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It's really not that wild of a concept; "x amount of men enter, 1 man leaves" is pretty common, after all.

I remember reading a Goosebumps ripoff in grade school where a cheater in an online shooting game who accidentally electrocuted himself in a rage quit after he gets caught becomes a vengeful ghost out to get the players who beat him. I thought it was unrealistic at the time; haha, this was obviously not written by anyone who actually plays video games, who would play a multi-player shooter game with no respawns? And then it ended up being remarkably prescient.

Also, after hyping up "oh, I've got some nice, positive pieces about stuff I care about!" and then having them revealed to be about a Russian roulette simulator and books about vicious animal attacks, well, thanks for not taking one look at them and thinking, wow, never mind, this guy is crazy!


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