Terms and conditions

  1. Who we are
  2. About these terms and conditions
  3. About copyright in our Website, Programme and the App
  4. About trade marks on our Website, the Programme and the App
  5. About the accuracy of information
  6. About visitor material
  7. About the Internet, service interruption, viruses, etc
  8. About personal data and our privacy statement
  9. Registration
  10. Fringe Friends
  11. Gift Vouchers
  12. Purchasing Tickets
  13. Accessing Online Events
  14. Third Party Event Access 
  15. Purchasing Goods from the Fringe online shop on the Website
  16. Registering a Show
  17. Advertising Terms
  18. About our liability to you
  19. General
  20. Contact Details and Notices


1.1  We are the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society Limited, a company limited by guarantee and incorporated in Scotland (No SC046605, Registered Charity No SC002995) which sells tickets and provides support to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe ("EFFS"), and Festival Fringe Trading Limited, trading as Edinburgh Festival Fringe Shop ("FFTL"), incorporated in Scotland (No SC130813), VAT group registration number 171276804 which sells goods.

1.2  Our principal place of business is at 180 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1QS. The main telephone number for our office is 0131 226 0026. Please remember that throughout the terms that follow, unless otherwise stated, when we mention ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, etc., we mean both the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society Limited and the Festival Fringe Trading Limited. When we refer to ‘you’ we mean (i) the user and/or browser of our Website or App (both as defined below), including those users buying tickets and/or goods; (ii) persons, organisations or companies booking adverts; and (iii) those persons, organisations or companies registering a show or venue for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

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2.1  You are reading the terms and conditions for:

(a) Use of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe website (www.edfringe.com, including tickets.edfringe.com, shop.edfringe.com, registration.edfringe.com, marketplace.edfringe.comconnect.edfringe.com, and subdomains *.edfringe.com, as well as Edinburgh Festival Fringe affiliate sites (the "Website");

(b) The Edinburgh Festival Fringe mobile app for iPhone and Android (the "App");

(c) The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Programme and Participants' Events Programme (the "Programme");

(d) Advertising in (including but not limited to) the Programme and/or the Website;

(e) Registering a show or venue at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe;

(f) Membership of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society; and

(g) Fringe Friends

2.2  By accessing any part of the Website or App (including, without limitation, purchasing tickets and/or goods), booking advertising with us, and/or registering a show at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, you shall be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions in full (and in respect of booking an advert, the relevant advertising terms and conditions as referenced in clause 16) and they form a legally binding contract between us and you. You will be asked to agree to these terms and conditions before placing an order for tickets or goods, and registering a show. If you do not accept the terms and conditions (or the relevant advertising terms) or any part of them, you will not be able to place an order for tickets or goods or register a show and you should immediately:

(a) Stop using the Website or App (as the case may be);

(b) Contact us to remove your advert or show from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

If you breach any of these terms and conditions, your permission to use the Website or App, order an advert or register a show (as the case may be) automatically terminates.

These terms and conditions apply from first use of the Website or the App.

2.3  We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions (and any of the advertising terms and conditions) from time to time, including for example in order to reflect changes in:

(a) Our ordering and/or delivery process in respect of goods and/or tickets;

(b) The registration process;

(c) The Fringe Friends scheme;

(d) Relevant laws and regulatory requirements; or

(e) Terms relating to usage of the App, advertising, and/or registration of a show.

These changes will take effect from the date of posting on the Website and the App. The new terms may be displayed on-screen and you may be required to read and accept them to continue to use the Website or App (including buying tickets or goods, registering a show, and booking advertising with us). Your continued use of the Website or App (or any part thereof) or failure to advise us to remove your advert or show, will mark your acceptance of any changes to the terms and conditions (including the advertising terms and conditions).

2.4  We may from time to time display additional terms and conditions on the Website or App - for example, in connection with a specific promotion or the sale of goods or services. If the terms and conditions for use of the Website or App should conflict in any way with such additional terms, then the additional terms will prevail.

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3.1  The copyright and other intellectual property rights in and to all images, graphics, text, applets, scripts and other material or content on, or part of the Website or the App (the “Website/App information”) or in the Programme are owned by us or our licensors unless otherwise stated. You may view the Website/App information in a web browser or on your mobile phone or handheld device for private browsing purposes only. Copying Website/App information into a computer cache or storage device for private on- or offline browsing purposes is also permitted, provided that:

(a) No modifications are made to the Website/App information;

(b) Text is copied in its entire context;

(c) No graphics on the Website or App are used separately from the corresponding text; and

(d) All relevant copyright and trade mark notices appear in all copies.

You may not make a copy in whole or in part of the Website/App information, for any other purpose without our prior written consent, which may be granted at our discretion (or where we do not own the copyright, we will direct you to the owner themselves for such consent). Nothing in these terms and conditions or on our Website or App constitutes a licence to use, copy or distribute the Website/App information except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions. For avoidance of doubt, we (or our licensors as the case may be) shall own the copyright in any downloaded or printed extracts from the Website and the App.

3.2  If you breach any of these terms and conditions, your permission to browse, download or print information from the Website or the App automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any downloaded or printed extracts from the Website or App.

3.3  Occasionally, we may publish images or text for which the copyright is not owned by us. Where this is done, and where practicable, we will acknowledge the copyright owner.

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4.1  Unless otherwise stated, the trade marks displayed or referred to on the Website, the App or the Programme are owned by us or our licensors.

4.2  Where practicable, we acknowledge the owners of all other trade marks which are referred to on the Website, the App or the Programme.

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5.1  Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information on the Website, the App and the Programme is correct and up to date, such information is provided ‘as is’ and we make no representation, endorsement or warranty as to its accuracy or completeness. We will not be liable for any action taken (or not taken) in reliance upon the information on the Website or the App, and such action is taken entirely at your own risk. We reserve the right to make changes to the Website/App information in order to correct any errors or omissions (or at our discretion) without notice and without liability to you. All information in the Programme is subject to change and shall be updated through the Website. All information in the Website shall take precedence over the information contained in the Programme and we accept no liability for any errors or omissions in the Programme.  

