17 años ayudando a las empresas
a elegir el mejor software

Sobre Bubble

Diseña, desarrolla y lanza potentes aplicaciones web sin código, utilizando el servicio de alojamiento en la nube y el editor visual de arrastrar y soltar de Bubble.

Descubre más sobre Bubble

Puntos a favor:

Beyond satisisfied with the ease of use and speed of websites built.

Puntos en contra:

At first I had problems with understanding it. I suggest a more specific manual.

Valoraciones de Bubble

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Atención al cliente
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Bubble tiene una valoración global de 4,6 estrellas sobre 5 según las 329 opiniones de usuarios de Capterra.

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Filtrar opiniones (329)

Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Software informático, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Nice to have

4,0 hace 3 años
Los subtítulos en español están disponibles en el reproductor de vídeo
Dev en Chile
Software informático, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Alternativas consideradas previamente:

El que mucho abarca poco aprieta

4,0 el año pasado

Comentarios: Es buena, me ha permitido generar negocios pero que no pueden crecer dentro de bubble. Necesariamente he tenido que salir de bubble para crecer.

Puntos a favor:

La flexibilidad de poder crear y usar rapidamente herramientas para los clientes.

Puntos en contra:

El precio, la escalabilidad económica y que he topado límites de cuentas profesionales con muy pocos usuarios. Eso me hizo moverme a Xano o Supabase.

COO en México
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Desarrollo de programas, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

La Opinión de un Méxicano

5,0 hace 4 semanas Nuevo

Comentarios: Llevo más de tres años desarrollando con ellos y en verdad me gusta mucho

Puntos a favor:

La facilidad para crear apps sin código y la asistencia siempre amable y rápida del equipo Bubble.io

Puntos en contra:

En ocasiones algunos Plugins no vienen con documentación suficiente, por eso busco los de Zeroqode, grandes instrucciones, gran soporte, otros proveedores también son buenos pero no como ZQ

CEO en Colombia
Propiedad inmobiliaria, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Una excelente herramienta para Startups

5,0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: La mejor herramienta para crear soluciones dentro de mi empresa

Puntos a favor:

La facilidad de manejo al momento de crear una herramienta nueva

Puntos en contra:

en algunas ocasiones es difícil seleccionar el elemento que se va a editar

Comercial en España
Marketing y publicidad, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

Herramienta no code definitiva

4,0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: Contento con las funcionalidades pero insatisfecho con la formación del producto en español. He tenido que comprar formación de terceros para aprender a utilizar la herramienta

Puntos a favor:

Puedes crear casi cualquier aplicación sin necesidad de saber programar. Es de las mejores comparada con su competencia

Puntos en contra:

La curva de aprendizaje es larga y está todo en inglés. No hay casi información para aprender a utilizar la plataforma en español

Founder en EE. UU.
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Marketing y publicidad, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la opinión

Like using Figma to design an app but it's functional

5,0 hace 9 meses

Comentarios: If you have good ideas paired with the time and desire to learn how to build your own app in Bubble, it is a fantastic, very empowering tool. Developing apps is hard, but Bubble makes developing an app without prior app development experience a lot less painful than you might expect. It definitely helps to tap in to the community for support and tutorials.

Puntos a favor:

Plain language expression composing and drag and drop design.

Puntos en contra:

My own inexperience with app logic has been the only difficulty using Bubble.

Bubble developer en Francia
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Software informático, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

A great no-code platform to build MVPs and more

5,0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: I started Bubble to build my company's app. Now that it's up and running I'm a full time bubble freelancer. I really love my job, I work on a lot of different apps and it's a real pleasure to open my bubble editor every day. My clients are super satisfied.

Puntos a favor:

What was most important for me at the beginning is that you can really build anything you want. I tried no code platforms before but there was always something that I couldn't do and my clients were disappointed. Now with bubble anything they ask, I can build. With the new responsive engine it's super easy to build beautiful apps in no time that work on all devices.

Puntos en contra:

I think the learning curve is pretty steep. When you start you immediately see the potential of Bubble but to achieve what you really want, you need to work a lot and learn a lot.

Cofounder, CTO en Italia
Automoción, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Great for quick MVPs and full Enterprise-solutions. The more I use it the more I'm convinced how valuable bubble.io is.

