Any thoughts about XpPen 13.3 pro screen tablet
3 months ago
Hello everyone I just bought one XpPen 13.3 pro™ screen tablet, for about 210 GBP I have paid with Klarna™ pay in three insallments interest free credit. I am about to go back to drawing on my free time and dust off my drawing skills and srefine it to a higher standard and or even go like a pro artist. I did tried using graphic tablets I had a trust A5 size tablet but didn't lasted too long. Then I moved to the UK in 2010 nad when I had the opportunity I bought a wacom™ Pen and Touch tablet But sadly when I moved to another location I bloody forgot to pack my tablet up and lost it. So I bought a better model a Wacom Intuos ™ A5 size tablet. But the main problem with it personally I can't see what I am drawing on the tablet I have to look up on the display and my eye and hand coordination does not want to improve on that way, in simpler terms I can't be used to it. I like to see what's under my pen when I am drawing or writing, so I can go much finer like that. So this will be my first ever dispolay type graphic tablet A4 size what is a relatively huge step up from a small A5 size work area.
Does any of you guys having the same tablet XpPen™ 13.3 pro? What are your thought about it and how does it feels like to draw on them. I was considering to buy a Wacom Cintiq™ but its price its far over from unaffordable to me, this XpPen 13.3 seems a quite good and affordable alternative with more functions than the Wacom Cintiq one. Please let me know will this be a good and worthy purchase or just a waste of money. I watched a few reviews on youtube and many of them sounded quite positive about the product I am about to get
Does any of you guys having the same tablet XpPen™ 13.3 pro? What are your thought about it and how does it feels like to draw on them. I was considering to buy a Wacom Cintiq™ but its price its far over from unaffordable to me, this XpPen 13.3 seems a quite good and affordable alternative with more functions than the Wacom Cintiq one. Please let me know will this be a good and worthy purchase or just a waste of money. I watched a few reviews on youtube and many of them sounded quite positive about the product I am about to get