5.2  External websites to which we provide hypertext links are not under our control, and we take no responsibility and shall not be liable in any way for their content.

5.3  It is a feature of the Website and the App that much of the information contained therein is contributed by many different third parties and we do not control those parties or their information. Opinions expressed within the Website/App information are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent our opinions.

5.4  The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is an open access festival and EFFS neither selects the shows that take part, nor controls the content of those shows and the associated promotional materials. All content on the Website and Apps is the sole responsibility of the person(s) who originated such content and we take no responsibility for any content contained therein. Under no circumstances will we be liable for any content, including but not limited to errors or omissions, or loss or damage (or claim thereof) of any kind as a result of any content submitted for publication. 

5.5  In the unlikely event that you find any inaccurate information on the Website or the App or have any complaints about what we have published, please email [email protected]. We will investigate on receipt and take such action that we, in our sole discretion, determine as being appropriate, having regard to all the circumstances.

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6.1  Other than personally identifiable information, any material you transmit or post to the Website or the App, or submit as part of a show registration (including public reviews of shows) for publication in the Programme or Website shall be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. We shall have no obligations with respect to such material and shall be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and otherwise use such material for any and all commercial or non-commercial purposes.

6.2  You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from the Website or App, or submitting as part of a show registration (including public reviews of shows) for publication in the Programme or Website, any material:

(a) That is threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in breach of privacy, or which may cause annoyance or inconvenience; and in all cases we shall be the sole judge of whether material falls into any of these categories;

(b) For which you have not obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals;

(c) Which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, gives rise to civil liability, or is otherwise contrary to the law of or infringes the rights of any third party, in any country in the world; or

(d) Which is technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data).

6.3  We shall fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material in breach of this clause 6.

6.4  You may not misuse the Website or the App in any other unauthorised way (including, without limitation, by hacking, sweeping for information or posting false and misleading information).

6.5  To the extent that you post, transmit or upload to the Website or App any personal data, you confirm that:

(a) Where that personal data relates to you as a data subject, you consent; and

(b) Where that personal data relates to any third parties, you have obtained all necessary consents, licences, approvals and permissions from each of those third parties, to the collection, processing, transmission and disclosure by us for the purposes of organising, co-ordinating, advertising and marketing shows and/or the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, including the sharing of such information with carefully selected third parties for those purposes, all in accordance with our Website Privacy Policy.

6.6  You agree to indemnify, keep indemnified and hold each of EFFS and FFTL harmless in respect of any loss, costs or damages arising out of or in connection with any failure or delay by you to obtain any of the consents, licences, approvals or permissions referred to in clause 6.5.

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7.1  We and all other web publishers have no control over the Internet, which is a global public network of computers and the method by which you access our Website and the App. As a consequence, and in common with most web publishers, we take no responsibility for service interruption or the transmission of viruses or other malicious computer code through the Website or the App.

7.2  Whilst we endeavour to make the Website and App available at all times, we shall not be liable if for any reason the Website or App are unavailable at any time or for any period.

7.3  Access to the Website or App may be suspended without notice for any reason including (but not limited to) system failure, maintenance or repair.

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8.1  Where appropriate, we collect and hold your name, address, telephone or mobile number, email address and payment details and similar information relating to you, which will hereafter be referred to as “Personal Data”. In particular, we may collect and store Personal Data from you when you are purchasing tickets through the App or tickets and/or goods through the Website in order to process your transaction.   

8.2  We do not retain your financial information or credit card numbers used to purchase any services to products.  We will not email requesting financial information, as this does not comply with our privacy policy.  If you receive a request to provide sensitive personal information (such as credit card details) in an email, do not provide this information because the request may be fraudulent.   

8.3  We undertake to maintain your privacy within the framework of the relevant data protection law. Except as provided for in these terms and conditions or in our Website Privacy Policy, we shall not pass Personal Data to any third party unless we have received your permission to do so. 

8.4  If we have received your permission to do so, we will from time to time use Personal Data to inform you of our latest news, information, services, offers, etc. and the offers or services of third parties. 

8.5  The Website makes use of cookies. Cookies are data held in your web browser. They do not in themselves identify who you are or your other Personal Data to us. They do allow us to monitor your use of the Website. 

8.6  Our guiding principle is that your Personal Data is only held to allow us to support and improve your customer relationship with us. If you have any concerns about our use of your Personal Data, please email [email protected]. We will investigate complaints, act on emails claiming unjustified exploitation of data, and take such further action as we, in our sole discretion, deem appropriate. 

8.7  When you are purchasing tickets, we will provide you with the option to utilise third-party 'Link’ payments which saves your payment details for the ease of future payments. This process may require completion of identity verification via email or text directly with ‘Link’. To edit or remove payment cards, you can click on the 3 dots on the Link section of the payment page or visit their website. Find more information about ‘Link’ payments.

8.8  For further details about how we use your Personal Data (including the use of cookies on our Website and your payment details), please see our Website Privacy Policy

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9.1  As a user of the Website and/or App (including where you wish to register a show or order an advert or become a Friend of the Fringe), you may need to set up and maintain an account. Each registration is for a single user only and you are not permitted to share your user name and password with any other person, nor with multiple users on a network. You are solely responsible for keeping your passwords confidential and secure at all times. You should notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised access to your account. You agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account. In no event shall we be responsible for any loss you may suffer as a result of any misuse of your account and/or passwords.

9.2  You agree to provide current, complete and accurate information required to complete any account registration, and at other times as may be required in the course of using the Website and/or App ("Registration Data"). You further agree to maintain and update your Registration Data as required to keep it current, complete and accurate. If any information you provide is false, incomplete or inaccurate, we may terminate your rights to use the Website and/or App and the services offered via such platforms. If the information you provide is fraudulent, you may also be subject to criminal and/or civil liability. You agree that we may store and use any Registration Data you provide (including credit card information) for maintaining your account and billing fees to any payment cards used by you.