5,0 hace 2 semanas Nuevo

Comentarios: Bubble is ideal for building well functioning apps in very short time. Once you master the basics, it's really easy to set up fully functioning programs and workflows in days, and not months.
If you're looking to build Enterprise-ready apps, the bubble stack security features are a great asset.
With bubble I was able to test different programs and solutions quickly, without having to pay thousands for a full stack developed solution

Puntos a favor:

As a startup founder, I've been using Bubble.io for more than 2 years, from small prototypes all the way to enterprise solution that satisfied the strictest due diligence requirements. I've very rarely found technical limitations, and most of the time there's a workaround that allows you to achieve what you need. I've been able to set up APIs and connect with other systems in very short time The platform and support is growing like crazy.

Puntos en contra:

Initially, it has a learning curve, but if you have a coding background, it's easy to get used to the bubble logic. Some procedures are a guess work. Sometimes it's not clear how to do certain steps, and documentation does not cover all the cases

Head of development en Sudáfrica
Tecnología y servicios de la información, 11-50 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Alternativas consideradas previamente:

Why Bubble.io is highly over priced

1,0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: The software is great except for the new responsive builder that's horrible and the extremely high hosting fees. Especially now that the rand/dollar has worsen. Imagine paying $16,000 dollars a month for your software. Does that make sense to you? That's what it's costing us and it's ruining our and many other business that are really good at developing software.

Puntos a favor:

It helps us build software for clients with way less developers on a project due to bubbles ease of use and speed to develop complex platforms.

Puntos en contra:

What bubble makes up in speed of development it reduces the scalability of it. Bubble is 10X more expensive than any other software we use. Bubble costs us more in hosting than our office rent making it almost impossible for us to sell it to a client and we have lost a lot of clients due to bubbles expensive rates.

Respuesta de Bubble Group

el año pasado

Hi Adolf, I'm sorry to hear about your experience with our platform and pricing; I've passed along your feedback to the team. And if you're still experiencing difficulties with the new responsive builder, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Success team – we'd love to help you. You can also browse educational resources on our Academy, or ask questions on our Forum. If there is anything else we can assist you with, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Co-founder en EE. UU.
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Producción audiovisual, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Bubble gets you a website fast!

5,0 hace 4 meses

Comentarios: For an entrepreneur Bubble is a wonderful alternative to hiring an espensive developer who takes alot of work to make changes with.

Puntos a favor:

I liked that as a founder I could easily design with a college student what I wanted to to look like and I found a competent developer who made the mvp. After the mvp a local designer/developer has been redesigning and deploying a wonderful marketplace search engine.

Puntos en contra:

Sometimes Bubble goes down but I believe it's quickly fixed.

Co-founder en Lituania
Aprendizaje en línea, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la opinión

Alternativas consideradas previamente:

Powerful customizable no-code builder with minor performance issues

4,0 hace 9 meses

Puntos a favor:

• Extensive customization of the app design (changing layouts, colors, adding custom elements, changing elements conditionally, etc.) • Easy integrations with numerous external tools • Ability to quickly connect to external APIs • Ability to write or integrate custom code • Active Bubble developer community and extensive documentation • Ability to build progressive web apps using additional tools

Puntos en contra:

• Since I have experience in web development, some Bubble design features felt unnatural at first (e.g. not using standard CSS display options). However, I got used to it over time • Pages load quite slowly sometimes. I'm also using Webflow for another website that loads pages noticeably faster • As our database is getting larger, it sometimes starts loading extremely slowly. However, if I hit refresh, then the database loads at its usual speed

Usuario verificado
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Automoción, 201-500 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

Alternativas consideradas previamente:

Best Full Stack Website builder

5,0 hace 10 meses

Puntos a favor:

It's the only no code builder that includes a great database built in, this allows us to create all the website with only one tool. Coming from a development background it's really easy to use.

Puntos en contra:

You don't own the code and everything is hosted in Bubble servers so you depende on them.

CEO en Portugal
Contabilidad, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la opinión

Alternativas consideradas previamente:

Easy of learning if you already have some basics

5,0 hace 6 meses

Comentarios: Very good. Always eager to learn more and curious to know what will be the next releases from the team!

Puntos a favor:

The flexibility. You can basically build anything.

Puntos en contra:

The content of the learning center and from video tutorials are only for beginners when you start already dominate bubble but you still have lots of room for improvement is quite difficult to find content

Jose Ramon
Owner en México
Aprendizaje en línea, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la opinión

Alternativas consideradas previamente:

José ramon

5,0 hace 10 meses

Comentarios: I like it, I stared to use it two weeks ago and I already started a live project

Puntos a favor:

Al the possible things that you can do in the platform

Puntos en contra:

It’s hard to understand all the data queries

Founder en EE. UU.
Aprendizaje en línea, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: 1-5 meses
Fuente de la opinión

Bubble is great but has lots of room for improvement

5,0 hace 10 meses

Comentarios: I like the platform and will stick with it for a while. Bubble offers much more control over competitors.

