Hey guys...
13 years ago
I would like to thank everyone for watching me and showing interest in me, but I think my time here is done.
I started here with intent that I was going to make an awesome funny web-comic but after realizing that I'm neither I worked more on paw-smut... and I'm really sorry to anyone who watched me recently but I not the caliber of other paw-artists out there.
I don't expect anyone to comment on this journal and that's cool but keep in mind I will always remember what has been said over the years and look back fondly. I'll miss you guys.
Once again, Thank you.
I started here with intent that I was going to make an awesome funny web-comic but after realizing that I'm neither I worked more on paw-smut... and I'm really sorry to anyone who watched me recently but I not the caliber of other paw-artists out there.
I don't expect anyone to comment on this journal and that's cool but keep in mind I will always remember what has been said over the years and look back fondly. I'll miss you guys.
Once again, Thank you.
But I will of the top of my brain just to get it out of it
First and foremost, Dont compare yourself to others out there!! Even the best of artists on here think they are behind in their skills and need improvement, that's not a bad thing! cause when you think you're the shit, you'll never improve, Sure you're not the best, and you never will be, if you enjoy what you do, ( I know I do and I'm sure many others do as well) keep doing it!!
Your art has improved immensely over the years, I don't lie like this, it's all true, You think the Blue Jays or the Leafs are gonna quit cause they didn't win this year, or last, or the last, Nope..they keep trying, How many bands do you know keep playing even though they make no cash doing so, even though they are better than most mainstream bands? You can answer me with a straight face with anything but you are right! I know you too well man.
what ever you choose, that's your decision, and I'll respect it, But I want you to know that your art is good, it deserves more comments and faves, but don't you dare leave cause you think others are better, If you lost your passion, fine,
I will apologize i haven't been around lately to comment, I've been in a very bad place in my life currently, I have been watching in silence man, I am truly sorry
I hope you see this
If not, Know that your an awesome friend, always have been since when I started, and I'll always think of you in high regard
you're friend Erik aka DFNY