Unscheduled Maintenance
15 years ago
Swapped out the chipset fan, topped off the coolant and upgraded the video card in my Bitch Box today. Now it runs without the risk of bursting into flames.
And you're thinking, "Sean, why should I care?"
Well, it means that I can run Steam applications again. So, I have TF2. You have TF2. THAT MAKES US LIKE, SISTERS.
Let's set some shit on fire.
Steam Name: KinderPup
And you're thinking, "Sean, why should I care?"
Well, it means that I can run Steam applications again. So, I have TF2. You have TF2. THAT MAKES US LIKE, SISTERS.
Let's set some shit on fire.
Steam Name: KinderPup
Steam Name: Rei_Bread
I show up as Birthday Koala.
Totally added! Now if I could just find my damn headset...
sorry. I couldn't fight the urge. also watch
We'll have to shoot at each other sometime :3