CalicoCougar GoFundMe
8 years ago
calicocougar is back in the hospital once more. Things are getting real nasty and I will be making a head shortly to post for auction, 50% of the proceedings going to Calico's GoFundMe. If you are able to help and aren't interested in the auction, you can find the link here!!
If I can I might give them more money I know I just sent them a check today
Any help is appreciated!
I know it is and that is why I am trying
That poor thing!! I hope she will be healed of these problems and will feel better really soon.
Really saddened to learn her troubles are still ongoing :(
calicocougar and purplecheesestick Are offering a deal. Buy a $10 traditional badge from Calico, and cheesy will throw in a bonus of the same character! 2 badges for $10!