ChildSafeNet is dedicated to make the internet safer for children and young people.

Who we are

ChildSafeNet is a non-governmental organization, established with a mission to make the digital technology safer for children and young people.  We work to raise awareness on safer use of the Internet and digital devices to protect children and young people from Internet addiction, online sexual abuse and exploitation, cyber-bullying, phishing, gaming addiction and to promote digital literacy. Read more …

What we do

We use innovative and creative approach for protection of children and youth in the digital age. In order to reach focused beneficiary groups, we produce and disseminate awareness and advocacy videos, motion graphics, radio programmes, animations and publications, tailor-made to cater their specific tastes. Read more ,,,

Ms Indra Devi Dhakal, Member-Secretary, National Child Rights Council, distributing a certificate to a student at Genuine Secondary School, Bhaktapur on 6 February 2024

Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally in February each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people and inspire a national conversation. Globally, this day is celebrated in more than 170 countries. In Nepal, the ChildSafeNet is responsible for managing and promoting Safer Internet Day. ChildSafeNet started the celebration of the Safer Internet Day in Nepal in 2019 as the focal organization.

The day offers the opportunity to highlight the positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together in helping to create a better internet. Get involved to play your part!  Read more ...

In 2024, the Safer Internet Day was celebrated on 6 February. The National Child Rights Council (NCRC) and ChildSafeNet organised an online safety infotainment event on 6 February 2024 in Bhaktapur, in collaboration with Genuine Secondary School and WorldLink.  Ms Indra Devi Dhakal, Member-Secretary of the NCRC and the chairperson of the SID Coordination Committee Nepal, chaired the programme, hosted by Genuine Secondary School hosted the event in their premises in Bhaktapur. School students performed online safety awareness songs and dances to raise awareness of online safety. They also took part in quizzes and debates on child online safety. Renowned artist Yaman Shrestha performed an online safety awareness song and entertained the crowd with his beautiful songs. Over 800 children and teachers from more than 10 schools were present in the programme. Bhaktapur Municipality ward members (wards 10 and 5), social workers and parents also participated in the programme. Read more

In 2023, the Safer Internet Day was celebrated on 7 February. To promote child online safety, ChildSafeNet conducted awareness events, in collaboration with World Vision International, Child Development Society, Lalitpur Metropolitan City and ChildFund Japan. Likewise, ChildSafeNet provided technical support and resources to civil society organisations, child clubs and youth clubs to conduct online safety awareness programmes. Read more

In 2022, the Safer Internet Day was celebrated on 8 February. ChildSafeNet conducted online safety awareness sessions in different parts of the country, namely, Sunsari, Kabhrepalanchok, Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Ramechhap, Nawalparasi, Dang, Surkhet and Doti districts. The awareness activities included online safety quizzes, screening of videos, presentations, discussions and essay competitions. Besides, online safety leaflets and posters were also distributed to children and schools, which were produced by ChildSafeNet in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands. Read more ...

In 2021, the Safer Internet Day was celebrated on 9 February. Observing the Safer Internet Day 2021, ChildSafeNet and UNICEF Nepal published a white paper on protecting children and young people online. The white paper includes a comprehensive assessment on children and young people's internet use, online risks for them and their vulnerability to online abuse and exploitation. The white paper was developed by ChildSafeNet in collaboration with UNICEF Nepal. The white paper also includes review of the policies, plans, response mechanisms and gaps related to protection of children and young people online.  Read more ...

In 2020, ChildSafeNet, together with partner organizers, organized a cyber safety awareness event to mark the Safer Internet Day on 11 February at Patan durbar square area, with the slogan, "Together for a Better Internet". ChildSafeNet, a specialized organization working to protect children and young people online is the coordinator and promoter of the Safer Internet Day in Nepal. Read more …

In 2019, the Safer Internet Day was celebrated for the first time in Nepal with ChildSafeNet as the focal organization. Various cyber safety awareness raising events were organized in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Nawalparasi. Please click below on the pictures or buttons for more information and pictures of the events. ChildSafeNet would like to thank all partners and collaborators for promoting safer internet in Nepal. Read more …

ChildSafeNet Annual Report 2024

For ChildSafeNet, 2023 was filled with noteworthy events. We initiated exciting new projects and achieved significant milestones in research, awareness campaigns, advocacy, and training. We scaled up our work in all seven provinces of the country.

