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Inclusion is the goal, diversity is the outcome

Diversity Lab leverages data and behavioral science to build inclusive and equitable talent systems that cultivate diverse workplaces in the legal profession. We level the playing field — through structure, accountability, transparency, and collaboration — so everyone can thrive and advance into leadership. The more diverse the leadership, the more inclusive their decisions for the benefit of their workforces and communities.

Decorative graphic which features two photos: one with two women in lanyards smiling at a speaker on stage, and another with a man in a blue tracksuit holding a microphone
leveraging data & behavioural science to interrupt biases

Since 2014, Diversity Lab has built, piloted, and measured the impact of experiments and innovations that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in law and beyond. Ideas are created through hackathons and piloted in collaboration with 350 top law firms and 100 corporations. We measure the results and share the lessons learned.

We do R&D for DEI. And our methods are working  —  the data proves it.


We partner with top law firms that are committed to making long-term, systemic changes by testing innovative talent practices and measuring the results.

We collaborate with corporations to create inclusive legal departments and incentivize law firms to cultivate inclusion and equity. 

How We Work

In collaboration with leading law firms and legal departments, we develop and innovate pilots that ignite systemic change in the legal profession and beyond. We leverage data and behavioral science to test ideas, measure results, iterate, and share lessons learned. We make a difference, and we have the data to prove it.  




We turn concepts into solutions through experiential pilots that we continually measure and evolve. In collaboration with 450 clients, we are always working to optimize our impact. 


Littler’s Inclusion, Equity and Diversity C-Suite Survey Report

Employers are being confronted with numerous legal and workplace complexities in managing inclusion, equity and diversity (IE&D) programs, from the repercussions of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions to roll back affirmative action college admissions policies to new anti-IE&D state laws to mounting calls to take a stance on social issues.

90 Law Firms Take Action to Increase Disability Inclusion

More than 90 leading law firms in the US, UK, and Canada announced today they are partnering with Diversity Lab to continue building a culture of inclusion for people with disabilities by implementing one or more of the actions listed on the recently launched Disability Inclusion Commitments.

Diversity Pros Hope Work Allocation Offers a Key to Building Inclusive Law Firms

It’s not an easy time to be a diversity, equity and inclusion professional, in the legal world or elsewhere, with the topic garnering significant legal, political and social pushback over the past year. But the involvement of more than 100 lawyers and in-house counsel in a DEI Hackathon organized by Diversity Lab reveals that the subject is far from dead in Big Law.

Connect with us

Contact us if you are a law firm or legal department leader who is willing to invest in systemic change to diversify your workplace.

Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up with latest happenings at the Lab.