Puntos a favor:

Bubble is good enough but has lots of room to grow. I'm optimistic on their future.

Puntos en contra:

Requires lots of workarounds and is missing some features like mobile development for now. Documentation for newcomers to the platform could be improved.

Codenaut en España
Tecnología y servicios de la información, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

Alternativas consideradas previamente:

Bubble is almost allmighty, just needs a more complex conditional logic for workflows :)

4,0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: We are creating a web app for libraries, for managing and access recourses. Part of this involves transferring or communicating (with API) information from our current internal business application (based on Filemaker). We were trying even to replace part (if not all) of this internal app into Bubble, because of all the powerful things previously mentioned, but the lack of complex logic/expressions also mentioned, forces us to resign for now and keep developing both application environments (communicated via API) and duplicating data, which makes it much more difficult and inefficient than a single environment.

Puntos a favor:

1) Design flexibility: the freedom of working with a blank space, which requires probably more time investment and craft building in both design and workflows, but allows a lot of flexibility and almost limitless possibilities. 2) Data relationship: the logic of the database, where instead of relations between tables, it works with fields as objects to access records in other tables. In the beginning, was hard to get used but once I got it, it is just a superpowerful logic. 3) Privacy/access settings: the privacy rules, workflows and hiding properties which combined allows making parts of the app and database public or private for specific users, and therefore for public webs, internal apps, customers apps.

Puntos en contra:

It’s major achilles heel for me is the expression system, both for allowing more complex logic and better expression editor (right now is a mess editing an existing dynamic expression). Implement a good condicional logic (case, if) along with internal expression variables (let) would allow making almost anything. This is really a huge thing, it is difficult to describe how this impacts or may impact an app, the complex logic and expressions (complex conditional expressions, better editing, variables) is the 50% of a complex real application. Improving this, would make Bubble a fantasy, a total killer solution.

Respuesta de Bubble Group

hace 3 años

Hi Alex, thank you so much for your review! We are so glad to hear you are enjoying being a Bubble user. Our team is constantly working towards improving the expression system, so we really value your feedback on that front. I've actually gone ahead and submitted your suggestions to our Product team for their consideration as we continue to grow and improve our platform. Thank you for your feedback and kind words - we look forward to seeing what you build with Bubble!

Director en RU
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Servicios de información, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

No-code development to solve almost any problem

4,0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: Without Bubble, my business simply wouldn't be able to respond as quickly to the changes our customers need & demand. Its features save me time and give end users an excellent experience.

Puntos a favor:

Bubble allows you to deploy software quickly, whether you're just creating a prototype, showing off a demo, or providing a full end-to-end experience.Need to change or update something? Fix it, deploy it, and end users simply need to refresh their page. Need to test something out? There's clear separation of development and live versions, and you can copy data easily between the two if you need to.It's also really simple to make mobile- & tablet-friendly websites using Bubble's responsive layout, or you can make mobile versions of pages and set up the logic to direct to these very easily.Bubble also handles databases, helps you keep them secure, and presents them to you in a user-friendly way so they're easy for you to structure on setup and get what you need out of them, either by searching in Bubble's backend or presenting that data to the user.It's also easy to integrate other products from across the web, with an API connector if you want to do it yourself, or thousands of community-provided plugins if you want really simple solutions.

Puntos en contra:

Like all software, Bubble has its quirks to get used to. Want to clear certain things in your app (like a field in a database)? Well, the delete icon doesn't always fully delete; you'll need to find the 'Optimise application' button deep in your settings and fully delete there.Bubble also thrives on its plugins for the best functionality. However, plugins are a mixed bag: Bubble doesn't do much quality checking, so some just don't do what you need them to. Plugin documentation is often thin on the ground, or totally non-existent, even for plugins Bubble publish themselves. Sometimes documentation for a plugin is a 1,000 post thread on the Bubble Forum - imagine searching StackOverflow, but every problem about that language was in one enormous thread - which makes it really difficult to find a solution for your problem. Relying on plugins also means Bubble is reliant on its community continuing to maintain these plugins; I hope that with time Bubble is looking to build in some of the features of its most popular plugins to the core app to secure both its own business and the workings of the businesses that make Bubble apps!Bubble are great with support queries, but feeding back anything that isn't a bug can be difficult. They have an 'ideaboard', where users can upvote good ideas, but it's unclear what priority these ideas fall under, or if they're in scope at all. The Bubble Forum is unreliable: many posts get no helpful replies, even fewer get replies from Bubble staff.

