Quick side note about emergency fundraising
8 years ago
Logo Design
Title Cards (HD NTSC videos which usually come to 1280 x 720)
US Letter sized pinup images, every extra element + $10, Extra characters are 70% more.
$25 – Inks
$45 - Flat Color
$60 - Full Color
Title Cards (HD NTSC videos which usually come to 1280 x 720)
US Letter sized pinup images, every extra element + $10, Extra characters are 70% more.
$25 – Inks
$45 - Flat Color
$60 - Full Color
So was checking my feed & this girls story crossed my path: http://www.gofundme.com/2nj0ug4 Long and the short is she has breast cancer, isnt not too great & while she has just about met the cost of the operation she needs a couple more grand to be able to take care of herself for a bit. Cancer obviously sucks, nobody should go through it & if you know anything about me through my social media etc you know I fucking hate it with a passion. Now back to your regularly scheduled shenanigans.