Monster Stacker Giveaway - Day 4
10 years ago
Day 3's Winners: Sparksthewolf SwitchFolfskat and Shirou14 on Twitter!
For day 4, we're giving away even more Monster Stacker itunes game codes on FA. Winning the codes is easy: just make a comment, and let us know what your favorite aspect of conventions are. The Dealer's Den? Artist's Alley? Hanging out with friends at the Zoo? Our epic pool party? Let us know!
Please note: commenting multiple times does not increase your odds of winning a code. Three people will be selected at random to grab a Monster Stacker iOS game code.
When I'll be 17 I'll go to the Eurofurence.
My favorite Aspect would be hanging out with some Furs at a Shisha Bar or something, talking with them, and the Fursuit Parade ofc. c:
Lately at Anthrocon though, I spend most of my time in the art show since I work there as con staff, but I still get out now and then
not any one particular spot
Artist Alley sounds the best
I mean, how often do you come across people like us in public? Not very. Everyone's always just so amazing, friendly,'s just awesome. Getting to meet and see people like me is really awesome too! Being able to walk around and show people pictures of my suit without having to worry about being critesized, flipping through my photos and not covering my phone every time there's an MLP picture...XD