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10.1 Membership to the Friends scheme covers one Edinburgh Festival Fringe and, if purchased in the period of the year prior to the start of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, shall run until 31 December in the year of purchase unless otherwise specified. If purchased after the Edinburgh Festival Fringe has finished, membership shall run from 01 January in the year following purchase until 31 December of that year.  

10.2 You will receive a discount when you set up an annual payment through Direct Debit for your Friends membership each year. 

10.3 The Friends 2for1 ticket offer is available on selected shows. Bookings must be made via the Fringe Box Office, over the phone or at edfringe.com. The offer is only applicable to full price tickets and cannot be redeemed on preview days. All tickets (including those available in the 2for1 ticket offer) are subject to availability. 

10.4 To purchase tickets over the Friends telephone booking line you must give the email address associated with your Friends membership. If purchasing tickets on the Website, any discount available to you because you are a Friend shall be applied automatically to your ticket purchase, provided you are logged into the Website. 

10.5 Tickets purchased for shows in the Friends 2for1 ticket offer will no longer be valid if you cancel your membership before payment is taken (either credit or debit card, or via Direct Debit). Any bookings for 2for1 tickets made without a valid Friends membership will be cancelled if payment cannot be taken successfully.     

10.6 Some shows included in the Friends 2for1 ticket offer allocate only a portion of their tickets to the scheme, so these tickets are limited. It may be possible to still purchase tickets for a show’s performance at full price, even though the Friends 2for1 ticket offer allocation has sold out. All tickets are subject to availability.  

10.7 Unless otherwise specified, we will aim to have delivered the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Programme to all Close Friends, Best Friends and Patrons with UK addresses by the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Programme launch day, provided you have signed up at least one month prior to that date. However, factors outside our control, such as delays in the mail, may result in later delivery. Non-UK residents will receive the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Programme as close to the Programme launch date as possible. 

10.8 Some Friend tiers are eligible to receive invitations to special events during the Fringe – these events may be subject to capacity limits and / or safety restrictions.  

10.9 EFFS reserves the right to make alterations to the Friends scheme and its benefits from time to time and without prior notice. 

10.10 Membership to Friends scheme is non-refundable. 

10.11 Normal ticketing terms and conditions, including a booking fee, apply. 

10.12 Further details on the membership options for Fringe Friends.

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11.1  Gift vouchers can be purchased from the Website or from the Fringe Box Office or Fringe Shop located at 180 High Street, Edinburgh. Gift vouchers can be redeemed against tickets or goods. Whilst you can redeem vouchers against tickets on the Website, over the telephone or in person at the Fringe Box Office, gift vouchers can only be redeemed against goods in person at the Fringe Box Office or Fringe Shop located at 180 High Street, Edinburgh. Gift vouchers cannot be redeemed against tickets on the App. It is your responsibility as the customer to ensure that the delivery address supplied is correct and to keep the voucher(s) safe as we cannot be held responsible for any gift vouchers that are lost or used by someone other than the recipient after the delivery.

11.2  We encourage all customers to choose the option of sending their vouchers via the Special Delivery service within the UK and the International Signed For service for countries outside of the UK as we accept no liability for vouchers lost or stolen in transit.

11.3  Gift Vouchers are valid for five years from the date of purchase.

11.4  E-Vouchers are available for purchase through our online shop, and these vouchers will be delivered to the designated email address automatically. Physical vouchers purchased from the online store dispatch twice a week. It's important to note that there may be potential delays during holiday periods. We recommend checking our online store for updated holiday hours and any associated schedule adjustments.

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12.1  We sell tickers on behalf of event organisers, promoters, venues, producers, artists/performers and other persons involved in the organisation of events (‘Event Partner(s)’).  Please note we are not responsible for organising or delivering the events themselves.

12.2  We sell tickets as and when they are allocated to us by the Event Partners, and in accordance with their instructions.  The number and type of Tickets allocated for sale by us vary on an event by event basis.

12.3  We sell tickets from several distribution points, including online, at our Box Offices in person and via phone.

12.4  Tickets will be issued as e-tickets only. See all details relating to ticket bookings, including methods for purchasing tickets (and opening hours, if applicable) handling and postage fees, refunds and exchanges. If you wish to contact us with any queries relating to your purchase of tickets, please contact us using the details provided in clause 20. 

12.5  From the moment that the transaction is completed, all Fringe tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable unless a show has been cancelled – in which case we shall notify you and reimburse the price of the tickets as soon as possible – or the particulars of the show change in a manner which results in you being unable or unwilling to attend, in which case we will reimburse the price of the tickets as soon as possible. In respect of purchases through the Website and Fringe App, completion is deemed to be once you have agreed to the terms and conditions and clicked to confirm your purchase. If denied entry to an event, including due to late arrival, tickets are non-refundable. Lost or stolen tickets are non-refundable, and no duplicate tickets will be issued.

12.6  A booking fee of £1.25 per ticket applies to in person, telephone and web bookings. A maximum booking fee of £5 applies where the booking is made by telephone or through the website.

12.7  Bookings fees are non-refundable.

12.8  Because you are a consumer, we are under a legal duty to supply tickets that are in conformity with the contract. 

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13.1  Online Events can be accessed using the link provided in your account area of tickets.edfringe.com. The Online Event can be accessed for a limited time after the start time stated in the performance details and your ticket confirmation email. 

13.2  EFFS and/or the Event Host reserves the right, without any liability, to refuse you access or eject you from the Online Event for failure to comply with these Terms; or if in EFFS’s opinion you represent a security risk, nuisance or hindrance to the running of the Digital Event.

13.3  You are not permitted to make your own video or audio recordings of the Online Event or use, distribute and/or re-distribute any photographs or screenshots of the Online Event for any purpose, unless expressly permitted by EFFS and/or the Event Host.

13.4  All information received by us from your use of our Digital Services or your attendance at any Event will be used by EFFS in accordance with our privacy policy. Please read this for details of how we process your personal data. In particular, EFFS may contact you as required for the organisation and administration of the Digital Services or any event, or otherwise to comply with our obligations under these terms and conditions.