Founder en EE. UU.
Seguros, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

Great tool, but it will frustrate you

4,0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: I am building two prototypes or MVPs for insurance system applications using Bubble, and have run into a lot of obstacles trying to get past the Bubble limitations. The Bubble coaching ecosystem is tremendously helpful in surmounting these obstacles, and we have been able to get past most or all of them - but only after spending days beating our heads against the wall until someone is able to put us on the right path. But once you get past the roadblocks, it seems like there isn't much you can't find a way to do.

Puntos a favor:

Bubble is very powerful, and its model for building apps is good. It doesn't take long to get the basics down. The user community is really strong and helpful. And the fact that regular humans can write plugins for it is important (see the "what don't I like about it" section).

Puntos en contra:

Out of the box, Bubble has some significant limitations. And my problem with it is that there are user built workarounds for many or most of them, but there's no intuitive way to figure out which limitations are absolute, and which can be overcome using plugins or wacky workarounds. Like - you can only upload 200 rows of data at a time to Bubble - unless you happen to know about a plugin that allows you to do unlimited uploads, but only by jumping through hoops that you won't figure out yourself until someone shows you how to get past it. Or - you can't take data in one data type and create different data types from it. Well, actually you can, but you have to use a backend workflow to do it, which is not obvious. Once you see it it's easy, but until someone shows you, you wouldn't think to try the solution. At least I and my team didn't. Also - I really wish they would use more standard language in their naming conventions - Bubble "data types" should be "tables", Bubble "things" should be "rows" (or even "objects"). It makes it really hard to describe what you are doing with people when we can't get a handshake on what the words mean.

Product Manager en RU
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Software informático, 51-200 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

Great way to test out working solutions and ideas

4,0 hace 5 años

Comentarios: Having a tool like bubble is really great. There are only a few occasions where it hasn't been possible to use bubble but most of the time it's my go to tool for real life prototyping. Although there is no real support from Bubble themselves, there's a forum where you'll most likely find the answer to your problem. The forums search isn't great so i've found it's best to use Google to search the site. The UI isn't amazing but if you're used to wireframing tools such as Moqup then you'll get to grips with this pretty quickly

Puntos a favor:

Bubble allows me as a Product Manager to prototype working solutions that we can test with real users, without the need of a developer. This helps get feedback early on before we have racked up expensive development costs. The learning curve is steep, but once you've got the hang of how to work with Bubble most things can be prototyped with it. We're able to create new feature ideas that can connect to our main app. Existing users of our app can easily log into the prototype and start using the new feature. They're able to provide us feedback right away.

Puntos en contra:

One of the limitations of Bubble is that the API Connector can't handle API Responses that contain nested arrays. This means we're unable to use Bubble when working with large data sets or to display graphs when using these types of API responses. Additionally the process of having to use API Workflows to save items to separate lines in the database can be a bit tricky. As we're not using this app on a daily basis it takes some time to refresh your memory on how to do this correctly. Also don't expect 100% accuracy in saving data to the database using this method. It sometimes misses out some of rows in the table, which can cause problems if you need a prototype that is completely flawless.

Senior Manager en España
Consultoría de gestión, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Bubble review from non-IT no code developer

5,0 el año pasado

Comentarios: It's fantastic !

Puntos a favor:

Bubble is super fast at building & deploy a functional solution. You can do everything you want at pixel level. Workflows are fully under your control... there is really no limits (in comparison with other no-code tools). You can call any API you want & even add code if it's really necessary (i never had to do it). You can test & debug everything directly so you make very few mistakes. The (not so) new responsive engine makes it super easy to build responsive for any screen size.

Puntos en contra:

The "components" library can be improved to save huge amount of time. But some exists out of the box but need additional subscription on third party partners. It could save tons of hours to have pre-built page templates and configurable small components like "x-closing window", popups, menus, etc. just like we can style every type of input, text, button, etc. it could be nice to be able to build and save our "small component library" (maybe it can be done with reusable elements but it's not that clear.Have some wizard to set up the basic layout in the most efficient way could be nice : main menu with Option set and Repeating group, single index page with hiding groups "with url parameters" on that same menu option set, etc.

President en EE. UU.
Software informático, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

Absolutely love building solutions in this product

5,0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: Extremely pleased would be interested in demoing some of the things I have built for you

Puntos a favor:

Extremely easy and very intuitive, also combined with the bdk native functionality literally almost nothing you can't create

Puntos en contra:

Can't think of anything negative to say about bubble

Respuesta de Bubble Group

hace 3 años

Hello William, Thanks so much for your review; we really appreciate your kind words about our platform! If you'd like to share your application with us, please do reach out to [email protected] and we'd be happy to put you in touch with our Growth team.

