, gimme moooar. I like the idea of wondering if you are eating or drinking... it's like the quantum mechanics of consumption, but sans the cryptic tomes that even I don't wanna read in order to come close to the people who force-feed 'best explanations' into mysteries of the universe. And yes, eating has many mysteries of the universe under its belt. That's why eating should be considering exploring, or it's probably not good food.
THE RULES: Once you have been tagged, answer the questions. Tag a few people, including the person who tagged you. If you were tagged, it's because I want to know more about you.
Let others know a little more about yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology".
1. What is your salad dressing of choice?
Vinegar! Ever since I was 3, I would drink it. Ohhhh geez... I need my balsamic fix now! *guzzles* I like a little greens with my acetic acid.
2. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Chipotle.... I swear, when you see those orcas eating seals in those nature videos, just juxtapose my head on the orca, and turn the seal into a burrito. That's me... at Chipotle >:D
3. What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Cookie Dough. And try 4 months. Yes. All sugar and fat ever does is give me hot flashes till I juggle or something and bounce off the walls. High metabolism
4. What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Hawaiian with GOBS of GARLIC (if you don't gnash your teeth when you eat it, try moar!) and spinaach
5. What do you like to put on your toast?
Poached eggs for the win! But before poaching them, I like to draw screaming faces on the eggs, then crack them while cackling maniacally. Learned that from a comic.
1. How many televisions are in your house?
2. What color cell phone do you have?
Ugly pukey brains grey :c
3. How long would it take you to look up who invented the Rubber Bands?
Ctrl-Space, type D... Dictionary pops open. Tab to wikipedia. Type rubber band. Enter. 15 seconds... but usually I start reading other articles, so I spend about 5 minutes wasting time reading about vulcanization of rubber, CTF with rubber bands, rubber tree cultivation, and the obligatory 'rubber bands as a musical instrument'
4. Have any idea how many Megahertz your computer has?
Purportedly 2.1Ghz . But I already know the intel series of this chip has a lower level pipeline, and the microinstruction set probably makes it an average of more cycles per instruction than 1:1. So we're prolly more or less equivalent to a good ol' pentium 4 with just more cache. A lot more. Maybe it's a ballpark of 1.4Ghz, really. I'd have to look up the instruction set architecture implementation specs and pipeline implementation itself to be sure, but that's what it feels like when I raytrace stuff in blender. Benchmarking never does much good imho with this. Though I have never coded in assembly... there might be a way.
1. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Alternating, really. I can't draw with my left, but I can't button shirts with my right. And other weird things. Like, I prefer to knot my ties lefty style. And I like driving with my left hand. Also, I like to pick my nose with my left hand. Which is why I also want to only shake left hands with a politician.
2. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Wisdom teeth, blood from before I found out you could put socks on your arm before belly rubbing a cat, and "the fool" as my dad would call it when my sisters would beat me up.
3. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
4 patio chairs my sister put in the grass, and I had just mowed the lawn and it was about to thunderstorm outside... talk about hectic. Florida thunderstorms are pretty epic.
4. Have you ever been knocked unconscious
I was choked by a chain once (but didn't completely go under), and sometimes my blood pressure gets low enough that I've sorta went under for a few seconds.
1. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Sure. I've already got an incredible morbid disconnect from death as it is.
2. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Astronution Bazooka Killawald. Though I keep thinking of the name Wolfgang... that'd be great to put in there somewhere. And I would say it all the time. I don't like the initials, but people who brag about their initials are like people who talk up their boxers when they don't know how to get rid of a wedgie hands-free (totally referencing zefrank's "The Show"). Personally, my methodology is 'the shake'. But I've been known to have freestyle de-wedgie sessions.
3. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Already know I could chug tabasco. Don't like the taste of that tho. Chalula is awesome, as is anything with garlic in it. Or ginger.
1. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
What is Zilch? *ahem* sorry. I won't have any more Jeopardy moments.. but seriously, pointless question D: Not even I care about that fact about myself, and I'm more in love with myself than most mosquitos... they come close tho... since I don't normally suck my own blood. Being part native american, the smell of blood lingers in my nose quite a while.
2. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
Throwing ice water out of a moving van at a mexican friend of mind. He got away with hitting me in the face with milkshake, the jerk.
3. Last person you talked to?
My sister. Well, if you mean stuff like gutteral responses, gesticulations, and the intermittent 'uh huh'. If you mean real in depth conversation... that would be Pascale.
4. Last person you hugged?
Uh. Uuuh. I haven't had physical contact with another person in a while. :-/ Does my blankie count?