13.5  You are responsible for procuring the necessary equipment and the payment of any changes necessary to access any Events or Content. EFFS is not responsible for the reliability or continued availability or speed or quality of the telephone lines or internet lines and/or equipment that you use to access any Event / Content.

13.6  EFFS is not liable or responsible for any technical issues which may arise as a result of your failure to ensure compatibility of our technology with your systems. Similarly, we are not liable or responsible for any delay, disruption or disturbance in the operation of the internet or problems caused by your internet service provider or for any telecommunications failures which are beyond our control. Access to online Content may not be available as a result of downtime for repairs, maintenance and/or repairs to EFFS websites, Online Event Platforms and systems. 

13.7  Refunds will not be issued for events where the customer’s access to online services is impeded or impaired due to technical issues determined to be outwith our or the Event Organiser’s control, including but not limited to; customer internet service provider issues such as downtime, speeds or bandwidth, localised browser and/or firewall restrictions, and user issues not replicable by our technical team.

13.8  Except to the extent that a username and password is expressly intended for more than one person as confirmed by us in writing, you are not permitted: a) share username and password details with any other person(s) b) to make their usernames and passwords available to multiple users on a network.

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14.1  Tickets can be purchased through tickets.edfringe.com for events hosted on third-party sites (including but not limited to youtube.com, vimeo.com, etc.); additional terms and conditions of use, including how we will process your data to fulfil your contract, will be made explicitly at the point of purchase – these may include:

  • Processing of your personal data: to include the sharing of essential contact information (email address) to facilitate the delivery of access to the third-party digital platform only;
  • EFFS are not responsible for the access or technology provided by third-party platforms and will not provide customer support and/or technical assistance; 
  • EFFS are not responsible for any content directly or indirectly linked from the Website and/or on third-party websites.   

14.2  You acknowledge that your decision to access any third-party sites is solely at your own risk. EFFS makes no representation, warranty or commitment and shall have no liability or obligation whatsoever in relation to the content or use of such third-party site or correspondence with the relevant third-party. EFFS recommends that you refer to the third party's website terms and conditions and privacy policy prior to using the relevant third-party website. EFFS does not endorse or approve any third-party website nor the content of any of the third-party website made available via tickets.edfringe.com.

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The following terms apply if you are purchasing goods from the Fringe online shop on the Website (at shop.edfringe.com), in addition to the other clauses in these terms and conditions, except for clause 12 (Purchasing Tickets), clause 16 (Registering a Show), and clause 17 (Advertising Terms). All references to "we", "us", "our" etc. in this clause 15 shall refer to Festival Fringe Trading Limited as (FFTL.)

15.1  Ordering process

(a) In accordance with clause 2.2, before placing an order you will be asked to agree to these terms and conditions, including this clause 15 (Purchasing Goods from the Fringe online shop on the Website). If you refuse to accept these terms and conditions, you will not be able to order any goods from us.

(b) If we have to revise these terms and conditions as they apply to your order, we will contact you to give you reasonable advance notice of the changes and let you know how to cancel the order if you are not happy with the changes. You may cancel either all the affected goods or just the goods you have yet to receive. If you opt to cancel, you will have to return (at our cost) any affected goods you have already received. We will arrange a full refund of the price you have paid, including any delivery charges (irrespective of whether you have already received them).

(c) The order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to us. Please take the time to read and check your order at each stage of the order process.

(d) After you place an order, you will receive an e-mail from us acknowledging that we have received your order. However, please note that this does not mean that your order has been accepted. Our acceptance of your order will take place as described in clause 15.1(e) below.

(e) We will confirm our acceptance of your order by sending you an e-mail that confirms that the goods you have ordered have been dispatched ("Dispatch Confirmation"). The contract between us will only be formed when we send you the Dispatch Confirmation.

15.2  Delivery
Your order will be fulfilled by the estimated delivery date set out in paragraph 15.2(c), unless there are circumstances beyond our reasonable control – including, without limitation, strikes, postal failures, lock-outs and other industrial disputes, breakdown of systems or network access, failure of our suppliers or producers, flood, fire, explosion, acts of terrorism or accident – and we will not be held liable for any delays caused by such circumstances. In such circumstances, we shall contact you with a revised estimated delivery date after the event beyond our reasonable control is over. You may cancel an order affected by circumstances outside our control. To cancel, please contact us using the contact details provided in clause 13.11 (a). If you opt to cancel, you will have to return (at our cost) any relevant goods you have already received and we will refund the price you have paid, including any delivery charges. We aim to process all orders within three working days from the day following the day your order is placed (please note that Saturday and Sunday are not classed as working days).

(a) Delivery will be completed when we deliver the goods to the address provided by you at the time of your order, and the goods shall be your responsibility from the completion of delivery. You shall own the goods once we have received payment in full (including all applicable delivery charges). If the goods will not fit through the letter box and no signature is required and no-one is available at your address to take delivery, we will leave you a note that the goods have been returned to our premises; in which case, please contact us using the number provided in clause 15.11(a) for re-delivery. Alternatively, please advise us at the time of placing your order an alternative person to whom the goods may be delivered.  

(b) The available dispatch options for deliveries within the UK and internationally, and the costs associated with each method of delivery, are available before any purchase is completed – flat rates dependent on weight. Standard delivery is free on all orders over £100 within UK and Europe.  

(c) All delivery times set out in this paragraph 15.2(c) are estimated and are based on advised timescales set by the postal service.  

UK delivery times and pptions:
(excluding the Highlands and Islands)

  • 1st Class Letter: 2-3 working days
  • 1st Class Packet: 2-3 working days
  • 2nd Class Packet: 3-5 working days

International delivery times and options

  • Airmail – Eastern and Western Europe: 5-7 working days
  • Airmail – outside Europe: 7-10 working days

(d) All orders to the UK are dispatched via Royal Mail. We currently only offer airmail delivery to countries outside of the UK.  

(e) Nominated day delivery is not available internationally at this time. However, we do offer the International Signed For delivery service via Royal Mail. With International Signed For, you are opting for a more secure delivery that requires a signature from the recipient upon delivery of the order.

