Future Power 4 all


Although we have taken care during the development of this web site the utmost care, the possibility always exists that certain information is outdated or incorrect. We are not liable for the consequences of actions taken based on this internet site. Certain references on this site can lead to resources maintained by third parties over whom we have no control. We therefore do not bear responsibility for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information from these sources.

All intellectual property on this site belong exclusively to Futurepower4all or its suppliers. Except in or under the 1912 Copyright Act exceptions, no part of this web site may be reproduced or published without the prior written consent of Futurepower4all B.V.

Requests for permission or further information should be sent to:
Futurepower4all B.V.
Dorpsbleek 14
7641LL Wierden
The Netherlands

All the collected data will be stored in the www.fp4all.org database. Futurepower4all is not, in anyway, responsible for any damage to the material of a user, the connection from user to the www.fp4all.org website and visa versa, the logging database, loosing data from the database and all of these statements in the broadest sense of the statements.

Futurepower4all will do its utmost to guarantee the access to www.fp4all.org and to make backups of the used database to minimize the damage during a system crash.

Privacy Notice

Your privacy

We guarantee the privacy of our customers in respect with your personal information. All legal and decency standards will be respected by us at all times.

How do we handle this information?

The information is stored in our database, will be obviously used this for visualization on our website www.fp4all.org.

The email address can be used to get in contact with you. We reserve the right to register your IP address. This information helps us to further develop this website, for example in the field of design and layout. For the case of web site abuse we also can trace the abuser. We will always report this abuse!

Can I see my information?

Your personal data can be if necessary be modified. Personal data are not provided to third parties.

Who has access to the data?

Access to the records have only those persons that are designated by Futurepower4all within the scope of their activities.

If the user decide to log the information also on other websites or locally on your PC, then Futurepower4all is not responsible for the transfer, nor for this information, nor for a backup of this information.

How can I remove my information from the database?

Personal information can be removed on request when: "These data prove to be incorrect; "The registration of this information in violation of any statutory provision.

How can I get in contact with Futurepower4all for questions?

A user can get in contact with FuturePower4All by sending an mail to: [email protected]
