My Teacher Wishlist
5 months ago
Hi all!
I know I've ghosted, but I do plan to come back to do more art once I can establish a routine (and get used to less sleep, so I can work at nights).
As some of you may know, I am a teacher. I've had a lot of people purchase items off my classroom wishlist, but I have a few items left. I work at a Title I school where funding is low, many kids are not having basic needs met, and come to teachers asking for snacks. I put some snacks on my wishlist for students who come asking. If you feel so inclined to share and/or contribute, I know myself and my students would greatly appreciate the donation!
My wishlist can be found here:
Thank you for considering us!
I know I've ghosted, but I do plan to come back to do more art once I can establish a routine (and get used to less sleep, so I can work at nights).
As some of you may know, I am a teacher. I've had a lot of people purchase items off my classroom wishlist, but I have a few items left. I work at a Title I school where funding is low, many kids are not having basic needs met, and come to teachers asking for snacks. I put some snacks on my wishlist for students who come asking. If you feel so inclined to share and/or contribute, I know myself and my students would greatly appreciate the donation!
My wishlist can be found here:
Thank you for considering us!
Not enough funds to help now. And I'm not sure how this wishlist delivery system works. The assumption I guess, is that I "purchase" the item in question, and it gets sent to the person who made the wishlist right?