God can this year end already.
6 years ago
Even when you rack your brain and can't even fathom how the shittiest year of your entire life could possibly get worse. The universe finds a way.
I'm trying to come back to fa. I got a ton of unposted great stuff. Life just doesn't seem to want to let me catch even a moment's breather. I am still alive though. Despite what I keep hearing, i haven't gone anywhere.
I'm trying to come back to fa. I got a ton of unposted great stuff. Life just doesn't seem to want to let me catch even a moment's breather. I am still alive though. Despite what I keep hearing, i haven't gone anywhere.
I still wish you the best of luck, health and happiness for the future.
I am so sorry for your loss. I am waiting for that call myself.
Please take care of yourself am maintain your strength. We can wait.
And i'm trying to maintain. I was at my breaking point for months, it slowly got a bit better. God forbid that's allowed to happen.
Hang in there man.
Until then, take care! I hope you get a break from it all over the final couple weeks of the year.