Furthermore, our impact extended globally and regionally. Among our endeavours was the commencement of a research study focused on empowering parents in safeguarding children in the digital era. Simultaneously, we delved into a research study on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its implications on child online protection.

Additionally, we developed a comprehensive situation paper on child online protection. Similarly, we developed five toolkits for enhancing the knowledge and skills of the service providers and duty bearers for the protection of children online. This concise report provides an overview of the strides taken by ChildSafeNet throughout the year 2023. Read more …

Report Child Sexual Abuse Images and Videos Online

तपाईंको रिपोर्टले थप दुर्व्यवहार हुनबाट उद्धार गर्न सक्छ । रिपोर्टिङ छिटो र सजिलो छ । तपाईं पूर्ण बेनामी रिपोर्ट गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । Make a report in Nepali 

You can anonymously and confidentially report:

  • Child sexual abuse images and videos

  • Non-photographic child sexual abuse images

We know that seeing images and videos of child sexual abuse is upsetting. Reporting is the right thing to do.

Reporting is quick, easy and anonymous and it can lead to the rescue of a child victim from further abuse. Make a report in English 

ChildSafeNet has partnered with Internet Watch Foundation to promote reporting of child sexual abuse images and videos online.

News and Updates

A welcome step: a statement of support for Apple’s plans to detect child sexual abuse images

ChildSafeNet and more than 35 global organisations, including the UN Special Rapporteur on sale and exploitation of children, Mama Fatima, signed a joint statement of support for Apple’s plans to detect child sexual abuse images. Signing of the joint statement was coordinated by WeProtect Global Alliance. WePROTECT Joint Statement

ChildSafeNet is happy to be a part of the ECPAT International’s call, applauding Apple’s policy to tackle online child sexual exploitation & child sexual abuse materials. Within only a few days, 92 high-level signatories joined our letter of support to Apple. We encourage Apple to continue implementing the pathfinding tech solutions against child sexual abuse and exploitation. ECPAT International’s Call

Our Collective Call to Action

  • We call on Apple to remain on course and to establish a clear timeline for implementing these vital steps to prevent the repeated sexual exploitation of children.

  • We strongly encourage Apple to go further, and we welcome dialogue with the company on how to do this.

Photo: Anmol Shakya, Red Circle Creative Solutions

Survey on Changed Online Behaviour During COVID-19 Lockdown in Nepal

ChildSafeNet conducted a quick survey to understand cyber safety and online behaviour of children and young people as well as their parents during the lockdown. The survey findings will help ChildSafeNet and partners to design and implement cyber safety programmes, particularly during the lockdown period.

The survey was conducted in all provinces of the country using online Google forms, distributed through social media platforms. The survey, self-administered by respondents started on 17 April 2020. Results of this report includes responses collected from 17 to 21 April 2020. The survey was conducted with young children, young people and adults. Since the behaviour of adults may affect children in many ways, the survey also collected information on adults' online behaviour.

 In order to make the survey anonymous, no private information of respondents was collected. A total of 1,228 respondents (648 male, 576 and 4 other) had participated in the survey. Full report in English Nepali

ASEAN Regional Conference on Child Online Protection, Bangkok, Thailand

ChildSafeNet participated in the ASEAN Regional Conference on Child Online Protection in Bangkok from 25-27 February 2020 as a panel speaker. ChildSafeNet president Anil Raghuvanshi made a presentation on Nepal Reporting portal to eliminate online child sexual abuse images and videos. ChildSafeNet has been collaborating with the Internet Watch Foundation to promote the reporting portal in Nepal. Read more …

Cyber Safety Training of Trainers

ChildSafeNet conducted a four-day training of trainers (ToT) on cyber safety for children and young people from 23 to 26 January 2020 in Lalitpur, Nepal. The ToT was conducted as a part of the Safer Internet Day 2020 programme in Nepal. Read more …

Photo: Nikesh Tandukar, Red Circle Creative Solutions

Global Summit to Tackle Online Child Sexual Exploitation, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

ChildSafeNet president Anil Raghuvanshi participated as a delegate in the Global Summit to Tackle Online Child Sexual Exploitation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 11 to 12 December 2019.

