Why Couchbase?

Couchbase is an award-winning distributed NoSQL cloud database that delivers unmatched versatility, performance, scalability, and financial value for all of your cloud, mobile, AI, and edge computing applications. Couchbase embraces AI with coding assistance for developers, and vector search for their applications.

High performance to lower TCO

Couchbase offers impressive memory-first performance for your important applications. And, workloads can be performance-tuned for each application which can dramatically lower operating costs.

Read more about TCO

const bucket = cluster.bucket('travel.sample');
const collection = bucket.defaultCollection();
await collection.upsert('user_1024', {
    'name' : 'Don Chamberlin',
    'tags' : ['SQL', 'SQL  ']
const result = await collection.get('user_1024');

Couchbase Capella combines the schema flexibility of JSON documents with the ease of AI-assisted coding to help developers build distributed, transactional applications in their favorite languages.

Read more about Capella iQ

    COUNT(r.airline) AS numberOfRoutes
FROM 'travel-sample'. inventory.route AS r
JOIN 'travel-sample'. inventory.route AS a ON KEYS r.airlineid 
WHERE a.country = "United States"
GROUP BY a.name
ORDER BY numberOfRoutes DESC;
Versatility without complexity

Couchbase does the work of multiple databases, including key-value, JSON, SQL, text and vector search, graph, time-series, eventing, and analytics. This simplifies your data architecture without sacrificing features for your AI-powered adaptive application.

Read the AI blog

// key/value
await collection.upsert('destination:1000', { name: 'Paris' });
// full text search
const result =  await cluster.searchQuery("travel-fts-index",
    couchbase.SearchQuery.match('Eiffel Tower'), { limit: 10 }
// SQL  
const sqlQuery = 'SELECT name FROM `travel` WHERE country = "France"';
const sqlResult = await cluster.query(sqlQuery);

Distributed database architecture

User-centric, modern applications have unique requirements including the need for multiple data access patterns that reduce architectural complexity, offer mobility, and superior distributed performance across your favorite cloud.

AI-ready Couchbase Enterprise Server

Robust, high-performance, transactional NoSQL database with SQL for JSON.

Explore Couchbase Server
Couchbase Capella with iQ

Fully managed DBaaS with AI-powered code assistance.

Explore Couchbase Capella
Couchbase Mobile with vector search

Mobile database with vector search and edge sync services.

Explore Couchbase Mobile
Cloud deployment on your terms

Choose your cloud and choose who manages the database.

Explore Autonomous Operator

Development teams have special use cases to solve

Developers and architects hate complex, unscalable data architectures because they slow down applications, increase costs, and crush productivity. Couchbase helps developers address these use case issues from every angle.

Integrate smoothly with our cloud partners

Easily deploy and manage your cloud strategy with the leading public cloud providers and services.

Start building

Check out our developer portal to explore NoSQL, browse resources, and get started with tutorials.

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Try Capella

Get hands-on with Couchbase in just a few clicks. Capella DBaaS is the easiest and fastest way to get started.

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