Props and variations
Partial characters (disembodied floating hands or other extremities ect) 5
Prices above are estimates and may increase for exceptionally complex pieces or pieces that require a longer amount of time to complete.
-You contact me by discord NEWD#4474 email embarrassingnewds[at] or by sending me a message on my tumblr or FA with a short description of your image and the type of commission you want.
-If I accept I will reply to your note letting you know of my availability and the cost for your image
-You send me a payment along with a more detailed description of the image you want and any references that you might have.
-I will send you updates for approval at the sketch, and comp stages of the image.
-I finish your picture and send it to you.
Up to 3 revisions may be made at the sketch phase and 3 on final piece.
Additional revisions may be purchased at a cost of $10 each.
Payments are handled through Pḁy-Pḁl invoice and are in usd. Payment is required in full before I can start drawing. Refunds may be requested at any point before sketches are submitted. If customer does not wish to continue after seeing and or revising sketches they may request a 50% refund. No refunds may be requested after sketches are approved.
I retain all rights to images created.
Commissions are for personal non-commercial use only. You may edit, copy, or exhibit them in any way you see fit, as long as it is not for profit and within reasonable personal use. Should you wish to use them as part of a for profit endeavor or publish them to a mass audience please contact me for commercial licensing information.
In most cases work will be posted to my own gallery after completion. If you are purchasing an image as a gift or have some other reason you would like to delay its addition to my gallery please let me know beforehand.
Things I don’t want to draw
Hyper Proportions
Gore that seems really mean
Real people (eg your family, friends, or celebrities) in nsfw situations.
I may refuse commissions that contain the above or other content that I find objectionable or (more likely) just don’t want to draw.
I may also refuse or ask to simplify character designs that I find overly complicated
If you’re not sure if your request fits, feel free to ask.