Next book...
11 years ago
Having just posted Fantasie Eviscerotique episode 5 last night, the first book in the series to not contain any graphic sex or any of the perversions the series is known for, I"ve already got an idea for the next episode, though I"ll be stepping back again and calling it episode 4.5. At the beginning of episode 5, the king rattles off a list of founding members of the Sisters of Order. Anyone who paid attention in episode 4 would recognize all of them... except one. The new novella will be sort of the "origin story" for the Sisters, and will focus on the one stranger, as well as the "known" member who was only mentioned in passing in episode 4 and had never before appeared "on-camera," as well as a large shift in setting, covering a land and a religion that were barely touched upon earlier. It"s kinda fun, from my perspective, watching how the crude framework I"d built for episode 1 keeps filling in pieces of itself, as these stories often write themselves once I"ve seeded them with a few starting ideas.