Quick question
3 years ago
So I wanted to know if I should make yet another bun. So the character list so far goes as such
August Moon (The Moon bun)
Aster Nova (The Constellation bun)
Arashi Kumo ( The Nebula Bun)
And Tenebrae Void -refsheet still being perfected ( The blackhole bun)
I was thinking of making another sun based bun to replace Cyrus Soleil , the last red fire bun I gave to a friend as a gift . But I"m internally going back and forth trying to figure out if a fifth bun is too much just to complete the whole cosmic bunny set . I"m also trying to look into designs for him so it"s not a copy paste of cyrus
August Moon (The Moon bun)
Aster Nova (The Constellation bun)
Arashi Kumo ( The Nebula Bun)
And Tenebrae Void -refsheet still being perfected ( The blackhole bun)
I was thinking of making another sun based bun to replace Cyrus Soleil , the last red fire bun I gave to a friend as a gift . But I"m internally going back and forth trying to figure out if a fifth bun is too much just to complete the whole cosmic bunny set . I"m also trying to look into designs for him so it"s not a copy paste of cyrus
However you wanna go about it hun ^^
I'm a bit torn. I want to create him . But keeping up with all 5 buns would he a bit exhausting . Plus keeping track of all their personalities so I dont get art that contradicts them as a person. I've been hoping to really start getting art when tenebrae is finished
Anything you want hun you decide and take your time with the idea.
5 characters is definitely a lot to give attention to, but having them be a set of some kind is probably going to help you think of ways to do group art with them, so I'd expect it to turn out well.
Yeah that's true . The group art would look amazing , but I'd have to show him some love as well and get art with him solo
there aren't many more celestial bodies but i think a comet bun could be a cool concept if executed properly
Nuuu I gotta write that down
I say go for it but not at this time develop what you can first then add in later