Current obsessed with King Gator from All Dogs Go To Heav...
10 months ago
Bit of a random ramble journal this one, but realized recently that one of my earliest Vore crushes was King Gator (or as a lot of people might know him as: The Big Lipped Alligator) from All Dogs Go to Heaven. Just the scenes involving him and Charlie, plus that weird Oyster/Clam he had in his lair caused what would have been the earliest stirrings of vore thoughts for myself.
Having a look around on the various sights though that would do Rule 34 of him, there seems to be very little artwork of him, let alone vore oriented stuff, which is a big shame, given the potential for him.
Makes me really want to just bite the bullet and get some artwork made involving him. So, anyone know some good artists that would be willing to do some vore stuff for the King Gator?
Having a look around on the various sights though that would do Rule 34 of him, there seems to be very little artwork of him, let alone vore oriented stuff, which is a big shame, given the potential for him.
Makes me really want to just bite the bullet and get some artwork made involving him. So, anyone know some good artists that would be willing to do some vore stuff for the King Gator?
Gotta see the movie again ^^
Is a really good movie, been a while since I've seen it myself though
Same here. I've been wanting to comm someone for Kong Gator art
pony_dreaming, maybe?