A few days before the members – and so-called friends – of PASOK head to the polls to choose their next leader, Kathimerini tracked the four leading candidates on their campaign trail. We captured the soundtrack and slogans, ‘eavesdropping’ on both the complaints and praises from the party base, and gauged reactions in green. hangouts


They are not on stage at the moment. But they are still watching closely and sometimes intervening. How do they see the unformed landscape now that both parties are looking for new leadership and a new compass?


Greek-American Maggie Goodlander, with an impressive career in Washington’s highest decision-making circles, is running as the Democratic candidate for New Hampshire’s second Congressional District.


We watch the car thermometer drop 10 degrees from 30 Celsius as we leave the village of Anogeia in central Crete as we make the climb to the Skinakas Observatory on the summit of Mount Psiloritis (Ida).


It is a vibrant space at the heart of the multicultural downtown Athens neighborhood of Kypseli, set up with one goal in mind: promoting cultural diversity, empathy and a discrimination-free society. “It happens naturally now. We have the holy grail,” says Ioanna Nissiriou, co-founder of We Need Books.


Nick Cave feels at home in Greece – it makes sense: After all, this is the country that gave birth to tragedy, and Cave knows a thing or two about tragic things, both in art and in real life.


It’s a great day for Kevi, a young waiter at a cafe that’s popular among the diplomats working at the foreign embassies flanking Skenderbeu Street in downtown Tirana.


Beef and chicken glisten as they rotate slowly on vertical spits before they are carved off in razor-thin strips. Two cooks slide from a sizzling griddle to a warm toaster in a practiced dance. Mounds of fresh tomatoes, cabbage and red onions shine in a colorful tableau.


The United States must take a firmer stance toward Turkey and stop underestimating the growing anti-American sentiment in the country, according to Steven Cook, Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington, in this interview with Kathimerini.


“You’ll find me if you do a search on the internet. Just type in ‘Christina-Maria, excursions and cooking on a traditional fishing boat on Naxos.’ Did you find it?” Stamatis Sergis is proud of the website created by his daughters.


Greeks and other Europeans are deeply curious about the November 5 US elections. Most of them recognize that the outcome of these elections will affect their country and themselves personally. Many of them say they wish the international community had a vote.


When a wildfire tore down a hillside towards Athens last month, its southernmost flank halted in a treeless area burned by fire two years before. A few miles west, however, the blaze found fresh fuel: woods and scrub that offered a path towards the city’s suburbs.


Austrian analyst and head of the European Stability Initiative Gerald Knaus stresses the need for Greece and other countries to pressure for changes in the European Union’s refugee legislation.


After the intense heat and drought of summer, the threat of a repeat of the devastating floods that swept through Greece’s central breadbasket last September is making farmers like Achilleas Gerotolios consider giving it all up.