The Global Summit, co-hosted by the African Union, the WePROTECT Global Alliance and the UK Government. The event brought together high-level representatives of governments, the private sector/ industry, civil society organizations, regional mechanisms/ entities, and specialized agencies of the United Nations. More than 400 participants from 93 countries are participating in the two-day Summit. Read more …

SVRI Forum 2019, Cape Town, South Africa

SVRI (Sexual Violence Research Initiative Forum) is the world’s key research conference on violence against women, violence against children and other forms of violence driven by gender inequality in low and middle-income countries. This year's conference took place in Cape Town, South Africa from 21 - 25 October 2019. Read more …

ChildSafeNet at Nepal Internet Governance Forum 2019

ChildSafeNet president Anil Raghuvanshi participated as a Child Online Protection panel speaker at the Nepal IGF 2019 on 28 September 2019. Highlighting the importance of multi-sectoral roles in protecting children and young people online, ChildSafeNet appealed the government, ISPs, UN agencies, INGOs, schools & colleges, social media & IT companies as well as parents to invest in making the internet safer. Read more …

Photo: Rujen Shrestha

Cyber X-Ploit Fair at Apex Life School

ChildSafeNet collaborated with Apex Life School, Saraswotinagar, Kathmandu to organize "Cyber X-Ploit" fair for school children on 14 September 2019 (28 Bhadra 2076) to raise awareness on cyber safety, cyber crime and digital citizenship. Read more …

Photo: Junu Vaidya, ChildSafeNet

“Parenting in the Digital Age” Sessions at Kathmandu World School

ChildSafeNet conducted "Parenting in the Digital Age" awareness sessions at Kathmandu World School on 23, 25 and 26 August 2019. Over 180 parents were made aware on online risks for children and what parents can do to protect them from screen addiction, online sexual abuse & exploitation, cyberbullying, phishing and other forms of cyber crimes.

Parents thanked ChildSafeNet for conducting cyber safety awareness sessions and expressed interest in attending workshops on parenting education to protect children online. They also suggested ChildSafeNet to conduct cyber safety training sessions for students. Read more …

Photo: Junu Vaidya, ChildSafeNet

Training of Trainers on Cyber Safety

ChildSafeNet conducted a three-day Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Cyber Safety for Children and Young People for Grameen Mahila Srijansheel Pariwar (GMSP), a Sindhupalchok-based non-governmental organization. The ToT workshop was conducted in Kathmandu from 10 – 12 May 2019 with the support of The Johanniter International. The training aimed to equip GMSP staff with the knowledge and skills to conduct cyber safety training, so that they can help to protect children and young people. Read more …

Photo: Sashwat Adhikari

Cyber Safety Training for Miss Nepal 2019

ChildSafeNet organized a cyber safety training for Miss Nepal 2019 finalists on 5 April 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The training benefited 25 beautiful young ladies. They were interested to learn about protecting themselves from online grooming, cyber bullying and hate speeches. They also learned about other forms of cyber crimes and reporting online abuses. ChildSafeNet had conducted a similar training for Miss Nepal 2018 finalists. Thanks to Khalti Digital Wallet for coordinating the training.

Photo: Anmol Shakya, Red Circle Creative Solutions

Photo: Anmol Shakya, Red Circle Creative Solutions


ChildSafeNet completed one year on 20 November 2018. We prepared this short video to look back and see what we did in the past one year.

Thank you all for following and supporting us to make the internet safer for children and young people. We would also like to thank our partners, volunteers and interns.

To conduct cyber safety training in your school, college or community, please contact ChildSafeNet at [email protected].

This video gives glimpses of ChildSafeNet activities to protect children and young people in the digital age.

ChildSafeNet conducted a Training of Trainers on Cyber Safety for Children and Young People in Lalitpur, Nepal.


Report online abuses and threats against children & young people.

Call toll-free helpline numbers.



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