(f) Please note that UK and international deliveries will not be shipped on public holidays in Scotland. See more information on Scottish public holidays.

(g) Further shipping information for international customers:

Customers outside the United Kingdom may also be liable for any customs/import duty, quotas, permits, product restrictions and other local requirements, and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country for which the goods are destined. These charges must be paid by the recipient of the parcel. Customs policies and import duties vary from country to country, hence we are unable to tell you what the incurred costs might be. We strongly advise you to check with your local customs office for current charges before placing your order so that you are aware of the charges involved (if applicable). We shall not be liable for any such charges or if you break any applicable laws in the country to which these goods are destined.

15.3  Remedies for missed delivery deadline in certain circumstances

(a) If we miss the delivery deadline (at least 30 days after the day on which you enter the contract, unless an alternative delivery deadline is agreed with us) for any goods then you may cancel your order straight away if any of the following apply:
  (i) We have refused to deliver the goods;
  (ii) Delivery within the delivery deadline was essential (taking into account all relevant circumstances); or
  (iii) You told us in accordance with clause 15.8 (b) before we accepted your order that delivery within the delivery deadline was essential.

(b) If you do not wish to cancel your order straight away, or do not have the right to do so under clause 13.3(a), you can give us a new deadline for delivery, which must be reasonable, and you can cancel your order if we do not meet the new deadline.

(c) If you do choose to cancel your order for late delivery under clause 15.3(a) or 15.3(b), you can do so by using the contact details provided in clause 15.11(a) for just some of the goods or all of them, unless splitting them up would significantly reduce their value. If the goods have been delivered to you, you will have to return them to us or allow us to collect them, and we will pay the cost of this. After you cancel your order we will refund any sums you have paid to us for the cancelled goods and any applicable delivery charges paid by you.

15.4  Risk
Risk in the products shall pass to you once they have been delivered to the delivery address stipulated in your order.

15.5  Price and payment options 

(a) The price for the products that you order will be the price quoted on the Website at the date the order is received, except in the case of obvious error. All prices currently advertised are not inclusive of delivery charges: the prices associated with each method of delivery are advised to you during the check out-process, before any purchase is completed. You can check your delivery charges for your basket prior to check out and completion of purchase.

(b) All prices currently advertised are inclusive of VAT (where applicable). We currently do not offer VAT exemption for international customers or any geographical regions. The grand total of the order is the price of the product(s) ordered plus the delivery charge.

(c) We currently only accept the following payment cards: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro/Solo. The price charged to customers outside of the United Kingdom will be subjected to the exchange rate applied by the customer's credit or debit card company. The rates are not defined or determined by us. Your debit or credit card will be charged once you submit your order. 

(d) By submitting a credit or debit card number, you represent and warrant that your use of the particular card is authorised and that all information that you submit is true and accurate, and you authorise us to charge to the card tendered all amounts payable by you to us based on the products ordered.

(e) You may be subject to validation checks and/or third party authorisations during the ordering process.

(f) You are personally liable for any orders that you place and charges that you incur.

15.6  Returns and refunds
Please note – this section refers to Fringe shop purchases only – for information on ticketing please see the box office section.

Unless a customer exercises their right to cancel the contract under clause 15.7 or clause 15.3 applies, or we are unable to fulfil an order (for example, because a product has been discontinued), orders for goods made through the Website are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. For orders placed through the Website, completion is deemed to be when the products have been delivered. However, for orders placed for postal delivery and not received, we will arrange an alternative means of fulfilling the order. You should contact us in good time to inform us of orders not received, by telephoning 0131 226 0026 or emailing [email protected] for Website orders. 

15.7  Cancellations and returns (UK and EU customers only) 

(a) Customers within the UK and EU have a legal right to cancel a contract under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 and the Directive on Consumer Rights (2011/83/EU) respectively, during the period set out in clause 15.7(b). During this 'cooling off' period, you are entitled to decide that you do not want the goods and you can notify us of your decision to cancel the contract in accordance with clause 15.7(d) and receive a refund. Advice about your legal right to cancel the contract is available from your local Citizens' Advice Bureau or the Trading Standards office. Nothing in these terms and conditions will affect these legal rights. Details of your legal right to cancel, a link to the cancellation form, and an explanation of how to exercise it are also provided in the Dispatch Confirmation.

(b) Your legal right to cancel your contract with us starts from the date that we send you the dispatch confirmation (after your card has been debited), which is when the contract between us is formed, until either:
  (i) 14 days from the day after the day of receipt of your goods (the "Cancellation Period"), if your contract is for a single product; or
  (ii) 14 days from the day after the date of receipt of the last of the separate products ordered (the "Cancellation Period"), if your contract is for multiple products which are delivered on separate days.

(c) However, this cancellation right does not apply in the case of: 
•    Any products made to your specification or clearly personalised;
•    Newspapers, periodicals or magazines;
•    Perishable goods, such as food, drink or fresh flowers;
•    Software, DVDs or CDs which have a security seal which you have opened or unsealed.

(d) Should you wish to return the goods purchased or cancel the contract before the goods have arrived, you must notify us, within the Cancellation Period, that you have decided to cancel the contract. The easiest way to notify us of your intention to cancel is contacting us using the contact details provided in clause 15.11(a). If you are emailing us or writing to us, please quote your order number. If you cancel by email during the Cancellation Period, your cancellation is effective from the date you sent us the email.  
Subject to clause 15.7(e), should you cancel the contract within the Cancellation Period, we will refund you the price you have paid for the goods and any delivery charges paid by you, to the original method of payment used to purchase the goods:
•    14 days after the day on which we receive the product back from you or, if earlier, the day on which you provide us with evidence that you have sent the goods back to us; or
•    If you have not received the goods, the refund will be given to you 14 days after the day you gave us notice of cancellation. 
You will receive an email confirming the refund amount. 

