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Nielsen - Delivering fast-moving consumer data and analytics on demand

Nielsen’s Answers on Demand (AOD) service delivers consumer data and analytics to businesses in over 100 countries. In order to track and report sales of fast-moving consumer goods, Nielsen needed a backend solution that could store user-generated data while providing extremely fast response times and low latency. Using Couchbase as a document store, Nielsen was able to sidestep many limitations of their Oracle database, simplify system management, and boost response time by 50%.

About Nielsen


increased change management efficiency


boost in response time


    • Needed flexible data modeling and the agility to quickly adapt to constantly changing data
    • A complex Oracle system was slowing performance during data searches
    • Had to scale for massive volumes of data while minimizing hardware


    • Flexible data modeling and queries increased change management efficiency by 80%
    • Pre-indexing metadata helped boost response times by 50%
    • Easy scalability reduced operations costs
    • SQL for big data analytics enabled more granular insights
We are able to put data to work in a more efficient way, and we have built a strong foundation for the future.

Architecture Lead, Nielsen

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  • User profile store

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