CTO en Francia
Administración educativa, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la opinión

Bubble for prototyping

4,0 hace 7 meses

Comentarios: My overall experience is very good. The bubble is the fastest way to develop a prototype to validate your business idea with no code.

Puntos a favor:

I can integrate and call APIs from AWS Cloud very easily. Bubble allows me to control the App responsiveness to make it align to different UIs. Also, I like that I can create a duplicate from my project as a backup and restore it whenever needed.

Puntos en contra:

Bubble is really expensive and the free trial does not allow to integrate any APIs. I don't like the database in bubble as it is very restricted and does not allow any customizations. Also, It is a little bit slow to preview image and files hosted on bubble servers.

Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Gestión de organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: 6-12 meses
Fuente de la opinión

Bubble: Versatile, Easy to get the hang of, with helpful pre-built templates

5,0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: Overall I found this simple and yet powerful to use. It was impressive what we could do with the system. In fact we chose to develop the system we wanted vs. buying into a fully-pre-built sass application that would have cost us lots more per month. I think it has been a good investment.

Puntos a favor:

In a few months we were able to design and implement a freelancer marketplace with user management, signups, password management, workflows etc. We had no prior experience of the product and yet it was easy to grasp the concepts and start building things in a matter of minutes. The process was made easier by virtue of an app marketplace where we could purchase a template that did some/or most of what we wanted. From there it was straightforward to customise it to be the way we wanted it. If we'd kept it the same we could probably have launched in a matter of days, but we wanted to make some changes to suit our needs. It was surprising to me just how versatile a development environment this is. Sometimes these no-code environments can restrict you by making you follow their model - but Bubble seems to have a lot of functionality without making it mind-bogglingly complicated. I suspect you can make almost any kind of website or web application you want with this tool.

Puntos en contra:

The responsive page design is a bit hard to get your head around at first, and sometimes you get slightly erratic results. I believe they are making some improvements to this in a coming release, but it is useable even now.

Respuesta de Bubble Group

hace 3 años

Thanks so much for your review; we're glad to hear that you've been able to build your app with Bubble! We are indeed working on a revamp of our Responsive engine, and are hoping to get that live to users soon. :)

Founder en Francia
Internet, Trabajador autónomo
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de dos años
Fuente de la opinión

The best tool out there to build and deploy web apps rapidly

5,0 hace 2 años

Comentarios: I used and still use Bubble to try business ideas.

Puntos a favor:

The almost infinite set of options, I haven't encountered yet a use case I couldn't solve with Bubble.

Puntos en contra:

The mobile part. While with the new responsive engine we can create easily mobile version, I would've loved to have more options to deploy the apps into the main stores. Also, the design part of the UI of the pages could include more options, like what Framer propose for example.

Usuario verificado
Usuario de Linkedin verificado
Telecomunicaciones, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

Bubble is an amazing low-code platform

4,0 hace 3 años

Comentarios: Amazing -- we've built web apps, browser extensions, mobile apps, etc.

Puntos a favor:

Bubble is one of the most advanced low-code platforms on the market today -- far and away as compared to almost any other low-code development platform. One key reason is that it is about the only low-code platform that permits the easy drop-in of other APIs -- specifically, to directly permit end users to OAuth to their other apps instead of having to route through Zapier and other integration platforms.

Puntos en contra:

The database designer format is unnecessarily complicated -- wish it was much closer to the DB design tool that is used by knack.com

CTO and Cofounder en EE. UU.
Energías renovables y medio ambiente, 2-10 empleados
Ha utilizado el software durante: Más de un año
Fuente de la opinión

A great way to find Product Market Fit

5,0 hace 10 meses

Comentarios: Overall it's great, wish I knew about the SEO issues sooner, so that I would create a landing page on something else.

Puntos a favor:

It's amazing how quickly you can go to market with bubble.io. It makes no sense to do the same thing in code, even if you know (as I do) how to do it, just to find out that your customers wouldn't need the product you're developing. You have an idea, 1 day later it's reality. Still have to find limitations related to scalability, as my platform has less than 30 users.

Puntos en contra:

SEO ranking is terrible for bubble native websites, so do not use it for landing pages. If you just need to do a Landing page, use something else, such as webflow or wix. Bubble is great for webapps Some technical things take a little time to get used to.