(e) We will deduct from any refund the amount of any reduction in value of the goods due to any use of the goods beyond what is necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and function (for example, if this has been caused by your handling them in a way which would not be permitted in a shop). In respect of a refund of the delivery charges paid by you, the maximum refund will be the costs of delivery by the least expensive delivery method we offer (provided that this is a common and generally acceptable method). For example, if we offer delivery of a product within 3-5 working days at one cost, but you choose to have the product delivered by first class or special delivery, we will only refund what you would have paid for the cheaper delivery option. 

(f) If you have received the goods, it is your responsibility to return the goods to us without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days after the date on which you let us know that you wish to cancel the contract ("Return Period"). The goods must be returned to the address set out in clause 15.11(a) at your own cost (unless the goods are damaged, faulty or mis-described, in which case we shall refund the full price of the goods, together with any applicable delivery charges and any reasonable costs you incur in returning the goods to us). We strongly recommend that proof of postage is obtained when returning any part of your order. If you do not return the goods within the Return Period, we may charge you for the direct costs of recovering the goods from you, which may result in a reduction (equivalent to the costs of recovering the goods from you) of the overall refund due to you. This may be in addition to any deductions made for a reduction in the value of the goods (once recovered) in accordance with clause 15.7(e).

(g) Because you are a consumer, we are under a legal duty to supply goods that are in conformity with the contract. You have legal rights in relation to goods that are faulty or mis-described; these legal rights are not affected by your return and refund in this clause 15 or anything else in these terms and conditions.  

15.8  Product information

(a) We take every care and effort to ensure that all product details that appear on the Website are correct and accurate at the time when the relevant information was entered into the system. However, the actual colours you see will depend on your monitor and we cannot guarantee that images on the Website will accurately reflect the colour of the product on delivery. Where possible, we will provide measurements of sizes. Whilst these measurements are approximate, we do make every effort to ensure that they are as accurate as possible.

(b) Once an item is sold out, we endeavour to take it off the Website at the earliest opportunity as it may not be available again. We continually update our online store. There may be a delay between the time when the order is placed and the time when the order is accepted and dispatch confirmation sent out, and during this time, the stock availability relating to particular products may change. If a product you have ordered becomes out of stock before we accept the order and send you the dispatch confirmation, we shall notify you as soon as possible, will not process your order and shall refund the price you have paid for the goods including any delivery charges. Prices of products may change from time to time. From time to time our retail stores may run special local promotions (which may not be available on the Website) or we may offer special discounts online that are not available in the retail stores. If items that you order are out of stock, subject to a delay, or the price is higher than that shown on your order, we will try to contact you at the email address or telephone number you provided when placing your order. In this instance, you have the opportunity to cancel the order should you choose not to proceed. We will not process your order until we have your instructions. If we are unable to contact you, we will treat the order as cancelled, notify you in writing and refund the price you have paid for the goods including any delivery charges. 

15.9  Ethical sourcing policy    

(a) We are committed to offering you high quality products and to ensure that all our supplies are operating ethically, complying to national employment laws and regulations with particular regard to:
•    Minimum age of employment 
•    Health and safety 
•    Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining 
•    No discrimination 
•    No harsh or inhumane treatment 
•    Working hours and rates of pay 
•    Terms of employment
•    Environmental sustainability 

(b) We will never knowingly source stock from countries that are in breach of the above regulations. Where possible, we make a continued effort to look at our suppliers' ethical policies and monitor their principles to ensure they are maintained when dealing with their own suppliers.

15.10   Transactions
We take every care to ensure information provided to us by you is as safe and secure as is practical based on the nature of the transaction. However, every transaction is conducted at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any loss suffered by you, except as caused directly by negligence on our part.

15.11  Customer support

(a) If you have any queries relating to our shop, the products featured or the status of your order, please do not hesitate to contact us by using our contact form. You can also reach us via the following ways:
By post
  Edinburgh Festival Fringe Shop
  180 High Street
  EH1 1QS
By phone
  44 (0)131 226 0026 
By email
  [email protected]

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The following terms apply if you are registering a show at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (at registration.edfringe.com). All references to "we", "us", "our" etc. shall refer to EFFS.

16.1 Membership of EFFS

EFFS is the organisation that underpins the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and provides services to participants and audience members alike. EFFS exists to support and encourage participants, to provide comprehensive and accurate information and ticketing from participants and the public, and to promote the Fringe as a whole. EFFS is a membership organisation and anyone can join, but we particularly encourage applications from individuals with a direct involvement in making the Fringe happen. As part of the show registration process, we request that you make all individuals connected to your show aware that they are encouraged to become a member of EFFS.

16.2 Submission Guidelines

a.    In order to register a show for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, you are required to register on the Website and complete a Show Registration Form, which is your contract with EFFS (the "Show Contract"). EFFS will take you, as the person designated on the organisation contact page of the form, as the signatory.

b.    Your Show Registration Form will only be accepted if completed in full, so please ensure you provide all the information required.

c.    You cannot submit your Show Registration Form without the required payment.

16.3  Registering a show

a. For the purpose of these terms and conditions, “Content” means content and materials including, without limitation, data, information, text, software, photographs, graphics, images, trademarks, logos, video and sound content (including any links to, or Content on, any third party sites) submitted for publication and/or online Content on the Fringe Website, Apps, printed Programme and other listings associated with EFFS.

b. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting, or submitting as part of a show registration (including public reviews of shows) for publication in the Fringe Website, Apps, printed Programme and other listings associated with EFFS, any Content:

  i. that is threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in breach of privacy, or which may cause annoyance or inconvenience; and in all cases we shall be the sole judge of whether material falls into any of these categories;
  ii. for which you have not obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals or which otherwise infringes on the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party;
  iii. which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, gives rise to civil liability, or is otherwise contrary to the law of or infringes the rights of any third party, in any country in the world; or
  iv. which is technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, Trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data).

c. Unless otherwise stated, all Content is owned, and remains the property of, you and relevant third parties. EFFS claims no responsibility or ownership to, or rights in, the Content except as expressly set out in these terms and conditions.

d. An irrevocable, royalty-free and fully sub-licensable right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish and display such Content (in whole or part) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology for any purpose related to the performance of our obligations under these terms and conditions and the relevant Show Contract, for the Fringe season for which the show is registered.   

e. We reserve the right to delete, edit or modify any Content (without notice and in our sole discretion) where such Content is deemed to be unlawful (including, without limitation, in respect of a breach of a third party’s intellectual property rights) or otherwise in violation of these terms and conditions.

