Amy Bills

VP, Principal Analyst

Forrester Bio

Photo of VP, Principal Analyst Amy Bills

Author Insights


Look Around: You’re Missing A Big Benefit Of Customer Obsession

Amy Bills August 19, 2024
When successful customers share their experience with your company, they support your brand, reach, and reputation. To ensure that those successful customers are ready, willing, and able to provide references and success stories to support your brand, invest in strategic customer advocacy.

Announcing Forrester’s B2B Program Of The Year Award Winners For North America

Cristina De Martini April 4, 2024
Get ready to be inspired by these best-practice program implementations across B2B marketing, sales, and product. We reveal which eight companies will be honored at B2B Summit North America in May.

What To Do Next About Your Customer Advocacy Platform

Amy Bills January 23, 2024
Where does the late December acquisition of customer advocacy and community platform Influitive leave current customers? Here we provide a plan for moving forward.

Customer Community Platforms: A Little More Conversation, A Lot More Action

Amy Bills October 30, 2023
Have you ever heard a leader of a successful business proudly announce that they don’t much care about understanding their customers’ needs? Yeah, me neither. The data from Forrester’s recent report, The State Of Customer Obsession In B2B, 2023, is clear on the value of knowing what drives your customers. Customer-obsessed organizations outperform their peers […]

The Customer Lifecycle Is The Design Muse To Accelerate Your Journey To Customer Obsession

Lori Wizdo June 29, 2022
Learn how the Forrester Customer Lifecycle Framework helps B2B and B2C business leaders — enterprisewide! — calibrate what are too often internally focused processes instead of the customer’s process and perspective in order to become more customer-obsessed.

Great Balls Of Fire! Customer Engagement Is On Your CMO’s Radar

Amy Bills June 14, 2022
It's customer marketing’s job to track and report on value to the business. You might not have received a lot of guidance from leadership on this, especially if your organization isn’t mature in its approach to postsale engagement. Begin by understanding what matters to the company.

Customer Marketers: It’s Your Time To Shine

Amy Bills April 19, 2022
Customer marketing leaders, get ready for the spotlight. We’re having a “told you so” moment in customer marketing. As companies turn more attention to keeping their existing customers, the job of strengthening engagement, building loyalty, and developing advocates is front and center. A full 60% of marketing organizations plan to increase spend on customer engagement. […]

When More Is Less: Investing Intentionally In Customer Obsession

Amy Bills February 23, 2022
The most successful companies put their customers at the heart of all they do. Yet customer obsession is not an all-or-nothing proposition.

The Keys To Better Post-Sale Customer Relationships In 2022

Amy Bills October 1, 2021
Existing customers account for more than three-quarters of annual revenue for B2B organizations, Forrester data shows. Find insights to deepen customer relationships in our "B2B Customer Engagement: Planning Assumptions 2022" report.

How To Crack The Code On B2B Recruiting

Amy Bills August 11, 2021
Get an inside look at the findings from Forrester’s The State Of Customer Obsession 2021 survey, which show the importance of an empowered and appreciated workforce for B2B organizations.

Building CX Influence? Choose Your Friends Carefully

Amy Bills May 11, 2021
Many CX leaders rely on matrixed teams, adjacent functions, and internal alignment to drive transformation. Being an informal “influence officer” might feel like a second job, but leaders who can connect with internal allies to further the cause of customer obsession have the greatest likelihood of success.

Toss Those Tea Leaves: Reading Real Signals Of Growth And Retention

Amy Bills April 9, 2021
Teams supporting retention, cross-sell, and upsell are most effective when they focus on the right signals from buyers and customers. At B2B Summit North America, learn more about these signals and how to use them.

Three Ways To Protect Your Customer Base From Competitors

Amy Bills March 10, 2021
Forrester benchmark data shows that retained business accounts for the lion's share of company revenue. How well are you protecting that share?

All Happy Families Are Alike, But All Happy Customers Are Not

Amy Bills November 5, 2020
It might be tempting to assume that all customers who meet certain criteria are willing to advocate, or to advocate in the same way. Customer marketing and customer advocacy practitioners should allow for more nuance.

Is Your Content Helping Or Annoying Your Customer Success Team?

Amy Bills September 11, 2020
Data from the SiriusDecisions 2020 Customer-Facing Roles Survey indicates that the right content makes the difference in the ability of CSMs to meet customer expectations. Just as important: The right content reduces time wasted searching for material, which means B2B organizations are more likely to keep those CSMs around.

Try a Little Tenderness: Customer Focus With a Timely Twist

Amy Bills June 9, 2020
  • Offering a port in the storm provides an opportunity to strengthen the company-customer relationship
  • Customer advocacy practitioners should not be afraid to provide a measure of kindness and humor
  • Authentic engagement nurtures customer relationships, yielding long-term benefits across the board

Spinning Gold Out of Customer Insight Threads (Yes You Can, Rumpelstiltskin!)

Amy Bills March 25, 2020
  • Many B2B organizations collect customer insights but do not share or activate them
  • This is a lost opportunity to improve the customer experience
  • Company cultures should support creativity and innovation in activating insights

Sales and Marketing Approach Shifting During a Crisis? Customer Advocates Can Help!

Amy Bills March 13, 2020
  • Customer advocates, by definition, expand your reach via their own networks and interactions
  • Crises present an opportunity for your advocate network to share information and advice
  • Ensure advocate activation is part of an ongoing, mutually beneficial relationship

Are Your Customers Getting Caught in the Middle Between Field and Headquarters?

Amy Bills August 14, 2019
  • Organizations are increasingly focused on creating customer-centric experiences, but they lose sight of customer needs as they negotiate field and headquarters roles
  • Headquarters and field teams may not see eye to eye on what constitutes a customer-centric experience or how to deliver it
  • Alignment begins with agreement on the customer lifecycle and the appropriate interactions for customer and company

Give Advocates the Floor: Authenticity Matters for Customer Engagement

Amy Bills July 8, 2019
  • B2B buyers and customers are digitally savvy and rely on peer insight for decision-making
  • Successful organizations must encourage customers to share their knowledge freely
  • The customer advocacy ecosystem that enables knowledge sharing includes a range of online and offline platforms
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