1. Season?
Fall: not only does it double as an epic, loaded action verb, it just gets neat. So many of my dreams happen in the season of fall... I love the feeling of cold. Maybe it's my circulation... but when I lay outside in the cold cold... I just pass out.. and I mean hardcore... feels like the ground is swallowing me. And I love fall mornings... there's some neat stuff. But I prefer fall in the north. NO! not because of leaves, gosh darnit. Because the frosty mornings... the smells are stronger with those. But then again, I get nosebleeds from it. Gosh, it's dorkier to watch me go 'snoooort gush' in real person than it is to read it here. Trust me on that.
2. Holiday?
Hate every last one except Fourth of July (BOOOM!) and Thanksgiving. Yes, you heard me. Christmas can shove it. But to be fair, my family is full of cynics, and we all buy the worst things we can find for eachother at big lots. Oh yeah... so it's really about embracing the waste of the season.
3. Day of the week?
I don't think I usually know what day it is. I always have it written somewhere so I can tell someone. Usually, I just like those days where I get to see thunderstorms... lightning rules!
4. Month?
I still to this day only refer to the months by number. I was one of the only kids in my elementary school who could never memorize them. And yet, by the time I was 9, I had memorized all the episodes of Ren and Stimpy... so well that my parents would just name one during road trips to Colorado. I was good for about 4 hours of content. Good times. But probably the worst answer to this question ever. I think this month is August, since I heard someone mention school starts in august, and I think I got another 9 days till that starts. Numbers, sucka. Fo-get names.
WHAT THE! All the favorites are time related? Geez, you guys just hate me. I swear, of all the things.... Time is the thing I just... wow... just wow.... shallow.
1. Miss someone?
I'm the worst sniper TF2 has ever seen. I never hit my mark. But on the serious side.... hm. Spending my days holed up in my room coding from 9am to 3(am)... I would say I'd find even a politician good company. But don't you dare pity me. I did this to myself. I'll get money one day and just pay for people to fly to my house for cookies and awesome Orange smoothies... and maybe to add character, we'll steal the oranges from this nearby grove. Of course, the guys wouldn't care... we like to buy all their lemons. Mmm... lemon maple syrup cayenne peppers.... I'd love to make a gallon of that and sit around with anyone who would wander by. Loosens the tongue. Especially with additional pepper.
2. Mood?
Horrific melancholy in person, with a sort of Robot Chicken/Seth Green sense of humor... or so I'm told. Online, I always rub off as giddy and gleeful. It's amazing. Then again, give me some juggling balls, and I do throw a fit of silly wonton foolery. Every time.
3. What are you listening to?
NSBreaks radio. But I also like to listen to Liquid Morphine, the "Thank Phat it's Friday" show, anything chillout, and gamewave like Anamanaguchi. Oh dude... going to give my first born child that title as a middle name.
4. Watching?
Geez.... TV? I stopped watching TV ages ago. Everything. Boring. But then again, when I was 9, I'm on the record for saying the best thing ever is an instruction manual. Oh dude, I loved car manuals. Disliked novels of every sort (except goosebumps! I read those till the sucked... which didn't take long, sadly), but textbooks... riveting. Can't explain that. Always loved books like "General Chemistry" from Linus Pauling... even if he was a total crackpot and is on record as one of the only people to actually OD on Vitamin C. Which... really... sounds like something that would get you lots of girlfriends. Limey ones, no doubt (you may now laugh. Because that was astonishingly witty... my cheekiness is that of a demigod).... (I'm wondering if I should take that back)
1. First place you went this morning?
Espresso machine. I think I'm going to name it Tom. Yes. I went to see Tom. Now I don't sound lonely! *tries to come up with a market model for this so he can make profit to buy cookie dough crafting materials such as a 2 bowl of mixing*
2. What's the last movie you saw?
Movies. Ugh. There's always space balls, tho. Seriously sad state of affairs with movies. I'd rather get a sugar trip and write down my thoughts... now THERE... is some good messed up junk to turn into a movie in your head. Like, this questionaire? All powered by yellow cake and chocolate buttercream. And a bit of okra stew (OKRA ROCKZORZ UR BOCKZERS)...(or the occassional boxer brief... assuming you like to wear em loose enough that they 'rock'. If you can't get the desired effect, apply Queen or Wolf Mother until 'rockzoring' improves)
3. Do you smile often?
Oddly, yes. Mostly when I make someone else smile. And the coolest thing ever is when someone smiles at me. I can't remember almost anything from Penn State... but this one time this total stranger smiled at me, and that face is imprinted on the back of thoughts. I've always found faces beautiful... even if the best expression is a dumb one, since it takes zero muscles to have a dumb look (oh yes, I just stole that from demotivators. I hate the dumb 'muscles' thing about smiles)
1. Do you always answer your phone?
Yeah. I can't believe I made that promise. But I hold myself to it. Everyone always wonders how I do it. I seriously don't know. The last time I got voicemail was mid last fall... and I had three team projects.