16.4 Terms of Your Contract

a.    Your completion and submission of the Show Registration Form with the required payment entitles

i.    Tickets for your submitted show(s) to be available for purchase through the Fringe booking system. A minimum of 25% of tickets for each performance of each ticketed show must be available for sale through the Fringe booking system. A commission of 4% ( VAT) is charged on all sales through the Fringe booking system. This minimum volume of sales is required for all ticketed shows, both live and digital (Tickets for sale at your venue are not provided by the Fringe booking system); and
ii.    You to payment of all returns made through tickets sold through the Fringe booking system, less the stated commission charges and music licensing fees, if applicable. Ticket sale revenues can be sent to the organisation contact listed on the booking form, the performer/performing company, the venue or another individual, as designated in the Payout Details section of the Show Registration Form. EFFS will send out all such returns no later than 30 September of the year in which your show will be performed.

b.    By submitting the Show Registration Form, you confirm:

i.    that you have a signed contract with the venue(s) chosen within the relevant form. Any failure to have a contract prior to submitting this form could lead to the show being removed from the Programme and the Website, with no refund of payment for that show.
ii.    that you own the relevant intellectual property rights in the Content and/or have obtained all necessary licences, rights and/or permissions from third parties so as to enable EFFS to use the Content for the purposes of organising, co-ordinating, advertising and marketing your show and/or the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
iii.    that you (1) consent to the use of your personal data and (2) have obtained all necessary consents and permissions from third parties under the relevant data protection legislation, in each case to permit the collection, processing, transmission and disclosure by EFFS of any personal data comprising part of the Content for the purposes of organising, co-ordinating, advertising and marketing your show and/or the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, including (without limitation) the sharing of such information and data with carefully selected third parties for those purposes.
iv.    that the details of the show are correct and final. Minor editing to show Content is allowable during the proofing process, but any significant changes will be considered a new registration, leading to the cancellation of the existing registration and the payment of any fee difference (if applicable). Significant changes include (but are not limited to); show title, copy changes, change of venue. If your circumstances require a change to be made then please contact the Programme Team directly.

c.    EFFS does not tolerate any unacceptable behaviour towards our staff and contractors. EFFS have a written Unacceptable Behaviour Policy covering matters of this nature.

d.    EFFS support the rights of those who take part in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to do so without fear of bullying or harassment, and has compiled a list of links to organisations that can offer support around bullying and harrassment.

16.5 EFFS rights under the Show Contract

EFFS reserves the right to:

  • Retain any money from ticket sales that is owing to it;
  • Refuse an application to register a show for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe by any company or individual that is a debtor to EFFS or FFTL (persistent or otherwise), or is deemed to be connected to a debtor (persistent or otherwise) of EFFS or FFTL;
  • Charge all applicable fees to any show or organisation that is listed on the Website (onsale’). For the avoidance of doubt, this also includes shows registered after the Programme (if applicable) has been finalised for print but not distributed to the public;
  • Withdraw a listing from the Programme or the Website if sufficient payment in advance is not received;
  • Edit copy for the Programme and the Website copy to reflect Fringe house style;
  • Refuse copy that contravenes Programme and the Website house style;
  • Cancel and relist a show where significant edits are requested after the stated deadline;
  • Accept corrections to a show's stated performance dates, times, durations and prices from its venue manager;
  • Your show registration must represent one show or event, and individual show copy cannot advertise or reference another show or event. Similarly, multiple registrations submitted for a single event are not permitted and will be cancelled.
  • Where a show can describe in one listing what that show is about, either online or in person or both, then this is considered as one listing and would only require one registration and one fee. If the description of the show differs for those attending in person and those attending online, then this will be considered as two separate listings and will require two separate registrations
  • Refuse to publish any text or images deemed by EFFS to be inappropriate for the general audience for which the Programme or the Website is intended;
  • Refuse to allow the registration of a show or – if a show has already been registered at any time prior to or during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe – cancel a show, upon reasonable justification, including the enforcement of our Unacceptable Behaviour Policy and/or our Shows and Venue Terms and Conditions;
  • Distribute listings and images for third party listings at EFFS' discretion; and
  • From time to time, send emails and e-bulletins regarding the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and EFFS to the contacts you provided in the Show Registration Form in line with current data regulations.

16.6 Indemnities and liability

a.    You acknowledge and agree that all Content submitted as part of a show registration (including public reviews of shows) for publication in the Website, Apps, printed Programme and other listings associated with EFFS is submitted at your own risk and warrant that all Content complies with the standards and requirements set out in Clause 16 of the master terms and conditions.

b.    You hereby indemnify and shall keep indemnified EFFS, FFTL and their respective directors, employees, officers, agents, contractors, sub-contractors, advisers and consultants against any loss or damage arising out of:

i.    the Content being unlawful or otherwise in breach of the warranty set out in Clause 1.6(a) above;
ii.    your failure or delay to obtain the consents, licences or permissions set out in Clause 1.4 (Terms of Your contract); and
iii.    any other claim that the Content infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party.

c.    Under no circumstances will we be liable for any Content, including but not limited to errors or omissions, or loss or damage (or claim thereof) of any kind as a result of any Content contained within, or any claim that the Content is found to be unlawful or otherwise in violation of these terms and conditions (including, without limitation, in respect of a breach of a third party’s intellectual property rights).

d.    Whilst we will endeavour to ensure that show listings will be printed and/or uploaded in full, it will not be liable for errors or omissions. We will refund a portion of fees paid solely in the event of a listing not appearing in the Programme and the Website, but will not be liable for any costs incurred by you, your organisation, your performer/performing company or your venue, including any loss of profit, business contracts, revenue, or any special, indirect or consequential damage, or loss of any nature whatsoever arising out of errors or omissions or failure to print and/or appear the Website or the App.

e.    For the avoidance of doubt, the limitations of liability contained in this Clause shall apply to both EFFS and FFTL. The indemnities granted under this clause  are also granted for the benefit of FFTL, and in the event of any loss being suffered or any claim being made against FFTL, it shall be treated as being a loss suffered by EFFS. Any such loss suffered by FFTL shall not be regarded as indirect, special or consequential simply because it has been suffered by FFTL and not EFFS.

