The Harvest Floor | LP | Cattle Decapitation
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Artikelnummer | 531507 |
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Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH Balanstraße 73 // Haus 31 81541 München Germany [email protected] |
Musikgenre | Grindcore |
Media-format | LP |
Produktämne | Band |
Band | Cattle Decapitation |
Produkttyp | LP |
Releasedatum | 25/03/2022 |
Kön | Unisex |
LP 1
1.The Gardeners of Eden
2.A Body Farm
3.We Are Horrible People
4.Tooth Enamel and Concrete
5.The Ripe Beneath the Rind
6.The Product Alive
7.In Axestasy
8.Into the Public Bath
9.The Harvest Floor
10.Regret & the Grave