2. It's four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Verizon telling me my sister just used up all our minutes talking to her going 7-year boyfriend. What an epic relationship. And verizon is always all "Dude, if you upgrade your plan, you'll save so many hundreds of dollars", and we would... until my sister found out and chalked up more talk time. I still love her, tho. Love my sisters *fistpump*.... oh geez, I'm turning into one of those guys who's beat by a significant other and gets a victim mentality, aren't I?
3. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
I like my eye color... so I'd only change the shape of my pupil. Always wanted the pupil of a cuttlefish. Or a stingray. That'd be great. Prolly help me out of a lot of jams... just have to wear sunglasses a lot. Cthulhu pupils would be neat too... but ah... now I'm being half silly since everyone disagrees about that.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
It'd be news to me if I knew. As long as it doesn't hurt me, I'll eat it. Or that's usually what I tell everyone. The exception was the time I got that spinach with sand in it. I call it quits there... so anything that doesn't have silica deposits or ad-hoc sedimentary mineral malarky in it. Yes, that's technical.
5. Do you own a digital camera?
My dad owns one, therefore I own one... because he doesn't know he has one. Last time I leveled up to level 20 epic Uncle, I added skill points to craftiness. (don't get the idea that I play DnD, tho. Last time I tried that, everyone was continually rolling to kill my character. And I enjoyed every second of it).
6. Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yup. But never much luck with keeping them. :-/ I'm only good at plants, really. Which stinks, because they won't fetch my juggling balls when I drop them. I need a sea lion or something. That'd be fun.
7. Favorite Christmas song(s)?
Christmastide, since it had need chords in it. I sang it when I was in a boys choir, which didn't like me after the whole 'crossing my eyes during that photoshoot at the golf club' incident. Yeah. But I was sure the geezers wouldn't notice, and they didn't... some parent did. (QUICK! Forget everything I JUST SAID! It's fun to forget things! Really! Try it. FOR MEEE! Aaaahhhhh *cringes into fetal ball and hides in a jar of peanut butter* )
8. What's on your wish list for your birthday?
That I get hugs from my fam and my niece.... they're all so understanding of my sad sit-in-a-corner-drawing-anthros-and-composing-freaky-chillout-music deadbeat self. And by understanding, I mean they always always knock before entering my room. Sheesh. It was just a dragon eating a pbj I was drawing... *sigh* some people never forget.
9. Can you do push ups?
When I lay on my back, a few. But that's from all the laying on my back while I read 800 page textbooks on obscure programming and engineering topics. *does the Endoplasmic Reticulum*
10. Can you do a chin up?
Oh... hellz.... no. The chin up does me. And I'm not even in a -slovakia thingy place nation country people state. Proper nouns allude my mind, so sue me.
11. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
I wake up every day excited beyond belief... there's so many neat people who don't mind my presence online! I feel like I'm in a world of giants... sure, they laugh or ignore... but I find them all awfully cool. And hey, I always like to think I can chat with God whenever. Not sure what you might believe, but I like to think it's the best outlet ever. Even if our discussions go something like "Okay... that poison oak that just got in my shoe with the ants and all? Not cool. Could you have a bit of that mercy? .... *several mosquito bites later*.... ah, really, it's just that nature loves me. Riiight."
12. Do you have any saved texts?
Uh? Ambiguous question much? Let me assume you're talking about messages that people have sent me. Yes. The cell phone died, but I have never forgotten the day my roomie said he missed me. That was the single neatest thing ever. Because there really was nothing else in college that ever felt real to me. Except those amaretto sours... oh dude, those are the best... but they never text me when they're around.
13. Ever been in a car wreck?
A few. Every time, I bonk my head. And I flipping wear that seat belt. I mean, hardcore... liek, the popo look in the window and yell "OH SHI! Look at the seatbelt... that's badass!" And usually go change their pants. Wait... not that way. Darn. Next question.
14. Do you have an accent?
When I get my new name, I'll need to remember to add enough accents that people who read it will wonder if they have a glaucoma and there's a lunar eclipse.
15. What is the last song to make you cry?
Stereo 99 by blue states. But usually Spacemen, by Beloved. Ask if you want a copy of that. It's obscure. And geez, it has to do with the one and only person I met in life... who taught me why someone would go through all the horrors of marriage and waiting and emotional/drama trips to get married. And hilariously enough, they're the reason I've never been able to settle for anyone else. Talk about textbook irony.
16. Plans tonight?
Find out if anyone wants me draw something, code something, talk, or anything... anything to give me a little bit more faux purpose that I can gnaw on because Lord knows, college won't throw me even a frickin wishbone this semester.
17. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Every night... then I have an awesome shower, and all I can think about is where my dreams will take me next. And then I wake up in the morning feeling like I got a parasail, good thermal activity, and I'm at the pinnacle of a mountain range. I like to blame God for that too. If you can get over yourself, it helps restart each time you mess up.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday.
Wait... that assumed I have money. Lemme check... nope. But my dad bought some things... and so I guess that means I have some things... because he won't be able to watch everything. Mwahahaha.
19. Have you ever been given roses?
Nope. But someone wrote a poem for me. But they rewrote my name 'Jeremy' to sound like 'Germy'. That's about the closest I've got. Pretty awesome, huh?
20. Current worry?
For anyone who's still reading this... and there might actually NOT really be anyone out there who wants to program with me, or art with me, or compose with me. That's a horror. But good thing I'm happy to forget the chances, and keep trying.
21. Current hate right now?
My sister's puppy is going to graduate from being "Beelzepup" to outright "Itchy Bee". And yes, you know what I mean, and no... my sister never gets things like that... so I'll probably be able to use it a hundred times. But she hates 'Beelzepup' so much, it'll be hard to make the switch.
22. Met someone who changed your life?
Yes. Obligatorily they drift away, and so on and so on... drama drama... moan moan... agony agony.
23. How will you bring in the New Year?
I usually sleep through it. I didn't even know what day it was when the 2000 New Years happened. But then again... back then, I was... *laughs* not watching TV, and pretty much just reading old dusty textbooks. So, not like that's amazing, right?
24. What song represents you?
Probably Island Rd. on the album "Today Is" by A.M. (Andrew Moore). You have to hear this song... i swear, I want to blare it when I graduate. The entire world would probably go Caananite and start killing eachother and generally go "WTH!" It's built up with samples of a guy making raspberries. Oh, the humanity.
25. Name three people who might complete this?
I'm not doing that. And as if I could convince anyone.
26. Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I've gotten to where now I'd just say "what's the point?" I might try to change it.
27. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
Hah, no.
28. Do you have any tattoos/piercings?
Nah. Body mods never appealed to me just on the grounds that I can't get over just to awesomeness of just what I already am. I like to stare at my hands, recount the veins and arteries, the tendons, the action of kinesin motors dragging mitochondria along the cytoskeleton of my skin cells, the formation and action of sweat glands, the operation of vascular dilation that I can see just by moving my hand into sunlight, and the behavior sodium and potassium creating the membrane potentials across the lipid bilayers of my nervous tissues that give my fingertips the ability to read braille... and I think "Nope. Nothin much to be added here. It's already a mess". Of course, before you ask, it's never a good idea to title your resume "Im teh amazing protein soup of electromagnetic impossibilities". You'll probably just get blank stares.
29. Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
Oh you jerks. Stop giving me hopes. I already want to get A's on my transcript for once. If I can't get my GPA to be happy, what... you think you can bake a cake when you can't turn on an oven?
30. Does anyone love you?
Well, as advertised on the box, yes. XD (no no, I know they love me... so no worries. But it's not like I don't infuriate the hound out of the people who get to know me)
31. Ever had someone sing to you?
You know what? Actually, no. I don't count traditions here... I mean, just someone singing to me in the purest sense... geez, that'd be cool tho.
32. When did you last cry?
Never sure... usually while I'm sleeping. Dates escape me especially on this one. But probably in the past month... assuming a 30 day month.
33. Do you like to cuddle?
Never had a chance to really know.
34. Have you held hands with anyone today?
35. What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
Hahahahaha, this is awfully messed up. Tangerine Dream, Debussy, Chopin, and Smetana.
36. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
I got a good handful, and it's mixed like pea soup. Err, assuming they also consider me their friend.
37. Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Geeeeez yes. Oh man, gimme moooar. I like the idea of wondering if you are eating or drinking... it's like the quantum mechanics of consumption, but sans the cryptic tomes that even I don't wanna read in order to come close to the people who force-feed 'best explanations' into mysteries of the universe. And yes, eating has many mysteries of the universe under its belt. That's why eating should be considering exploring, or it's probably not good food.
triple argh
Posted 15 years agoI swear... I never ever have time to do anything anymore. Computer died, still not fixxed... a million other things. I'm just posting art when I have a chance... even my devart and artspots accounts are all but dead in the water right now. *slaps self* one dayyyy... oooonnnneeeee dayeee.... I'm going to come back, and forcibly comment on a gillion things.
*runs back to working on computer*
*runs back to working on computer*
Just starting out
Posted 17 years agoAh... I've never even touched my anthro or otherwise art in my sketchbook and such... give me a week or two to get up to speed... till then, I'll post digi things
I love doing gifts... so always feel free to ask if I'm free (which I'll be in a couple days...)
I love doing gifts... so always feel free to ask if I'm free (which I'll be in a couple days...)