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The Trusted Platform for NGS Data Analysis

Power the future of your genomics research and production pipelines with a trusted, scalable, and high-performance data analysis solution.


DNAnexus® for NGS Data Analysis


Focus on Science, Not
Software Development  

Harnessing the influx of NGS data requires overcoming obstacles related to standardization, scalability, collaboration, and compliance. However, building and managing bioinformatics infrastructure in-house can be costly, time-consuming, and less secure.

As a purpose-built platform, DNAnexus enables organizations to quickly and efficiently tackle the complexities of modern genomics research. DNAnexus enables your team to focus its resources on advancing science, not developing software.

Scientific Visualization Software-Black

Harness the Power
of NGS Data

To help you manage the surge in next-generation sequencing (NGS) data, DNAnexus offers an end-to-end NGS analysis platform that provides access to a wide array of bioinformatic and data science tools for building and executing analysis workflows.

With DNAnexus, users can integrate their own tools using Docker, NextFlow, and WDL. DNAnexus simplifies the process of streaming data from sequencing instruments to the cloud and automating and standardizing analysis workflows, ultimately enhancing productivity.


Access Our Team of
Trusted Experts

Top notch bioinformatics talent can be hard to find, but DNAnexus acts as an extension of your team thanks to its deep roster of bioinformatics and computational experts. Our team can provide assistance with tasks like migration, optimization, and pipeline development.

Moreover, our team of experts can advise on the latest advancements and emerging techniques, ensuring your team members stay well-educated on best practices.


Accelerating R&D within a GMP Environment

Explore how we simplify GMP compliance, making it seamless and efficient for biopharma companies.

September 18th  |  8am PDT  |   11am EDT  |   5pm CEST

Advance NGS Analysis

Frost & Sullivan paper

Frost & Sullivan’s 2023 Company of the Year for Precision Medicine Informatics

We can help you achieve your goals. Start the process with a brief scientific consultation to determine how we can help.