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There are advertising opportunities on edfringe.com for Fringe participants and businesses.

If you would like to advertise in the Services Directory, which contains services useful to Fringe participants, please contact [email protected].

All advertising queries can be addressed to [email protected] or by phone to 44 (0)131 240 1916.

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18.1  In respect of consumers purchasing tickets or goods from the Website:

(a) If either of EFFS or FFTL fail to comply with these terms and conditions, the entity failing to comply is responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of its breach of these terms and conditions or its negligence. Loss or damage is foreseeable if they were an obvious consequence of EFFS' or FFTL's breach, or if they were contemplated by you and the relevant entity at the time it entered into the contract for purchasing the tickets or goods;

(b) FFTL only supplies goods in accordance with clause 15, for domestic and private use. You agree not to use the goods for any commercial, business or re-sale purposes, and FFTL has no liability to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity. 

18.2  In respect of business customers:

(a) EFFS and FFTL only supply tickets and goods for internal use by your business, and you agree not to use the goods or tickets for any re-sale purposes. 

(b) You confirm that you have authority to bind any business on whose behalf you use the Website or the App to purchase goods and/or tickets.

(c) These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and EFFS and/or FFTL, as applicable, and supersede and extinguish all previous agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between either EFFS or FFTL, whether written or oral relating to its subject matter.

(d) You acknowledge that, in entering into a contract to purchase goods and/or tickets under these terms and conditions, you do not rely on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms and conditions.

(e) Subject to clause 18.3(b), each of EFFS and FFTL will under no circumstances whatever be liable to you, whether in contract, delict (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise arising under or in connection with the terms and conditions for:
• Any loss of profits, sales, business or revenue;
• Loss of corruption of data, information or software;
• Loss of business opportunity;
• Loss of goodwill; 
• Innocent or negligent misrepresentation or negligent misstatement; or
• Any indirect or consequential loss.

(f) Subject to clause 18.3(b), each of EFFS' and FFTL's total liability to you in respect of all other losses arising under or in connection with these terms and conditions, whether in contract, delict (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, shall in no circumstances exceed the lesser of (i) £1,000; and (ii) the value of the tickets (including the booking fee) and/or goods purchased by you on the occasion which has given rise to our liability to you under this clause 18. 

(g) Except as expressly stated in these terms and conditions, neither EFFS nor FFTL gives any representation, warranties or undertakings in relation to any goods supplied under these terms and conditions. Any representation, condition or warranty which might be implied or incorporated into these terms and conditions by statute, common law or otherwise is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. In particular, neither EFFS or FFTL will be responsible for ensuring that any goods are suitable for your purposes.

18.3  In respect of both consumers and business customers:

(a) So far as lawfully possible, each of EFFS and FFTL excludes all liability to you or any third party whether arising in contract, delict (negligence) or otherwise in connection with:
•    The use, inability to use, or the results of use of, the Website or App; 
•    Any websites linked to the Website or App or the material on such websites; 
•    Your downloading of any material from the Website or any websites linked to the Website; or 
•    Viruses that may infect your computer equipment, software, data or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing the Website or App. 

(b) Nothing in these terms and conditions shall exclude or limit the liability of each of EFFS and FFTL for:
•    Death or personal injury caused by negligence (as such term is defined by the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977); 
•    Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or 
•    Any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. 

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(a) Each of EFFS and FFTL may transfer their rights and obligations under any contract made with you under these terms and conditions to another organisation, but this will not affect your rights or EFFS' or FFTL's obligations under these terms and conditions.

(b) You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms and conditions to another person if EFFS or FFTL agrees in writing.

(c) These terms and conditions are between you and FFTL in respect of the terms relating to purchase of goods, and for everything else (including, but not limited to, tickets, advertising and registration of a show), between you and EFFS. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

(d) Each of the clauses of these terms and conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining clauses will remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent possible.

(e) If either EFFS or FFTL fails to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these terms and conditions, or if either EFFS or FFTL does not enforce its rights against you, or delays in doing so, that will not mean that either EFFS or FFTL has waived its rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If either EFFS or FFTL do waive a default by you, it will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that it will automatically waive any later default by you.

(f) Please note that copies of contracts need to be filed or registered in certain jurisdictions in Europe. Neither EFFS nor FFTL will file a copy of these terms and conditions.

(g) We are situated in Scotland and the law of Scotland shall govern any interpretation of these terms and conditions. The Scottish Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction in any disputes between us (if you are a consumer, subject to any non-excludable rights you may have to bring claims in your own jurisdiction.

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20.  Contact Details and Notices

(a) Our contact details are set out below:

By post: 
Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society 
180 High Street
By phone: 44 (0)131 226 0026 
By email: [email protected]

(b) Any notices given to EFFS or FFTL, or by either EFFS or FFTL to you as a business under or in connection with these terms and conditions, shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, sent by pre-paid first class post or other next working day delivery service or email, in both cases to the addresses listed in Clause 20(a) above.

(c) A notice or other communication shall be deemed to be received: 
• If delivered personally when left at our registered office; 
• If sent by pre-paid first class post or other next working day delivery service, at 09.00 on the second working day after posting; or
• If sent by email, one working day after transmission.

(d) In proving the service of any notice, it will be sufficient to prove – in the case of a letter – that such a letter was properly addressed, stamped and placed in the post. In the case of an email, it will be sufficient to prove that such email was sent to the specified email address of the addressee.

(e) The provisions of this clause shall not apply to the service of any proceedings or other documents in any legal action.