Geri Stengel


I am president of Ventureneer, specializing in defining and eliminating problems that hold underestimated entrepreneurs back, especially women and people of color. Ventureneer’s quantitative and qualitative research raises awareness of these entrepreneurs' greater challenges and

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178 viewsJul 24, 2024

Yelp-Like Platform Empowers Disabled Community

Individuals with disabilities and their families are a significant market for goods and services, yet they are often overlooked. Find stores that go the extra mile.

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734 viewsJul 22, 2024

Black Women-Led Middle-Market Firms Face Persistent Systemic Barriers

Black women-led middle-market firms face systemic barriers despite rapid growth. Limited access to capital, and unconscious biases hinder their potential.

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1,749 viewsJul 17, 2024

Verswire: Revolutionizing The Music Industry With Artist-First Model

Sherry Saeedi's Verswire, a music industry disruptor, empowers artists with a venture capital model, championing fair pay and creative freedom for musicians.

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3,222 viewsJul 10, 2024

ParentSquare: One-Stop Shop For K12 School-Family Communications

Teachers, parents, and schools now have a unified, two-way communication platform that facilitates parent engagement with education.

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487 viewsJul 3, 2024

Building GameTree: A Ukrainian Veteran’s Fight Against Online Toxicity

Veterans have powerful skills that enable them to overcome the challenges of entrepreneurship.